Sunday Morning Smoke

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Just after 9:30 here, and just about 70°. Today, being the second Sunday of the month, the Tombstone Vigilantes are doing street skits and gunfights to raise money for charity. I'm heading into town soon, see if I can help out.

I have a Monte Churchill, a Partagas Mille Fleur, and an Opus X to take for the journey.
Vince, we had the same weather here all week last week too, including a fierce storm over the weekend, with some absolutely scary winds. 60 mph gusts caused problems, including one or two crane accidents around town. As for kids, drugs and gun fights, that's the funny thing about culture and history. Times change, circumstances differ, but if this were the 1920's, those gun fights could well have been about cigarettes and booze. What a country!!!
Good morning it is Sunday 16 March 2008 , we have gotten past the 15 Th the ides of march" et to Brute", the day that Brutis ,friend of Ceaser & the rest of the Senate Killed Ceaser, dammmm I dont know why I typed that , hey I never think about what I am going to post it just comes out when I sit down at the computer, years ago it took me hours to think about what I was going to say & it took for ever to type it, I still use just the 2 index fingers & stop to check spelling ( some times ) , but I never worry about how I am saying it , just what i am saying, I did have a voice activated program for a while, but it spelled worse than I do , I still have the disc some place , but with all the noise from the road & the dish washer , washing machine, Grandsons ,radio , TV ,my wife & the dammm airplanes , there is way to much background noise, & when I close the door late at night when everyone else is sleeping, the room sounds like a big fish tank & the echo or what ever you want to call it just messes up the system, I need a computer like Captain Kirk had, , Just talk to it & it did everything !!, ,

well the weather has broke Finally, it is still cool & damp but I HOPE we are done with the SNOW for the season , Only Time will tell. I am getting ready for a POD cast this afternoon direct from the Qtr.Deck today , it should be up on the net this week , all the music will get added & the sound engenirered & Thank GOD you dont need to spell on the POD cast, (hahaha ) you can listen to the past podcasts by going to
& clicking on the link to the pod cast or you can go to the
web site
\ & click on the link there , looks like the BUS for the cigar crawl will be sold out soon& if the @$$HOLES in the Pa. State legeslature pass the anti smoking bill, this will be the LAST cigar crawl as we know it , dammmmm busy bodys sticking there nose in our PRIVATE lives, dammm polititions , they think they know whats good for us, , whats good for me is for them to START minding there own business & stop spending MY money , I am just glad i dont live in NY , here in Pa our governer is a dumpy old man whoi most likely is so whipped by his wife who is a Judge he would be held in contemt & go directlty to jail, do not pass Go & do not collect the 200 bucks ( for you who dont understand that , it is a Monopoly game thing ! )

All has been QUIET on the grandsons, nothing new with them this week, , & that scares me, if they are making noise they are doing some thing, Quite means some thing serious is going on , they are ploting & planning the next battle plan !! look out Loretta , its going to be a 2 on 1 break & the gollie has been pulled , YES that is a Sports reference , some thing from ICE Hocky , dont ask me how I know that (not being a sports fan ) it must be from hanging out at the cigar shop when the game is on, I dont watch it , but it must creep in to the sub conscience( dammm I dont know if thats spelled right or not ) & there is a glitch with my spell checker, cant pull it up, dammmm more computer problems ! well you get the idea anyway, ! hahaha

The Sunday Roast is all ready in the oven, dropped the heat a bit added time to the equasion , added a little left over red gravy ( tomato sauce ) to the mix this time , I thought the acid in the tomatos would help penetrate the meat & take away some of the tuffness we did have with the last roast , dammmm old cows get tuff in there old age , , nothing like a hunk of milk fed VEAL , dipped in milk dreged in flour & quick fryed in Butter with a little bit of lemon & capers with a wine pan sauce , dammmmm I am getting chills thinking about that ! hahaha, yea man I still LOVE the food, but have been fighting the battle & loosing to the taste buds again, right now I am at 227 , I was 233 BUT I want to get back to UNDER215 , a FAR , VERRRRRY FAR cry from my all time high of 417 & right here & now is a good time to congradulate JOE from Old Hickory Tenn. , he just passed his one year anniv. of his by pass & he lost 187 or 178 , well how ever much he lost CONGRATS to you Joe & thanks for the contraband cigar to celebrate with !!! & Glad to see you & your BOSS will be on the Bus in MAY ( a reference to the cigar crawl for all you slower people ) YOU know who you are !

My Wife ground up a little hazel nut coffee this morning, added just one scoop to the Peaberry for breakfast, NOT bad not bad at all, I didnt have my Sunday Kona this week, , I dont know why she didnt grind Kona this morning, she said she felt like a change , well who AM I to argue with her , as long as she isnt trying to change me I dont care what she wants to change, hey she can change the sheets, the color of the walls the carpet what ever, all I ak is that she stays out of my HUMIDORS & out of the Qtr.Deck other than emptying the trash one time a week if needed hahahaha

we got the new to us 10th anniv. Camacho cigars at the shop this past week, I had one & pound for pound it is a Camacho Camacho ! yea baby great Blend that will open your sinus cavity !!! hahaha

