Cigar Trade Pay It Forward IV

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Hillbilly Dude!!! I'll be your EOTAC Mooch!!! Send me some shine, man! :lol: :thumbsup:
flagman said:
Hillbilly Dude!!! I'll be your EOTAC Mooch!!! Send me some shine, man! :lol: :thumbsup:

Awesome Rob! I think I got it, but send me your addy again please.

Are you still in the Christmas spirit?

I am suprised a "certain someone" has not been all over this! :lol: :lol: :lol:

flagman said:
I am still very much in the Christmas Spirit and yet no one wants to play with me. :(

Careful what you say Rob, DL might get his ropes out!
ok I have been away a while but check in once in a while to see who is still here
I cant let a christmas brother hang so long
I'll be your eotac mooch
hope everyone has a merry christmas and has a good time with family and friends
when you get home and light up that xmas cigar, browse thru the forums here
then tell me who wants to be my xmas eotac mook
ok nobody wanted to be the xmas mooch

so who wants to be the first of 2009

dont miss this chance of a lifetime to tell your grand kids you were the first of the year to answer :mrgreen: who wants to be my eotac 2009 mooch or mook (depending on your country of choice) ??????????????????/
Man, I would be honored to get the first PIF of the year!

I will be your EOTAC Mook!
Ok soooo....who wants the sloppy seconds on 2009?

Who wants to be my EOTAC mook?
I'd love to jump in here again, but we need some other brothers to take what will be a geat PIF from Connor! Let's go! :thumbsup:
elidog said:
I'll be your eotac mook. (ch)

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

Hit me with the addy again Steve and I will dig around and find something to send to Bama!
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