You know, I think it's kind of entertaining that I won the PIF and Fun & Games threads on the same day, withing an hour or two of each other. I mean, how often does one get control of *both* the PIF threads at once? Now granted I have to give it up at some point, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to ask "WHO WANTS TO BE MY AMBACK M00CH" (note zeros, it doesn't count if there are zeros in it.) just yet. I think I'd like to bask in the glory a little longer. I mean, as soon as I ask "WHO WANTS TO BE MY AMBACK M00CH" (note zeros, it doesn't count if there are zeros in it.) I'm not in control anymore. I know I have to let it go eventually, but I think I'll bask in the glory a little longer. While you're waiting for my to say the magic "WHO WANTS TO BE MY AMBACK M00CH" (note zeros, it doesn't count if there are zeros in it.) phrase without those blasted zeros, maybe you should check out the Fun and Games thread. Anyone can win at Know Your Butts, and you don't have to catch me asking who wants to be my amback mooch? While you're over there, don't forget to put in a guess on what cigar the ashes came from. While you're waiting for me to ask "WHO WANTS TO BE MY AMBACK M00CH" (note zeros, it doesn't count if there are zeros in it.) you could be winning some sticks and playing the bonus ash identification game for something special. Since you're read all of this I'll give you a hint and say I smoked the Opus the night before I got my grubby little mits on the Fun and Games thread. So... "WHO WANTS TO BE MY AMBACK M00CH?" Haha just kidding there are zeros in that one too. But keep looking. I'm sure you'll see the real question soon.