Godiva Cigar

Infussion huh? I think the original's shouldnt be messed with , and this goes for everything , not just cigars. Like music , you always hate the remakes...(thinks about Guns & Roses "Knocking on heavens door".) Bob Dylan should be the only one allowed to sing that song!!! (This of course is only my opinion :wink: ) But then again , a good philosphy is to try everything once , then decide if you like it or not.
I really don't see what the big deal is here.

Cigars are all about preference, and if someone chooses to buy a cigar and try something new that works, big deal. If you enjoy the originals, smoke on man. Telling someone not to improve on something because you don't like it, well thats ignorant.

Personally, I feel that we should still use whale blubber oil for lighting instead of electricity out of respect for the whalers :roll:
I love these kind of discussions. Push a topic to the extremes and everyones true nature comes out.

Personally, I'm quite the purist with it comes to cigars or fine drink. I feel that the cigar, something that gives me such great enjoyment, should not be tampered with and should be enjoyed in its most natural form, thus respecting the cigar. (And, yes, a cigar must be respected)

But, I also respect the tastes of others and I would not go out and discriminate against those who enjoy these. Really, if you look at it from a commercial point of view, flavoured cigars aren't all that bad. I think there are many people out there that are just plain intimidated by cigars. Flavoured cigars takes the edge off of the "oh so high class and hard to appreciate" cigar and allows inexperienced cigar smokers to wedge their way into the cigar world. And, most likely, these new smokers will probably go from flavoured cigars to the real cigars out there (haha sorry. a bit of my purist nature is leaking out).

Anyways, those are my two cents.
I agree Montnoir, I too am a purist....

I used to smoke flavored cigars, then I moved on...For me it was a stepping stone to other enjoyment....

I Don't care what anyone else is smoking as long as they enjoy it!! :D