coffee & tea

  1. A

    Green Beans

    Any recommedations on good place to buy my green beans?
  2. B

    Roasting Away

    I made it through 8 batches last night, I roasted some Konna and some Caracolillo. The last one had tons of oil after roasting. I can't wait to try a pot of that. And the first person that PM's me their addy can try some to.
  3. I

    Best press and grinder? HELP the Newbie!

    I've started down the slippery slope of coffee. I'm only purchasing every day, so I've only crested the hill I guess, but I figure I should really slide down head first and do things right. 1) So I'm looking for a good press. I read Bodum makes good ones and I like this one...
  4. C

    First Press

    Well, I got my first Freedom Press yesterday, a Bodum Bistro. I eagerly unpacked it, cleaned it up, and made my first cup of "real" coffee. Man, what a difference. The usual bitterness of drip coffee was all but gone. I highly recommend a Freedom Press to anyone that truly loves coffee.
  5. A


    Great Forum! Can anyone advise me on what coffee maker gives the hottest coffee?I have tried many brands and cannot get one that delivers truely hot coffee.Coffee that's almost too hot to drink. Do any of the current makers do this?I realize this is a relative term.But I'm sure you know what I...
  6. phisherman

    First roast

    Well I made my first batch of beans on friday night and enjoyed it on Sunday night to give it time to de-gas. It was very clean, I mean really clean. Bright but not too much in the flavour department. I think it might be the amount of coffee I had in there. I also need to get a burr grinder. I...
  7. A

    "Decaf" Coffee

    This is interesting. Is decaf coffee really decaffeinated? ... index.html
  8. phisherman


    IT CAME, IT CAME, IT CAME! My new fresh roast 8 was delivered yesterday, but only one problem: My wife did not get the starter pack as I suggested and just got the machine. So I will start roasting when I get some beans. I can't wait. Bless her heart, my wife said "Can't you just pick up...
  9. C

    check this - etching

    etchings. . . ... c.694089&c ache=1
  10. T

    Gourmet coffee

    Hello to everyone. I've been coming to this site for some time now, but just signed up to post recently. :)
  11. C

    Tanzania Peaberry

    Okay, I'm new to the coffee forum, but I know my brothers of the leaf will take care of me. I just purchased a cannister of TP last night and ground it at the store. I've heard good things about it but just wanted to get some further impressions from other members. I'm probably just going to...
  12. J

    Senseo coffee pod system.

    It seems as though I've won one of these systems. I haven't received one yet, as I was told shipping would be about three weeks. Anyone have one of these? How do you like it.
  13. B

    Lets get going.

    Come on let gets this forum going. I roasted 6 batches of Blue Bell mountain to full city Monday. Anybody else roasting?
  14. O

    I NEVER BELIEVED................

    .......... I would see the day that I would pay $40.00 a pound for COFFEE! In a moment of weakness this week I bought a half-pound of 100% Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans at a local speciality grocery. I have tried JBM in the past, but these were always "blends" that contained "some"...
  15. B

    New to roasting

    What do you guys think of my new purchases Costa Rican Tres Rios (Central America) Brazil Fazenda (South America) Ethiopia Harar (Africa) Sulawesi Toraja (Far East) Kauai Estate Reserve Peaberry Mexican Organic - Chiapas Fresh Roast Plus 8 Roaster I have been doing a little...
  16. R

    Texas Roasters

    Anyone have experience with Texas coffee stores that roast their own beans? Here in San Antonio we have one over on Huebner Road, but no others I know of. I've have been very happy with the price and quality of the roasts. I can't recall any in Houston, DFW, or College Station off hand, but any...
  17. B

    Yemen Mocha Sanani. Oren's finally has it! . . .

    I tried the Sanani years ago, and since then, have had to content myself with the Mattari. The Sanani has a bit of a spicy flavor, for lack of a better word, a bit more interesting than the Mattari and some other coffees. At $17.99/lb., it's also reasonable. If anyone's around the NYC area...
  18. A

    Since there isn't a "Survival Coffee" Forum...

    ...or a "Coffee Survival" forum... :wink: Simply, how long can unroasted beans be stored? Assuming I vaccuum pack, nitrogen flush, and heavy Mylar bag them, how long could I keep them fresh?
  19. A

    Cold brewing-anyone ever tried it?

    A few years ago I heard about a coffee preparation technique called Cold Brewing. My limited understanding of it was that ground coffee was "steeped" overnight, and then heated by the cup when you wanted some. The idea was that the aromatic oils and other easily sublimated tastes would not be...
  20. rmrdaddy

    Dominican Coffee

    Just returned home from the DR, i'm going to post my trip review in the cigar section, but I had some KILLER coffee down there! Every morning, the fellow came to our breakfast table, asking "cafe?" MAN, take off the top of your head! Strong, dark, and good! I brought some whole bean home with...