Happy Halloween!

Joined Aug 2007
2K Posts | 28+
Somewhere down in Texas
:pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin: :pumpkin:

So does anyone have plans for tonight?

We are taking Austin to the park tonight. The city is having festivities that are family oriented. We are dressing Austin up as a pumpkin!

Everyone be safe!

Damn, you stole my idea!

Just took my Butterfly, Caterpillar and Dragon out for some treats. Sitting here now giving out candy to the older kids.

Have a safe and Happy night everyone!
We took our Tinkerbell to the block party and they ToTing with friends. Came home and passed out on the couch!
It was a great night!
The older 3 kids all took off with their friends. My neighbor and I headed out with my youngest son, his son & daughter and another neighbor's son. Was able to get in a 5 Vegas Gold and a Rocky Edge and a bunch of beers, shots etc as we went from neighbor to neighbor. Great time. I went to bed about 10pm and we left the light on for our oldest daughter who was coming home at midnight from a party. At 10:30 pm the doorbell rings. My wife elbows me and I throw on some pants and head downstairs. 3 kids at the door trick or treating. 10:30 PM!! By the time I got down there, they had headed out and proceeded to tear up my McCain signs. I yelled at them and they started putting them back up and saying "McCain Sucks etc". Woke up today and stole some of the kids M& M's
No trick or treaters. Haven't had any no matter where I have lived in the past many years. My wife and I don't "celebrate" Halloween, but I always have a small stash of candy anyway. End up eating it all by my fatself every year anyway.
well Ben 10 and the lady bug took in a pretty nice haul yesterday. The wife and I took them around our block and Grandma passed out Candy.
Your grandma passed out?? Oh....candy!!

My kids are to old to go trick or treating, so we did hand out duty while they were both working. We only had about 10 kids this year, there are no houses right across the street from us, and so most kids just skip our house completly....Ha! Ha!! More leftover candy for the rest of us!