Cowboy, it sure is a sight to see the news videos from DC yesterday, the IRS being closed, the DOJ closed, so much of DC under water, I was wondering who is minding the store. Crazy weather.
For the record, this was predicted earlier this year. This year was predicted to follow the pattern of 1954, at least as respects the Northeast. Ever since I first saw Joe Bastardi of AccuWeather talking about this in mid-May, the Northeast has continued to follow suit with his prediction.
In 1954, there was a cooler than normal April and May in the Northeast, followed by a cooler than normal, and very wet summer, with three hurricanes hitting the Northeast, one in or around NYC. That is the same prediction as this year, and so far it is following suit. So, that's what's happening. It's crazy, and it's doing a lot of damage, but that's what's going on. And yes, there are three hurricanes predicted to hit the Northeast this summer, with one right in NYC.