Cigar Trade Son of Pay It Forward

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I cant remember if i've asked the question or not...could someone refresh my memory? :duh:
I don't think so. If you did ask, you sure did a fine job in hiding it.

:?: :dunno: :duh:

EDIT: But, wouldn't conversecricket be the winner since he's the only one who responded?
i think the first person who can show a question (if it exists) and provide the answer (if question exists) shall be the winner... :lol:
well, there it is...congrats me your info and ill get a package out to you asap
I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but this thread was almost shut down not too long ago due to the ways that people were asking the question (trying to hide the question) and some claims as to who answered the question first. Be fair and be careful in your paly guys. We want this thread to continue. Please be clear when asking the mooch questions so that situation does not come up again.
Congrats, conversecricket! My head hurts from laughing while just watching you trying to win this PIF. :lol:
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