Cigar Trade Fun and Games

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Congratulation Gordon!! The "official" time by our clocks was 48 mins, 51 seconds...beginning at 9:14:09 est and ending at 10:04 est pm. Leave it to our Canadian brother, your guess of 48 min 15 secs was closest without going over...i should still have your addy so will get some sticks out to you soon!
WAHOO!! Its about time I won this thread!! Now I have to come with something interesting.....let me give it some thought!
phisherman said:
How aboot; "How many Molson XXX's does it take to get Gordo drunk?"

Hahahahahaha. Now that was good.

How about this for a question:

Whats the dollar amount spent by NHL team doctors on damage to players caused by Bob Probert?

Just a suggestion. :lol:
Okay boys, here it is....

"Why is New Jersey called the 'Garden State' ?"

Now I have a specific answer in mind, and will give more clues as it becomes necessary. I don't want to say too much right away, because I don't want to give it away.

Good Luck everyone. And by the way, as a bonus, the winner gets to borrow a copy of the Funte DVD that was gifted to me by ChrisG, and then he is to pass it on so everyone can see it if they wish.
Abraham Browning said New Jersey was like a barrel filled with goods and opened at both ends with Pennsylvanians grapping from one end and New Yorkers from the other.
Now I don't want to see any New Jersey digs here, capisce????.

And it has nothing to do with burying bodies in the garden.......
because when driving through it, it smells like sh*t so they must be fertilizing something? :lol:
I think Roland and Kev have been watching too much Soprano's lately.

Kev, just because you're bald like Tony doesn't mean you are in the Mafia.
Because they used to have a lot of farmland for corn, potatoes, tomatoes, bluberries (I think the first Blueberries in America were grown there) etc... Then all the bodies started taking up space. Now all the farmland is just a giant landfill.

Other notable answers
" because it always smell like it has just been fertilized"
"because Newark smells like a Rose"
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