WOOT! Contest! My first anyways.

Antonio Y Cleopatra
Dutch Master
El Producto
Garcia Vega
Tampa Nugget
Tampa Sweet
White Owl

i can't think of any more
my head hurts

We have a winner. Sorry I have been operating for 16 hours so if I am a little goofy here, please forgive me.

DD wins again with Havana Honeys!

Grats and thanks to all for the guesses and fun!

BTW, I talked to the guy that gave the first guy the AF Hemingway. He gave him about a $65.00 three stick case with two Classics and a macanudo something or other. Like a year a go. The guy gave me the classic from that same case. Had been in there rotting for a year. Sniff. Sniff. Makes me cry to kill a good cigar that way.