Cigar Trade Fun and Games

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I just won this one so I am not eligible, but I am pretty sure I know the right answer. I actually thought it was one of the easier ones, and that is okay too.
the rules that soupwell posted on page one of this thread state that you must wait three weeks before playing again just like the original pif

please guys if you know the answer do not give it away if you are not eligable
The use of canarys was stoped because they were not reliable and also the invention/ use of Davy's lamps
Barcochris said:
The use of canarys was stoped because they were not reliable and also the invention/ use of Davy's lamps

Ok the use of canary's is right and as to your second part is partialy right.......the answer i'm looking for is "why" the canary's where found to be unreliable

teddy was right this was just on the discovery channel the other night
Sorry that is all I got, Did not see discovery channel the other night

How about that they were not a good choice to detect Methane gass because there high heart rate they would die or pass out quickly, Before it came to a level that would be harmfull to humans....
Barcochris said:
Sorry that is all I got, Did not see discovery channel the other night

How about that they were not a good choice to detect Methane gass because there high heart rate they would die or pass out quickly, Before it came to a level that would be harmfull to humans....

good enough you win

acually what I was looking for.... but couldnt even find the source of the answer myself

Discovery channel said the birds would die but some would latch themselves to the perch and appear to be alive but where accually dead

I have your addy will get some sticks out to you asap
The article that I found said that better electronic detectors had been discovered that were more reliable. But I also remember reading that the SPCA had something to say about the canarys.

Miners said that they would miss the canarys because they treated them like pets.

Good one Stick, I think we all learned something here today!!
This should be easy, in the movie Dazed and Confused, What was the name of Woodeson's car and What was the year make and model?
So here goes...

What career Grand Slam winner had an endorsement deal with Wilson from 1923 until his death in 1999 at age 97?

good luck I know someone knows this.
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