pay it forward?

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Got your info Brenda.

Have got some good ideas for sticks to send you. Will get them out in the morning.

Hope you enjoy! :cheers:

Good job Brenda!!

(BTW, I will never go to the Dentist AGAIN! I KNEW dbrad would call it while I was getting tortured.)
Well ... I did keep trying to see if you'd show up.

I feel for you. I had wisdom teeth cut out Monday. Haven't had a cigar since Sunday afternoon. At least I have a refrigerator in my office and can keep my ice packs frozen between uses.
Yeah, when they cut mine out, one of them got infected, I had to keep going back, and he would pack it with Oil of Cloves (he was an old fashioned dentist), it took almost a month before everything was normal again.
Bikeman said:
Yeah, when they cut mine out, one of them got infected, I had to keep going back, and he would pack it with Oil of Cloves (he was an old fashioned dentist), it took almost a month before everything was normal again.
Did he use leeches, too?
No, no leeches...but he told me a story about havin to use a chisel to break apart one guys tooth before he could extract it. That sounds like fun, doesn't it?
I had 2 root canals on THE SAME TOOTH!

First one failed, the second is splitting the remaining tooth. I think I'm just gonna have it yanked.

And I missed dbrad's call for a mooch..... :cry: :cry: :cry:
OK, let the lurking begin!!

Lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, wonderful lurk, beautifull lurk, its fun to lurk!!!

(Sung to the tune of the "Spam Song" by Monte Python)

Have Fun Everyone!!
Brenda, Judge Smails is waiting.

Maybe Ty tied her up with his tie :shock: :lol:
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