Slippery Slopes: wet shaving

Joined Aug 2007
2K Posts | 28+
Somewhere down in Texas
Thanks to Barco and Craig, I have started another journey down a steep slippery slope.

Last night I ordered a wet-shaving instructional book and this morning used one of the soaps that Craig sent as well as a straight razor that Barco sent. I find myself cruising razor sites looking for that next purchase. I am currently compiling a Christmas wishlist for my wife that includes various soaps, razors, brushes and bowls. I find this all to be very exciting just like when I got started into cigars. I love accessories!!!

For now I will stay away from pipes.

Anybody else here wet shaves?

Dustin, let me know how this works out. My dad always "wet shaved" and I remember trying it years ago. But, I remember being pretty itchy after shaving and just went back to using a Gel and a Bic etc. Sounds like something else I can obsess about and drive my wife nuts. LOL.
You gotta get with it Rob...
No B.S., great shaves, VERY relaxing, lots of creams, soaps, blades, brushes.........
No B.S., great shaves, VERY relaxing, lots of creams, soaps, blades, brushes.........[/quote]

Sounds like something I should involve the wife in! :thumbsup:
Rob it is the best thing since sliced bread. I have been wet shaving for 8 months now and love it. give it a try.

What you are the wife do are your own deal
Rob, I can tell you, its the closest shave I have ever had. I am using a scented soap right now called Sandlewood Vanella. Its wonderful!

Barco - it's been a year!

Dustin - someday soon I will have a package out to you when my delivery arrives. Expect some sample stuff.

Rob - you have to do this since we feel better when others decide to do the same obsessive compulsive crap we do.
Robert, I can assure you that when my wife's lawyer serves me with the divorce papers, it is these guys whom I will send the paperwork to for signatures.

Barcochris said:
Rob it is the best thing since sliced bread. I have been wet shaving for 8 months now and love it. give it a try.
If i tried to wet shave my face would be very simaler to sliced bread.

wasnt the wet shave around before sliced bread?

The first time I shaved with a straight, I nicked myself 7 times.

Holy crap! This Dragon's Blood BearHaven soap that I am using is to die for! The scent is unreal! After my shave I use Pinaud Clubman atershave. I bought the aftershave at Walgreens for $6.99. As Rob said, the whole wet shaving experience is quite relaxing. I used to hate shaving, now I shave everyday and actually look forward to it.

I like gadgets, so I bought an electric razor many years back. 8)

My wife said she thought brush & soap were more manly. :oops:

So, I dumped a perfectly good electric razor. :ek:

Now we have five kids. :mrgreen:
I've been using a straight razor for about a year. I love it. Though I'm not very good at sharpening so I've been using one with replaceable blades.
I will eventually start using a straight but for now i am going to stick with a DE. I have two ebay DE's coming in this week and am really looking forward to using them.

Cheryl and i are going to antique stores on Saturday to see if we can find some DE's.



I just ordered some shaving supplies. I have a nice custom shave scuttle with my initials coming as well as a new brush, cream and alum block. is where the scuttle is coming from. A work of art.

Dustinl said:
I will eventually start using a straight but for now i am going to stick with a DE. I have two ebay DE's coming in this week and am really looking forward to using them.

Cheryl and i are going to antique stores on Saturday to see if we can find some DE's.


Do you mean a double edge safety razor or is DE a brand? I picked one up at a local antique store for $12 and it's awesome. Keep your eyes open!