pay it forward?

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We have to be!

Do you know what the Iraqi regime would tell their soldiers about Marines?
They were told that in order to be a Marine, we had to kill our parents and eat our children.
Swear to god!

No wonder people over there were scared to death of us!

I LOVE IT! :twisted: :twisted:
DevilDog723 said:
We have to be!

Do you know what the Iraqi regime would tell their soldiers about Marines?
They were told that in order to be a Marine, we had to kill our parents and eat our children.
Swear to god!

No wonder people over there were scared to death of us!

I LOVE IT! :twisted: :twisted:

So my parents and my brother come out today to see my daughter and to have lunch. My brother bought us this great baby monitor! It has a camera that transmits to a COLOR monitor! It even has cables to hook it up to my TV! Awesome. Then my buddy and his girlfriend come out to join us for lunch. They get here and they present me with a gift. It was the Montecristo White Coffee Set! Four espresso cups with saucers, a box of montecristo espresso coffee, a coffee jar, a 3 cigar ashtray and 25 Montecristo Whites! That thing costs about $300! Good friends! For lunch we went to Joe's Crab Shack, great food. My daughter wakes up and want to be changed, so I take her to the men's room to where there is a baby station. She's cryin' bloody murder which doesn't help in that situation. I take her diaper off, clean her and proceed to put her new diaper on but before I can she pees again. So now it's all over her and her clothes! Luckily we have two sets of clean clothes for her in the diaper bag. By the way, she's still crying her eyes out and to top things off some jack ass in the bathroom says, "what are you doing, beating the kid to death?" then giggles. You can probably guess that my temperament is not the most easy going as a Marine.....especially not at this particular moment!
My response......."Why don't you mind you own f**king business!? Or would you rather we discuss this face to face?". He quickly apologized and said that he was only trying to make light of a heavy situation. I told him to shut his mouth anyway.
After all that, I get my daughter changed and she stops crying instantly. I know that it's nothing I did but it still makes you feel like the worst person alive when you can't get your child to stop crying.
As I leave the bathroom that man with the mouth actually held open the door for me and apologized again. Who cares?
I go back out to my table and lunch is waiting for me. At least one thing is going well, right? Who doesn't love that?.... Going to the head and coming back to your food already waiting for you.
Se we finish lunch and my parents decide that it's time to go to Walmart to pick up a "few things". By the time we leave they have spent $300 on my daughter! Awesome grandparents!
After shopping, my parents and brother leave for home and my buddy comes back with my wife and I to my house to get his car.
We decide then that after the stress of today at the restaraunt that it's time for a cigar. So we both sit down in my very small back patio and have a Diploma with a cup of 100% Kona. Hell of a way to wind down an evening!

But you know the one thing that was on my mind the entire time today?

Who wants to be my AmBack mooch?

Here are some pics:


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I want to be your amback mooch...but, I've already been yours!
So I'll pass on this one too!

BTW, TRUST ME, your crying baby situations will blosom into wonderful experiences that will fill your life with as much light as the bathroom drama did stress.
Oh yeah, and then she will turn into a regular acting female and it's AMAZING how young they do THAT!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
iminaquagmire said:
I'll be your amback mooch!

We have a WINNER!

Show him what he's won, Bob!

PM me your info, brother and I'll get this package out to you tomorrow!
Don't turn around, DD, those days will quickly pass, and she will be asking for the keys to the car to go to the mall with her friends!

Enjoy it while it lasts, buddy!
Got your pkg yesterday! Thank you very much. All 3 sticks I have been wanting to try! Good choices.

I look forward to enjoying them! :D

DevilDog723 said:
Got your pkg yesterday! Thank you very much. All 3 sticks I have been wanting to try! Good choices.

I look forward to enjoying them! :D


Awesome! Sorry about it being small, but do enjoy!
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