Cigar Trade Fun and Games II

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HOT PLANT is an equipment broker with 20 years of expertise in the industry. Hot Plant deals in new and used asphalt plants, pavers and asphalt related equipment as well as all components and parts. Our team consults on asphalt related projects worldwide.
My company is not quite that big.
The name has something to do with the year my bosses graduated.
Huh, same year I was born too..... I told myself no more trades for a while but this one is getting hard to pass up. I literally cannot fit another single stick in either of my humis..... Someone grab this before the end of the day or I'll have to.

golfcigarjunkie said:

Don, where did you come up with a name like Marciano?? And Connor, "danger"?? Come on guys.......hehehehe :D
I googled "guess it" and there is a magazine called guess and its editor is marcanio. OK it was a long shot but I figured his name sounded Italin so it just might be....
You know..."Danger is my middle name" You need to watch more movies, D.
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