pay it forward?

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DevilDog723 said:
I thought I had missed it!
I just went to the head and was rushing back to my office.

Lol...Wasting government dollars on a cigar forum!
I dont blame you 8)
OK oK>>>there are too many people lurking on this thread....don't you people have anything better to do?

Nothing to see here...........move along....move along....

I'm serious............

quit it!

go to another thread.........


really seriously!
phisherman said:
I need a Blackberry to keep up with this lurking. :twisted:

Naahh, Palm Treo 650 or a Sidekick 2:) Blackberry's suck balls.

Many posts from me have been from my SK2. I <3 it
Syntax said:
Naahh, Palm Treo 650

I just got one of these to replace my Kyocera 7135
I really liked the 7135, much more but it is not E911 capable :?
I did PM Robert from it the other day & was checking this site while having a cigar & coffee on a bench in NY - pretty Kewl!
USMC 6672 said:
Damn it, I am about to leave to go to Carmines in Manhattan for dinner. Let's go Castle Crest!

Sorry - OK then -

Who wants to be my Amback Cigar Mooch????
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