Cigar Trade Pay It Forward IV

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No takers? Nice guys, nice. Makes a mook all teary eyed and sad deep inside.

I am going out of town for a few days due to a family emergency. I'll be back on Tuesday and will mail a package of turds to the feller who finally grabs this on Wed. Honestly I will make it worthwhile... :thumbsup:
I don't think I can resist turds. :ehsmile:

I would like to be your Eotac Mooch.
Good morning folks.

Who would like to be my Eotac Mooch?
You got it, buddy!

I will have that package out in a day or two.
Since it takes a while for someone to grab them im gonna ask

Who whats to be my EOTAC mooch?
One you gals needs to change your avatars! Mooks!

Great to see ya Dave! :mrgreen:
Im glad i got to mooch off of Kevin. Man those babys look good.

Nobody lurking :D
I'm going to shut this down for at least now. Hopefully participation will be up and we can open it up again.

Talumn - shoot me a PM when you can.
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