Karma Contest

Great contest! I actually knew you liked Buffett and Hudson Hawk! The movie catagory was tough since you have Bruce Campbell as your avatar and you've mentioned "strange things are afoot at the circle k."
Yep - I really like every item on the list. And Ash from Army of Darkness probably threw a few people off. And the quote from signature isn't from my favorite Buffett song.

Figured this would be a fun way to put some of my interests out there and see what people said!
You get 10 points for imaginative contes for sure brother!! I had no ideas on what to guess, so I thought I would let this one slide. Way to go brother!!
Well, Tanger, webesmoked, and corojobrad - I'm just getting out of work now after 3 hours of unexpected overtime. As a result, I wasn't able to get your cigars out today. I'll do my best to get them out tomorrow.

I need a beer and a cigar!
cybrus said:
Well, Tanger, webesmoked, and corojobrad - I'm just getting out of work now after 3 hours of unexpected overtime. As a result, I wasn't able to get your cigars out today. I'll do my best to get them out tomorrow.

I need a beer and a cigar!

No problem. I had a long day myself but now I've had a beer (or four) and a cigar (or two) and now I am better.
Just don't get carried away and start making strange posts like Gary did last week.
Cybrus, I hope you enjoyed your beer and cigar last night. Take your time getting them out.
Tanger - looks like your package arrived today. corojobrad and webesmoked - your packages should be there shortly!

Nice job, again!
Cybrus, Can you also just put a package together for a newbie who also knows Hudson Hawk by heart?

"hey, the sign says no horseplay in the pool area"

"Am I as fat as that guard?"
"Tommy, you're a slender reed compared to that guard!"

:) Great movie brother!
A big thank you to cybrus. I got home today and opened my mail box to find a very nice package from him. As one of the winners of his karma contest, I riceived a fantastic selection of smokes from his stash. You are way too generous. I really appreciate it.

Thanks, Brad
Alright rmrdaddy! Glad to see someone else with a fine taste in film!

And no problem corojobrad - glad to pass the karma along!
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU, the package was above and beyond. All are sticks that I have yet to try. Can't wait.
My favorite line is the...

" That's a lot of Wong numbers " line...
and of course the "or would you rather be a fish" sinatra theme..

Definitely and under-rated movie
Beautiful! Another Hawk fan!

"It's Captain Bob's steering wheel!"
"How could you take this down? Don't you remeber that night he came in here with this, and nobody could figure where he got it from? "