Cigar Wise

Joined Oct 2005
2K Posts | 1+
Lost in translation
I anyone else having problems getting into cigar wise? I was able to get in earlier, but have problems trying right now.
did you get a second PM from me? I'm pretty sure I sent 2 today. I asked if you could sned me a copy of the letter.
This isn't the first time they've had a problem. This is the third or forth time in the past year! :shock:
About time they get rid of that server or whatever is causing all this down time. I have never seen so much on any of the other solid boards.

Hope it comes back asap w/ nothing wrong.
I tried to get on this morning, and could not. I sent an e-mail to someone who would know and I was advised that they are down because of an "upgrade." Whether it is true that an upgrade is being installed, or this is an ongoing matter involving the "situation" they are enmeshed in, I wouldn't know. I do know that when I got home a few minutes ago and tried to get in, they are still down.

:dunno: :roll: :? :( :flush:
Howdy all, nothing happening at 2 in the morning there or here for that matter. At least I can do a little reading here.
HEYYYYYYYYY, cowpoke!!! :wine: :cheerschug: :cheers: How ya be? Taint seen hide nor hair o' yuh fer yars and yars, it seems. Been down yonder, Ah gehss!!! :mrgreen: :thumbsup: :mrgreen:
Still kicking Bloof, just keeping a low profile. Just about dried up and ready to blow away here in NM, I think you'all are drowning there on the right coast, whats that all about?
Cowboy, it sure is a sight to see the news videos from DC yesterday, the IRS being closed, the DOJ closed, so much of DC under water, I was wondering who is minding the store. Crazy weather.

For the record, this was predicted earlier this year. This year was predicted to follow the pattern of 1954, at least as respects the Northeast. Ever since I first saw Joe Bastardi of AccuWeather talking about this in mid-May, the Northeast has continued to follow suit with his prediction.

In 1954, there was a cooler than normal April and May in the Northeast, followed by a cooler than normal, and very wet summer, with three hurricanes hitting the Northeast, one in or around NYC. That is the same prediction as this year, and so far it is following suit. So, that's what's happening. It's crazy, and it's doing a lot of damage, but that's what's going on. And yes, there are three hurricanes predicted to hit the Northeast this summer, with one right in NYC.
The site went blank for maintenance. Vaaghn, the owner, did a boo-boo. It's being worked on and should be up soon.
The Colonel said:
The site went blank for maintenance. Vaaghn, the owner, did a boo-boo. It's being worked on and should be up soon.

Can't get it up? What a shame!

I suggest Viagra! :lol: :lol:
Van55 just posted this on another board.

I thought I'd pass it along to anyone who is interested...

"Actually CWise admin telephoned me yesterday and advised that the server would be down for "a few hours" for an upgrade.

I have now been advised that not only are they switching servers, they are changing the entire look of the site and will be using other than VBulletin software. In time both the pre-crash and post-crash VBulletin databases will be migrated to the new board.

I was not given an estimated date or time of completion of the new look."
Crap, does that mean that I have to re register again.... I have a PIF that I need to send out and I don't have the Addy...