pay it forward?

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'atta boy bildo!! just pm or hit me up on AIM w. your preferences along w. ur addy!
Glad you're happy with them Quagmire.
This is a great little game...will do it again in a while. :D
Rob, your package went out today. I wanted to get it out yesterday but got an unexpected contract to build. Sorry bout that but I think you won't mind the wait once it arrives.
Quagmire, I received the package today, plus the birthday smokes you included...thanks a bunch buddy!!! :D
dammit i always make fun of the people that hold up PIF and now i did it.... Who wants to be my amback mooch??
cybrus said:
Sweet! And I wasn't in a meeting this time!

{laughing} now cybrus...admit've been sitting at the pc refreshing your screen every 5 minutes for a week now so you can get in on're've lost your job...and your wife has left you....{laughing}

But you got in!!!!! :D
Wow! You really DO know what I've been up to - almost like you have ESPN or something...

Actually, being Friday, I have been on the site a bit more often than usual - hopefully my boss won't notice...
got a package from rdesantos! Wow very nice packaging i will be using it to send out my package, lol. The sticks are right on the money, i love all three. Now hopefully i will be of good enough health to smoke one of them tomorrow.
Hey Rob, I forgot to ask how you liked getting the package I sent open. I got a little carried away with the tape.

With my shop I was using ebay quite a bit and ordered supplies from USPS while a little inebriated. I ended up with like a hundred of everything. USPS actually contacted me to see if I really wanted the stuff but by then they had already sent it out. I literally have a room full of priority and express supplies.
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