Cigar Trade Kelvin's 2000 Post Contest

Specific Medal and don't worry about the war - I will give that one a pass.
No, but you have narrowed it down considerably Craig.
My gueses are up for todya, so I will give someone else a turn.

None the less, I am sure what you have is a great symbol to live by.
Thanks everyone for participating in my contest. Everytime I read the citation that came along with it I realize how fortunate I was to have a hero like him for a dad.
Kelvin said:
Thanks everyone for participating in my contest. Everytime I read the citation that came along with it I realize how fortunate I was to have a hero like him for a dad.

Very cool Kev! Awesome contest to!
Kev, you are a lucky man, not only do you have great friends here, but you have a hero as your dad!

Great contest brother, and congratulations on the posts, I knew you would do it eventually!