Scene: early evening. Outside a rural farmhouse.
A squad car pulls up in a swirl of dust...
2 patrolmen exit the vehicle, walk up to the porch, climb the steps, and step up to the screen door
** knock knock**
"Hello Ma'am, Good Evenin',
We're from the Amback Forum Patrol....
Yes Ma'am, from the Internet, that's right...
Well Ma'am, we've been sent out to find this fella HiTide, yes'm...
He seems to have gotten a bit off the beaten path, we happen to think he's lost Ma'am...It's been a couple of days since we've heard from him..
....The thing is he has a question to ask now, and we have a bunch of folks interested in him doin' just that...If you could just kinda shove him in the right direction, well, it sure would be appreciated
yes'm and you have a nice night as well now.....
Thank you Ma'am...