
I have known that Matt was a mook for a long time now, cause I am the KING of the mooks.
If you three are such big mooks, what are you smoking right now?
If Rob is the Prince Mook, does that make me a "mookys Uncle"?
Mattycakes! Whats up big dog? Mooks, its good to be one!
TIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WASSUP!!!!!!

Well, look what the cat dragged in. Welcome back Mr. Wolfe!!


you spelled my name wrong, you mook
(in the best Sweetish Chef voice) today we make the chocolate mook hmmm hmmm hmmm...first you get the chocolate... hmmm hmmm hmmm.... then you get the mook. mook, mook!! here mook !
Sorry Tim, I was just to glad to see you brother!!

Now you guys all come down to the chat, ya hear??