well you guys wanted it

Joined Feb 2006
2K Posts | 3+
Kelvin's House
So here it is.


We need to sell 25 of these. The price will be right around 28 plus what ever the shipping works out to be.

On one of the corners it will have the EOTAC logo on it. if we wanted something else on it, it would be another 56 dollar set up fee. I am ok with that we would just spread it out over the price of all the ashtrays.

so what do you all think? let me know how many you want and I will add to the list.

Chris 2
Kelvin 1
B128thopen 1
NJsmokey 1
RMPD109 1
SpecialEd 1
RMPD109 1
Golfcigarjunkie 1
Cmontgomery 1
Dustin 1
Fernando/Eotac 10
Memebr By PM 2
twoputs 1

Total 24
I'd get one, but I like the CAO ashtray ya'll bought me during my deeevorce.
Come one guys 4 more and we can be good.

But lets just think we are going to do this.

if you would like to P.P. me my addy is [email protected]. Just remember 3.5 PPfees and NO MENTION OF TOBACCO IN ANY WAY!!

if you would like to pay by check PM me for my addy. I will try to lock down the price with them tomorrow
Looks like I got back on-line after my Irish Pub Crawl just in time.

1 for me, please.
twoputts said:
Looks like I got back on-line after my Irish Pub Crawl just in time.

1 for me, please.

twoputts, welcome back Brother!!!!! :D