Cigar Trade Fun and Games II

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Actually Tom, you are thinking about how they fornicate. Well maybe they do that to their soup also.

Dustinl said:
Actually Tom, you are thinking about how they fornicate. Well maybe they do that to their soup also.


I refuse to be roped into this girlish bickering!
B128thopen said:
I refuse to be roped into this girlish bickering!

Sooooo....................... are you gonna take a stab at the question or are you just gonna keep post padding??????
Its quite easy.

No guesses??? Steve or Rob ought to be able to snag this easy. Any of you guys should be able to get this easy for that matter.

Okay here is the first hint.

golfcigarjunkie said:
Dusty I checked on and googled it but no luck it is harder that it looks. This must be a pharse that is known it the deep south but not in the frozen north.

It really isn't a saying as much as it is a part of a process. What is the process?

Bikeman said:
Ding!! Ding!! Ding!!

We have a winner, Don got it, its a plastic drywall anchor that I just happend to have in my pocket after installing some shelves in my son's room.

Good guessing everyone, and untill we got to the vampire teeth, everything was going just fine.

Besides, I would have those teeth in my MOUTH, not my pocket. MUUUUHHHAAAAHHHAAHHHAAAA!!!!!!!

Gordon PM sent
Dustinl said:
Okay, here is the question:

What does the term "floating the possum" refer to? The term can also be "floating the cat or coon.

Please do not google the answer. I will post hints as necessary.


Taking a poop?
Dustinl said:
Okay, here is the question:

What does the term "floating the possum" refer to? The term can also be "floating the cat or coon.

Please do not google the answer. I will post hints as necessary.


Passing on unwanted cigars in the form of a PIF or F&G?
what you do while you wait for some responses to the game

hints ?? were hints coming or did th possum die :ehsmile:
BigMatt said:
Dustinl said:
Okay, here is the question:

What does the term "floating the possum" refer to? The term can also be "floating the cat or coon.

Please do not google the answer. I will post hints as necessary.


Taking a poop?
I would never post a question that required that type of answer. Give me a break.
dinoa2 said:
what you do while you wait for some responses to the game

hints ?? were hints coming or did th possum die :ehsmile:
dinoa2, you are welcome to take a stab at this, unfortunately bigmatt already knows the correct answer, so i'm afraid this question is void. The lack of participation in not only this thread but this forum is the reason that i have let this go to the wayside. For this I owe you an apology dinoa2. I will check with the mods and see how they want me to procede.

this is going no were fast.

Guys untill we get a little more trafic here I am going lock this one up.

if you all want to talk about it please PM me.
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