pay it forward?

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Oh crap... I didn't know, would have sent it overnight :-( You should get it before then, it was supposed to be 2-3 day.
No worries. My wife will be there to get it. I just wanted to bring them with me. takers!?

Hell, I'd LOVE to keep these sticks for myself if no one wants them.
It's about time someone answered!

Got your address. They'll be sent out tomorrow or Tues.
Hey asica,
Got the sticks yesterday! Although the punch and the brasilia were a little stronger than what I usually smoke, I still smoked them them down to about and inch! Thanks, man.

I picked out the sticks that I'm sending you and they will be sent on Tues.
Hope you enjoy them!



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and now, the question you have all been waiting for..................
who wants to be my mooch?
Don't ya just love it when Dbrad posts?? I love to see his avatar!!! I like!!!!!!
I wonder if it's too early for me to be it again!?

If not, well then........I'll be your mooch.
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