pay it forward?

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iminaquagmire said:
I'll be your amback mooch!

Sticks went out today priority mail.

Damn, that makes 2 packages you got from me in a month! :wink:
(In my best Jackie Gleason)

Great, JUST GREAT! I sit in my office allllll day, lurking, but nooooooooooooooooooo.

And now, I havta' leave and will be away from my computer for HOURS.

:D :D :D
:p Ooooh OUCH Paintbrush. That's gotta sting. :p

Dean, PM your preferences and I'll try and get a package out if not tomorrow on Thursday.
Yeah buddy!! PM sent Quag.

Thanks man.

Hey Quag, you like Patels don't you? Have you tried any of the Reo by Patel? I just got a 5 pack on cigarbid and was wondering how they are.
Sure, here I sit, get called away, and BAM, missed it again!!!!
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