The 30Something crowd! (PG)

loved the yo-yo's of the 60's they were great. but how about the slinky and mr. potato head now there is some classic stuff from childhood :D :D
I remember when the drive in was $1.75, that was still a little too expensive, we usually had 3 guys in the trunk with a 12 pack of Drewrys and a couple bottles of Boones Farm, gas was also 55 cents a gallon. :lol:
Motion123 said:
cybrus said:
Hey - I STILL make popcorn on the stove, in a pot, with oil. It's much better than the microwave kind!

Hey - I STILL make popcorn on the stove, in a pot, with oil. It's much better than the microwave kind!

Copy cat
Mispost...I was going to agree with you, but now that you've resorted to name calling I won't!!! :x :x
They really didn't have stadium seating in movie theaters??? Thats horrible. Its not like that has anything to do with technology. My drunk college friends and I put stadium seating in our living room one day just for the hell of it. You wouldn't think that would be an innovation.
If you all recall that was a time when you didn't have to worry about where your kids were. We were allowed to go outside without suppervision. We didn't think twice about staying out until dark. Never thought about all the damn perverts out there like we have to do now. Now those were the good times. Playing outside with your friends not sittin on your butt complaining that there's nothing on the 300 channels of satellite TV.
Things progressed wicked fast in the past 10 years even. I remember when my bro and I got an Nintendo, and it was the most amazing thing ever, now kids are getting Playstation 2 and X-Box. I didnt have internet until I was about 13 or 14, and I had crappy non-electronic toys. As for music, the 90's sucked, and CD's wheren't old enough yet to be cheaper!
I'm only 19 too :roll:
Haha - CDs! I bought Metallica's Black album on cassette - split the cost with my brother and my Dad was still parental enough to want to listen to it first. Glad it was that album and not one of their earlier ones - we may never have heard it.

And we used to stay out all day - just had to be home for dinner and then by 9 to go to bed. That was assuming ALL of our homework was done.

I pity most of today's kids. Their stuck looking for guidance while the babysitter gets high watching Jerry Springer (if they're normal) or Maury Povich (if they're trying to be existential - whatever that means to them)
Motion123 said:
Mispost...I was going to agree with you, but now that you've resorted to name calling I won't!!! :x :x

I figured as much - but couldn't resist!

Every generation has its advances (like it has its problems too)

Your parents ( or older) didn't have TV when they were growing up and worried about dying from Non STD infectious deseases...

So you're pretty lucky too
I mean I remember my first XT computer, and it wasn't that long ago. Things have really changed in just the last 10 years or so with regard to that technology.

"playing in the street"
When I grew up we lived right off one of the busy streets in our city, but I remember playing kick the can and road hockey and riding our bikes out there alll the time. Nobody worried about half the stuff then that they do now!
I remember only having to dial 5 digits when making a local phone call. Of course I remember Gene Pitney.
Im a youngin'

i do remember atari though. i still have my old 8 bit nintendo hooked up to my TV. Tetris rocks.
Those early games were just a blast. Duck hunt when the dog laughs at you when you miss. Hilarious!!!
I remember 6 cent coca colas, 10 cent a gallon gasoline, jobs that paid $1.50 an hour, new cars selling for $2,500, homes selling for around $10,000. Hmm. Never mind, I just made myself cry.
You're making me cry, too. I'm not far behind you in remembrances. Back when I was making a teensy bit over three bucks an hour, I paid all my bills, put money in my savings account, and when Monday rolled around and it was time to go back to work, I STILL had a few bucks in my pocket. :roll: :roll: :roll:

I think we're making some of these under 40 kids vomit by now. Why can't these freakin' old geezers find their own thread? :cryinlaugh: :rotflmao: :cryinlaugh:
Aren't some of you older gentlemen staying up past your bed time?


:hypercolor: :shocked: :eeek: :bolt:
Cybrus my man you get up way to early!!!

I remember when I could frill my motorcycle for 2 bucks, and it lasted almost a month!!

I remember when a bag of chips and a pop cost you a quarter!

There you go!
How about Royal castle hambergers and Birch beer

birch beer came in a nice frosted mug and was 5 cents and the burgers where like 2 for a quarter
those where the days

ya and I got underwear older than most of you young pups and I will still arm wrestle any of you :lol: