Jhiggs, if you think malone's reaction was strong, you should have heard a few of us, especially me, back in my days on another web site. I think malone has displayed enough decency in the discussions here, and perhaps in personal contact with others so that no one need to be suspicious of his motivations. If I weren't a moderator here, I might let loose with some of my past comments about people smoking flavored cigars. Of course, none of those remarks were ever made with any sort of true animosity or real disrespect, because I'd have be a real idiot to feel that way about someone just because they wanted to smoke a cigar that tasted like a pizza with sundried tomato and pineapple.
I believe if one had been able to see malone during his post, he probably would have had a huge lump on one side of his face from having his tongue planted firmly in his cheek. As has been observed on more than one occasion, it's easy to read something on the internet and "get offended." I see no need here, because I think malone has shown he's a pretty good guy.
As for flavored cigars, if you folks have noticed, I tend to avoid those discussions, except for some light comments about cognac flavored cigars I used to smoke on occasion, and my experience with Maker's Mark cigars.
So, I'm taking malone by the HAND (as a FRIEND, we are not announcing another "MARRIAGE" here :rotflmao: ) and leaving. Harumph. :sm_angel:
If you really want to find us, we'll be at my new Uncle Ernie's backyard barbecue with my new best friend Macallan. :bolt: