Lets send good thoughts & prayers!

Robert, both my father and father in law have gone through a bypass surgury. They had a long road of recovery, (like a couple of weeks before they could drive and such) so the best thing for them is someone to be around them to help them and keep them company. I am sure he will be on the mend soon. Tell him I wish him good luck and God bless.
Loving Father, Thank you for your love and blessings! You have blessed Robert, your Grace has surrounded him. I pray for his continued recovery. May we learn to trust in you. May we learn to turn worry over to you. May we see you in Robert's eyes. Father, abide in our hearts and in Robert's. Please hear our prayers for this fine man and his family. I ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ.

May the Blessings of God be upon you
May His Peace abide in you
May His presence, Iluminate your heart
Now and forever more.
I'll definately drop a word with the Big Guy that his recovery be quick and continue to go so well. God Bless,
