Joggin group with ipod nano....

Joined Aug 2006
297 Posts | 0+
Somewhere Out there
If anybody else has an iPod nano and the Nike+ Sensor or interested in getting it/them. We can set up a "group" via the free nike account that you use to track your runs and goals.

If anybody is interested in this, we can set up the group and create goals/challenges. We can even make it interesting by setting up an incentive to win the goal/challenge (besides getting in great shape). For instance, the winner will receive 2-3 cigars from everybody else in the group.
Hey. So are you a runner? I don't have the ipod shoes but it would be cool to find a running partner.
im not a runner but im getting into it. You dont actually need the shoes, if you have an ipod nano all you need to get is the sensor which is $30 and there are different free/cheap and easy options for converting your shoes to be compatible with the sensory
I still haven't got the sensor. haha. But I have been running a lot. How have you been with your running? I hope its going well.