Cigar Trade Fun and Games

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I actually have a good one. The problem seems to be that I cant play untill I have a set address.

... and sticks worth payin out.
I have a good one in mind, but i won't have a chance to post it till tomorrow. Till then....
Never mind of the good one I had in mind BUT....I was messing with my phone the other day and I took a picture by accident. First one to tell me what I took the picture of will win a cigar pack. One guess per person per day.
Looks to me like the undeside of a car. One of the rubber bushinged suspension joints is visible toward the bottom of the pic. The exhaust seems to run along the right side and it looks like part of the transmission is in the center.

All the best,

Can't get anything past this guy....I thought it would be harder. Guess that shows how often I'm under a car. Can u tell me what kind of car from the pic!? :lol:

PM me your addy!!
Way to go Fargo, that was going to be my guess too. I recognised the bushing and controll arm.

Now brother, lets have a good one!

Ok, I'm thinking. Give me a few to come up with something good.

All the best,

I don't know if it is REALLY possible to tell what make it is, unless someone is a mech. for that particular brand, but..

It is front wheel drive isn't it?
That's a CV joint boot in the lower portion of the pic, not a suspension mount....
Got sticks today from both railed and corojobrad, thanks guys!

Nice selection, too, ranging from an H. Upmann Cameroon (from Brad) to a Nepalese Warrior and a Diesel (from Grant). Dang, guys,
I've been wanting to try all of these. Out of seven cigars received, there's not a sour note in the bunch.
rmrdaddy said:
I don't know if it is REALLY possible to tell what make it is, unless someone is a mech. for that particular brand, but..

It is front wheel drive isn't it?
That's a CV joint boot in the lower portion of the pic, not a suspension mount....

That's actually a pic taken from the middle torwad the rear. It's a Subaru WRX STI...AWD. Is it bad that I have no idea what a CV joint or a suspension mount look like?!? :?
if it's your ride...the answer is YES!!!
You an STi man??
I mentioned that I'm in the car business, I sell Subaru. My wife has one, my brother, and my mother. Think I'm a fan of the product?
rmrdaddy said:
if it's your ride...the answer is YES!!!
You an STi man??
I mentioned that I'm in the car business, I sell Subaru. My wife has one, my brother, and my mother. Think I'm a fan of the product?

I wish I was....

I was watching as my friend was installing a rear swar bar on his. I'd love one if i had that kind of cash to drop on a car, but alas I buy too many cigars :lol:
I was thinking not only are we BOTL, but we were BAM (Brothers fom Another Mother) !!
Is your buddy into autocross or something?
The STi comes hooked up, AWD, 300 HP, 300ft-lbs, 6 speed manual, DCCD, blah,blah,blah....
Unless he's doing something other daily driving it, changing out the sways is pretty much gilding the lily, IMHO...

But, that's coning from a guy with 2 full humidors :roll:
That pic was taken the night before we drove the last test and tune before the autocross points season started at raceway park. He's big into it, but I just go along every now and again. I find it to be a fun thing to do for a day every now and again. My car puts me in H stock so the compitition is reasonable for a newbie like me.

Anyways...sorry to all for the Hijack, but it's all fun and games :lol:

Agreed Jack over, so where is Fargo......

It's question time brother!!!
Sorry 'bout the delay gents,

Here we go. How many signatures are required to get someone on the ballot for a federal House of Representatives seat in Michigan, and what number is generally considered to make you safe even if the validity of you signatures is challenged?

All the best,

1) 1000 (number required)
2) 2000 (maximum allowed)

in 2004, Mr. Dingell was required to submit 1000, and he submitted the max of 2000

You both have part A. correct, but as to part B you don't have the number I have heard. I'll check into it a bit more, but keep guessing.

All the best,


P.S. Doesn't John Dingell hold the record for the longest tenure in the House? I suppose it might be embarrasing to have enough sigs challenged, even in that hopelessly gerrymandered district, to keep him off the ballot. Not that that would ever happen, but I currently reside in that district and the whole thing is quite interesting.
ok, I'll come back with 1500 on the "safe" number.

In my research I saw a report of a gent who was challenged on validity. He had a total of 1900 write ins, but 1100 were in question, leaving him UNDER the necessary amt...
IIRC it was not in MI though....

Just a thought, why not just send High PSI and myself out packages?????? :wink:
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