Karma Contest

Joined Feb 2005
2K Posts | 0+
Cedar Key
Contest time! Since I won the contest Tanger had, I figured it would only be fitting if I had my own. So, here's the deal. There are 3 categories below. You're job is to guess what my favorites are from the list provided.

Now, here is where it gets tricky. There are 2 rules.

First - You get a total of 4 guesses. You can spread them out and use one guess for each of the categories, or you can do some combination - say 3 guesses for Category A, and one guess for Category B.

Second - there will be a sub-group for each item in each category as well. If you want to guess the favorite from the sub-group, it will use up one of your guesses as well.

When you place a guess, please indicate the category, the item number, and (if you're going for it) the sub-group letter.

Judging - each category will have one winner. The winner for a category will be the first one who guesses both my favorite item from the category, and my favorite item from the sub-group. If no one guesses both, then the winner will be the first person to guess my favorite item from just the main category list.

Prize - the winner of each category will receive 5 cigars. If the winner also correctly picked the sub-group item, then a 6th, special cigar will included as well.

Now for the categories:

Category: Favorite Musical Group/Artist (Sub-group - Favorite Song)
  • 1. KMFDM
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Money
    B. Power
    C. Juke Joint Jezebel
  • 2. Jimmy Buffett
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Come Monday
    B. Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes
    C. A Pirate Looks at Forty
  • 3. Van Halen
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Panama
    B. Ain't Talking Bout Love
    C. Poundcake
  • 4. Jackson Brown
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. The Pretender
    B. Running On Empty
    C. These Days
Category: Favorite Author (Sub-group - favorite book)
  • 1. Tom Clancy
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Hunt For Red October
    B. Sum of All Fears
    C. Executive Orders
  • 2. Terry Brooks
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Sword of Shannara
    B. Elfstones of Shanara
    C. Magic Kingdom For Sale - Sold!
  • 3. Robert Heinlein
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
    B. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
    C. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • 4. Neal Stephenson
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Snowcrash
    B. Cryptonomicon
    C. Zodiac
Category: Favorite Movie Star (Sub-group - favorite movie)
  • 1. Bruce Campbell
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Army of Darkness
    B. Bubba Ho-Tep
    C. The Evil Dead
  • 2. Bruce Willis
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Die Hard
    B. Hudson Hawk
    C. Last Man Standing
  • 3. Sean Connery
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Hunt For Red October
    B. The Untouchables
    C. Finding Forrester
  • 4. Bill Murray
    [list:3okf5rsk]A. Caddyshack
    B. The Man Who Knew Too Little
    C. Ghost Busters

Now, if you guys can actually make any sense out of what I just wrote, then we're in good shape!

The contest will end Friday at noon or when all of the correct answers have been guessed - whichever comes first.
Fav movie star Bill Murray
Caddy Shack

Fav Group Jimmy Buffet
Come Monday

Thats my 4 guesses.
okay here goes

Jackson Brown - Running On Empty

Tom Clancy - Hunt For Red October

Bruce Campbell - Army of Darkness
Category: favorite movie star: bruce campbell
Favorite movie: army of darkness
Alright - Jesse52 - right idea with the 4 guesses

railed - that's 6 guesses, let me know which 4 you want to count

fargo - 2 more guess for you!
oh i just reread the rules woops can i re guess

How about these ones then

Tom Clancy - Hunt For Red October

Bruce Campbell - Army of Darkness
Favorite Author
Tom Clancy - Hunt For Red October

Favorite Movie Star
Sean Connery - Hunt for Red October
I'll take a stab-

Neal Stephenson- Cryptonomicon (Badass Book!)

Bruce Willis- Die Hard
Jimmy Buffett- Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes

Bruce Campbell - Army of Darkness
Favorite Musical Group/Artist (Sub-group - Favorite Song)

2. Jimmy Buffett

C. A Pirate Looks at Forty (also my fav)

Favorite Movie Star (Sub-group - favorite movie)

4. Bill Murray

C. Ghost Busters
Whoo hoo! Music group is knocked out - way to go corojobrad. That was pretty quick.

Jimmy Buffett - A Pirate Looks At Forty

Nice job! What a great song - almost get a bit teary-eyed when I hear it.

PM me your address and I'll get your package out soon.
Category Favorite star: Bill Murray
Subcategory Film: The man who knew too little
Group movie star

Sean Connery....The Untouchables

Group author

Tom Clancy....Excecutive Order
Congrats webesmoked - you knocked the book category out.

Tom Clancy is definitely my favorite author and Executive Order is tops on that list!

PM me your address and I'll get some cigars out to you soon!

Movie category:

Bruce Willis: Last man standing

Bruce Campell: Evil Dead
Well, looks like we have a winner for the movies too! Nice job Tanger - Bruce Willis in Hudson Hawk.

Guess that Karma thing really did pay off! Kind of interesting though - you did you contest to clear our room, and now I'm going to be helping you fill it back up! PM me your address (forgot to copy it off the box you sent) and I'll get your smokes out soon.

I thought that was the red herring choice. UGH!