I got my birthday present 5 days early.

Joined Mar 2004
763 Posts | 0+
It's a Boy! So If you were having a baby, what cigar would you smoke?


Smoke allot. You want have any time for at least 5 years. Good luck Hope he is healthy and happy..
Congratulations!! As to the cigar, anything and as many as you can while you still have the time! :lol:
Congrats Brother! I will be praying for you!. I'd smoke the best thing I have.
Congrats! My wife is about 16 weeks into her pregnancy right now. Not sure if we're able to tell yet if it's a boy or girl.
Congratulations to you RedLeg. I would smoke something very special if I were you. One of those cigars in the humi that you been holding off on, nows the time.
congrats and smoke a good one. you may not be able to do it again till you get him through college.

Thanks all. It just so happens I now have a GOF in my possession.

Cybrus, Congrads to you too. You only have a month more to wait as they can tell at 5 months. Are you planning on finding out? It is so cool to watch the baby move on the ultrasound.

Congratulations Martin,
There's nothing like seeing your son for the first time when he was born. You've got a lot of special moments ahead: the first time he looks at you, smiles at you, crawls, walks, calls you "Daddy." Believe me, you'll need a lot of special cigars for those kinds of moments.
Do we want to find out? I DO! My wife isn't sure. I can't see why you wouldn't - it's not 100% accurate, so you still have plans that will work whether it's a boy or a girl. If we do find out, we're not telling anyone. But I don't see why we wouldn't want to know!
Congratulations, Martin (and also Mrs. Martin :D )!

Any cigar that you think is special would do, but if I had a GOF in my humi, that would be my choice.
Congrats brother. Smoke a big one. When that baby comes you will not have time for anything bigger than a petit corona.
phisherman said:
Congrats brother. Smoke a big one. When that baby comes you will not have time for anything bigger than a petit corona.

Amen! That's why I smoke so many pc's these days.
I got another birthday preasent. Yesterday my Best friend called me and said we are right by your work and His wife was going to delivery their baby. So on my birthday their baby was born. She is very cute. I have known this guy since kindergarten and introduced him to his wife.
