Cigar Trade Fun and Games II

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Actually the F800 didn't get released till after i bought my R1200S. I have over 15000 miles on it.

Anyways I guess this thread has kinda of died so, The 3rd person to send me a PM will win.

Hey everyone, I really owe an apology. I have been really busy with my new job, and kinda figured this thread had just died so i never bothered to check back in. Anyways i did recieve 3 PM's
and have sent a PM to the winner pbburner.

Congrats. Anyways send me your ADDY i will have something sent out on Monday.

Again Sorry Guys.

Sept. of last yr. I took my son and daughter,26 and 29 at the time of show, to a concert with me. I listened to this artist all the time they were growing up. All I heard from them as kid's was dad how can you listen to this, dad you are so old fashioned, etc. etc. Now they are both fans. They finally went to a real concert,,lol!!!!
This artist was one of the co-founders of this band. To win a couple good stogies,
Name the artist, what band he helped start up, what album he played in full from start to finish.
EXTRA CREDIT------Who was the other founder. What happened as to why he left the band, and what album was made in his honor.

Man is this thread dying or dead. If no one has it or at least took a guess, by Tuesday p.m. I will take P.M.'s to win.

This thread seems to have gone the way of the Dodo bird, so I will star it with a birdlike question. What other famous North American bird did modern man nearly drive into extiction????

Hint:They now live in my home province. Don't want to make it too easy for you.
Dustin, you are a golden cheeked Warbler!!

No, and No, keep it coming boys.
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