What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

Joined Jul 2011
280 Posts | 6+
Travelling? Having obnoxious in-laws over to your place? Whats on the table?

I'm going back home and plan on having a lot of Turkey, yams, green vegetables and cranberry sauce. Then I'll top it all off with a nice cigar!
Travelling? Having obnoxious in-laws over to your place? Whats on the table?

I'm going back home and plan on having a lot of Turkey, yams, green vegetables and cranberry sauce. Then I'll top it all off with a nice cigar!

Yes. And the thought of it sucks. We are going to have a house full. These folks are white-trash. Theives, drug-users, and welfare-babies. The first cigarette butt I find in my yard I am throwing them all out.

Yes. And the thought of it sucks. We are going to have a house full. These folks are white-trash. Theives, drug-users, and welfare-babies. The first cigarette butt I find in my yard I am throwing them all out.


These people are not allowed in my garage (where my hot-rod and tools are kept). They are not allowed in my library (the library is also where my humidors are kept), and they are not allowed in the TV cabinet (where my video game consoles are kept). They are confined to the living room, kitchen, and dining room. That's it. If they don't like it, they can leave. I don't want them in my home.

Thanksgiving went by pretty quick. Two of the people who i didn't want in my house cancelled. The others showed up. I think they were uncomfortable being there. They ate and left. Total time spent was less than an hour and a half. There were two embarrassing instances for them. Needless to say they will never be back to my house again and that suites me just fine.

It was kinda funny; one of the guys has been in and out of jail for numerous misdemeanors (one of the reasons i didn't want his ass at my home). My dad is a retired deputy sheriff and as it turns out, my dad had arrested him a few times. They recognized each other. His girl friend has a pot belly and my mom asked her when the baby was due. LOL!!!! It was hilarious!