Cigar Trade Fun and Games II

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golfcigarjunkie said:
Some of the dog handlers from certain southern states like their dogs a little too much? :shocked:

Dang Don! We aint like them folks from Tenn or Joisy!

I bet you know as a fromer Mounty who handled some hard as nails dogs in your day!
The real problem was that the dogs got addicted to the drugs that they were finding.
Ok I will give three clues over the next three days. When you figure it out put all three together and post your answer.

First Clue: The opposite of softness.
Gord I'm not sending you anything if you win! :mrgreen:

What is the opposite of cowardice?
Third and final clue: Whats the opposite of disobedience?
Oh, oh, I know this one!!

Pick me!!

Pick me!!

Oh, come on, I know this!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh for crying out loud! I've given the answer to y'all on a nanby spoon! :lol:
The handlers are limp wristed (a term that connor is familiar with) and will not let the dogs do the job that they are intended for? in other words, the dogs really aren't good.

It has a better effect if you qoute the post and people know what you are talking about. Plus add to the fact that you are not even on the same page as the post that you intended to quote really has people questioning your masculinity now.

Sheesh, Connor.

Okay! I will think up a question and post tonight or tomorrow.

B128thopen said:
I will limp wrist backhand you!

Dont be so violent 'billy! A limp wrist slap would kill a Texan... :twisted:
Okay, here is the question:

What does the term "floating the possum" refer to? The term can also be "floating the cat or coon.

Please do not google the answer. I will post hints as necessary.

Dustinl said:
Okay, here is the question:

What does the term "floating the possum" refer to? The term can also be "floating the cat or coon.


How people from Tenn. make soup?
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