Good morning it is Sunday 16 March 2008 , we have gotten past the 15 Th the ides of march" et to Brute", the day that Brutis ,friend of Ceaser & the rest of the Senate Killed Ceaser, dammmm I dont know why I typed that , hey I never think about what I am going to post it just comes out when I sit down at the computer, years ago it took me hours to think about what I was going to say & it took for ever to type it, I still use just the 2 index fingers & stop to check spelling ( some times ) , but I never worry about how I am saying it , just what i am saying, I did have a voice activated program for a while, but it spelled worse than I do , I still have the disc some place , but with all the noise from the road & the dish washer , washing machine, Grandsons ,radio , TV ,my wife & the dammm airplanes , there is way to much background noise, & when I close the door late at night when everyone else is sleeping, the room sounds like a big fish tank & the echo or what ever you want to call it just messes up the system, I need a computer like Captain Kirk had, , Just talk to it & it did everything !!, ,
well the weather has broke Finally, it is still cool & damp but I HOPE we are done with the SNOW for the season , Only Time will tell. I am getting ready for a POD cast this afternoon direct from the Qtr.Deck today , it should be up on the net this week , all the music will get added & the sound engenirered & Thank GOD you dont need to spell on the POD cast, (hahaha ) you can listen to the past podcasts by going to
& clicking on the link to the pod cast or you can go to the
web site
\ & click on the link there , looks like the BUS for the cigar crawl will be sold out soon& if the @$$HOLES in the Pa. State legeslature pass the anti smoking bill, this will be the LAST cigar crawl as we know it , dammmmm busy bodys sticking there nose in our PRIVATE lives, dammm polititions , they think they know whats good for us, , whats good for me is for them to START minding there own business & stop spending MY money , I am just glad i dont live in NY , here in Pa our governer is a dumpy old man whoi most likely is so whipped by his wife who is a Judge he would be held in contemt & go directlty to jail, do not pass Go & do not collect the 200 bucks ( for you who dont understand that , it is a Monopoly game thing ! )
All has been QUIET on the grandsons, nothing new with them this week, , & that scares me, if they are making noise they are doing some thing, Quite means some thing serious is going on , they are ploting & planning the next battle plan !! look out Loretta , its going to be a 2 on 1 break & the gollie has been pulled , YES that is a Sports reference , some thing from ICE Hocky , dont ask me how I know that (not being a sports fan ) it must be from hanging out at the cigar shop when the game is on, I dont watch it , but it must creep in to the sub conscience( dammm I dont know if thats spelled right or not ) & there is a glitch with my spell checker, cant pull it up, dammmm more computer problems ! well you get the idea anyway, ! hahaha
The Sunday Roast is all ready in the oven, dropped the heat a bit added time to the equasion , added a little left over red gravy ( tomato sauce ) to the mix this time , I thought the acid in the tomatos would help penetrate the meat & take away some of the tuffness we did have with the last roast , dammmm old cows get tuff in there old age , , nothing like a hunk of milk fed VEAL , dipped in milk dreged in flour & quick fryed in Butter with a little bit of lemon & capers with a wine pan sauce , dammmmm I am getting chills thinking about that ! hahaha, yea man I still LOVE the food, but have been fighting the battle & loosing to the taste buds again, right now I am at 227 , I was 233 BUT I want to get back to UNDER215 , a FAR , VERRRRRY FAR cry from my all time high of 417 & right here & now is a good time to congradulate JOE from Old Hickory Tenn. , he just passed his one year anniv. of his by pass & he lost 187 or 178 , well how ever much he lost CONGRATS to you Joe & thanks for the contraband cigar to celebrate with !!! & Glad to see you & your BOSS will be on the Bus in MAY ( a reference to the cigar crawl for all you slower people ) YOU know who you are !
My Wife ground up a little hazel nut coffee this morning, added just one scoop to the Peaberry for breakfast, NOT bad not bad at all, I didnt have my Sunday Kona this week, , I dont know why she didnt grind Kona this morning, she said she felt like a change , well who AM I to argue with her , as long as she isnt trying to change me I dont care what she wants to change, hey she can change the sheets, the color of the walls the carpet what ever, all I ak is that she stays out of my HUMIDORS & out of the Qtr.Deck other than emptying the trash one time a week if needed hahahaha
we got the new to us 10th anniv. Camacho cigars at the shop this past week, I had one & pound for pound it is a Camacho Camacho ! yea baby great Blend that will open your sinus cavity !!! hahaha
I have been looking for a new car the past year, still cant make up my mind, what i want to get , the 2000 Sable has 170K on the clock, & I dont know if I want to get rid of it , I filled up at the station last night 22.3 MPG on this old beast, & it is Comfortable, not using any oil yet, a little anti freeze gets puddled but the water pump is fine, I replaces all the big hoses , so I must need to tighten a clamp or one of the heater hoses is leaking a Bit, I cant smell anything, but the level drops about every month , so the thing to do right now is JUST add water & forget about it, , I dont know if I want to go with a 40 MPG tiny little car of a 25 MPG mid size or just bit the bulliet & get that Lincoln I want ! hahahaha !!!! , Now if I hit the lottery I can get all 3 ! hahaha
Now that the weather has warmed up a bit I will be going out for my morning walk & having a cigar & coffee on the walk , I hjate winter & miss my morning walk , BUT I will be hitting the street Soon , stinking up the outside with my cigar & coffee, , one old anti smoking zellot gets a pass from me going out & comming back a different way with a detour to go past her place again, she smoked 2 packs of Luckys ever day for 40 years & now she has stopped , & every time I walk by on the street she will yell to get out of her "SPACE" , well she hasnt seen me since lat November, But I have a feeling I will be out & about MONDAY morning as long as it isnt raining !!!! , nothing worse than a reformed smoker or drinker, PREACHING the eveils of the world, dammmm I have a free will & I will decide what right & whats wrong for me !! I dont need some one telling me I am a sinner for smoking & drinking, , I believe , & thats all I need to say on the Subject, all the man made laws & by laws will never know whats in your heart or on your mind , YOU CANT Legeslate Morality
Enjoy, Vince