pay it forward?

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:rotflmao: :cryinlaugh:

The crazy things we do when we have one too many...Just don't ever agree to skydiving...or if you do, make sure no one has a video camera :roll: :lol:
bildo, hope ya liked the smokes!
quagmire, haha, ur right about the tape though...there was enough on there for 36 packages! lol, it was fun tryin to get it open! thanks again for the sticks!!
iminaquagmire said:
Hey Rob, I forgot to ask how you liked getting the package I sent open. I got a little carried away with the tape.

With my shop I was using ebay quite a bit and ordered supplies from USPS while a little inebriated. I ended up with like a hundred of everything. USPS actually contacted me to see if I really wanted the stuff but by then they had already sent it out. I literally have a room full of priority and express supplies.

ROFL, yeah, mine too Quag. There wasn't an inch of box showing anymore. The whole dang thing was covered in USPS tape. I did like the little plastic screw on jar that the sticks were in though. That was a nice touch and very useful for the next time I send something out.
My dad works for a drill bit/cutting tool manufacturer and those are what they send them out in. I'll be disappointed about not getting those anymore when he retires in the fall.
cybrus.... the package left here on monday, let me know when you get it!

btw, thanks rdesantos for the perfect packaging. all i did was take the sticks you sent out and throw my new sticks in and tape it back up! Perfect package.
Sweet! I'll be keeping my eye out for it! Did you send it UPS, US PS, FedEx, or something else?
bildo, thanks for the compliment on my expertise packaging! hehe...however, as far as packaging awards go, I'd have to give it to iminaquagmire!! like calibus said, not an inch of the box was showing! I think even Stevie Wonder could see all the Priority Mail tape!! lol. thanks again quagmire!! also, ditto on Calibus' post regarding the plastic tubing, that thing rocks!
Bildo - got the package today! Thanks for the incredible choices! I've never had any of these and it's tough even figuring out what one or two of them are...

And you're right about the packaging - I think I'll use it too. PIF may now stand for Package It Forward...
Alright, well I guess the question on everyone's mind is, Who wants to be my Amback mooch?
Wow - nobody is interested? You mean the package I already put together doesn't have to go anywhere? Well, if you insist! Somebody better speak up before bob or ravyn decide to jump in a second time!
I'm interested... I was gonna wait till I had been a member of the forums longer, but since nobody else is jumping in, I'll be your Amback mooch! :)

I'll pm my information to cybrus (and then just wait 1-4 days before piping back up right?)...
Going once, going twice, SOLD to the cigar smoker from Connecticut!

Yep, PM me your address and I'll get a package out today! Already have it boxed up and just waiting to address it!

Then, in the next few days, put your own 'Who wants to be my mooch' out there!
good job asica,
I have to wait till after labor day to play again...going on vaca and won't be home for around 10 days...
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