Rubberneck... you are my hero. I could not have put it any better myself. And here I thought I was the only one fed up with with these big companies that are making so many similar blends. I guess they have to grow their sales somehow but I like the smaller brands myself. The ones who started making and are still making cigars for the sake of making a great smoke. Who are still blending cigars the way they and their families always have. Unfortunately, with sweedish match and altadis buying everyone in the industry, I cant help but feel like in 10 years there may be only one or two players left in the market. A sad potential if you ask me. Sweedish Match distributes perdomo, cao, rocky patel, drew estate, and la flor dominicana in europe already. How long do you think it will be before it wants all the US distribution too and buys up those guys? They already own General and have to make some kind of play against altadis, particularly after they bought JR. Sorry to rant but this just gets me so worked up. That there may only be a handfull of manufacturers to choose from some day.