Cigar Trade Fun and Games II

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Wow you guys are all over the place...

Here's today's hint:

It's between 8 and 10.

First to post the answer gets the prize...
ok lets try this one it may be R rated so if i get censored I'll try another one

one guess per day unless it takes a long time

a man walks up to a naked woman and points a gun at her heart and shoots her. She survives. How does she survive.
clue since everyone is jumping on this one

this one has a heart
her survival was related to something she did to enhance her career
bingo I thought this might be a little more difficult but it obviously wasnt

the trivia book I found this in said it was a true story-- an exotic dancer was shot by her boyfriend and her silicon implants saved her.

send me your addy and I'll get a package out
kuzi16 said:
holy crap.... i didnt think id actually win

LOL...translation..."holy crap...give you my address...I don't want anyone stalking me..."

i totally wrote "fake boobs" as a joke.

now for my question.
It is rumored that Eric Clapton wrote "Sunshine Of Your Love" with the intention for what artist (other than himself and cream) to play? (im looking for that other artist)

ill be back after work and see how things are goin in here. maybe a hint...

if i can think of one that doent give it away.
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