I have been looking for a new car the past year, still cant make up my mind, what i want to get , the 2000 Sable has 170K on the clock, & I dont know if I want to get rid of it , I filled up at the station last night 22.3 MPG on this old beast, & it is Comfortable, not using any oil yet, a little anti freeze gets puddled but the water pump is fine, I replaces all the big hoses , so I must need to tighten a clamp or one of the heater hoses is leaking a Bit, I cant smell anything, but the level drops about every month , so the thing to do right now is JUST add water & forget about it, , I dont know if I want to go with a 40 MPG tiny little car of a 25 MPG mid size or just bit the bulliet & get that Lincoln I want ! hahahaha !!!! , Now if I hit the lottery I can get all 3 ! hahaha
Now that the weather has warmed up a bit I will be going out for my morning walk & having a cigar & coffee on the walk , I hjate winter & miss my morning walk , BUT I will be hitting the street Soon , stinking up the outside with my cigar & coffee, , one old anti smoking zellot gets a pass from me going out & comming back a different way with a detour to go past her place again, she smoked 2 packs of Luckys ever day for 40 years & now she has stopped , & every time I walk by on the street she will yell to get out of her "SPACE" , well she hasnt seen me since lat November, But I have a feeling I will be out & about MONDAY morning as long as it isnt raining !!!! , nothing worse than a reformed smoker or drinker, PREACHING the eveils of the world, dammmm I have a free will & I will decide what right & whats wrong for me !! I dont need some one telling me I am a sinner for smoking & drinking, , I believe , & thats all I need to say on the Subject, all the man made laws & by laws will never know whats in your heart or on your mind , YOU CANT Legeslate Morality
Enjoy, Vince
dammm one link worked the other didnt , og well it will get you there any way Enjoy, Vince
Brrrrr. About 11:00 here, and only 64°. I don't care for these cold snaps. Well, the St. Pat's parade is today, I shall go attend and mock accordingly. I'll bring along a Monte 2 and a Bolivar Royal Corona.
The Colonel said:
Brrrrr. About 11:00 here, and only 64°. I don't care for these cold snaps. Well, the St. Pat's parade is today, I shall go attend and mock accordingly. I'll bring along a Monte 2 and a Bolivar Royal Corona.

Cold snap, dammmmm in the 60's a cold snap , , , out high was 38 !!!, makes you wish you were back in New England hahahaha
If you're playing touch football, 38 is t-shirt weather. As for cold in general, I laugh when I hear people here saying 22 is cold. Try 22 below with a high of 3, hee, hee, heee!!!
Happy Easter !!! , it is Sunday 23 March 2008... We dodged a bullet here in da Burgh the weatherman forcasted 3 to 6 inches of snow, when it was all done , we had a light coating , a pass with the broom & it was gone, No shovel needed ! we are having a crew in for Easter dinner , I have a whole ham in the oven , it went in last night at 11 PM , should be ready to serve at 4 today, , it has been cured but not cooked so it is getting a L O N G S L O W
bake at 250F , I am going to pull it at at 11 AM add the pineapple & cherrys & a little honey glaze a can of Coke ( NO PEPSI ) & one habanero to the pot , I want just a little heat so mabe just a half of one , But what will I do with the other half ?????

I had an other lazer treatment to the right eye this time, go back in 3 months to finish it up I hope , between the injections to the eye , the lazer & the drops , dammmm if this was 1908 instead of 2008 I would be walking with a seeing eye dog today , the miracles of medicine is astounding , , I dont know if any of you know just how BRIGHT a lazer is , the doctor points it right into the eye holds open the eye lid & ZAPS the retna over & over agin to clean up all the lost blood from a hemeroage in the back of the eye , I still see spots , But at lest I can see them, better than the big silver hole in my vision I had before !

The Kona is dwindling down & I have a pot of Mexican Margoheppee next, I will be heading out to the Qtr.deck after I finish the ham at 11 , I have a 2005 GOD OF FIRE to help Celebrate the Reserection Of Christ , Cant have a common cigar for a special day, But all days are special in one way or an other , Why do we pick out a day to celebrate, wouldnt any day do ? what makes today any different than yesterday or tomarrow ? Hey dont mind me I have been up a while & pulled the cork on the 15YO fine Oak Macallen & its not even Noon, dammmmm gotta stop having scotch with breakfast ! , BUT it tastes so good with the eggs & toast !!

the shop is doing well & all the crew was in the QtrDeck last Sunday for a pod cast ( & then click on the link to the POD casts , it was a Saint Patricks day celebration complete with Candella cigars , NOT much taste but they were Green !! , I plan on getting out there with my GOD of Fire soon , I did have a contraband Monte but I got rid of all my stash when I got the letter from the Treasury dept telling me to be a good boy & dont get caught again , so now , NO more BUYING on line from ANYONE , dammmm the sales on some of the websites are really tempting , so if I dont pay in cash in person , NO MORE on line buying , BUT I guess I could order over the phone Hummmmmmm ! dammmm Home land security ! hahahaha

the Rugrats are at there fathers this weekend , so Easter supper will be 2 short, the rest of the family will be here , I did invite the boys dad & His new wife , but he said he felt funny being there with his new wife & my daughter being there with her new husband, , his kids , our kids there kids & the mother in law with brothers sisters husbands wives cousings & just people from up the street, who cares , lets all sit down & break bread, put are differences aside & just enjoy each others company , BUT NO , we must be political correct & not like our ex partners new partner , BUNCH OF BS if you ask me , I think thats whats wrong with this world, some people just dont get it , you put 5 little kids that have never seen each other before in the same room, they will all play together , they dont know the difference in race, color, sex or creede , they learn that from the adults, we should have taken lessons from the kids !
happy Easter to you all! , Enjoy, Vince
I saw a great building demolition from Pittsburgh yesterday, on this mornings news, Vince. You boyahs playin' witcha toyahs agin, are yinze? Hope you, the family and everyone here at EOTAC is having a great day. It's a beautiful one here, bright sunlight, no wind, not a cloud in the sky, and the neighborhood is peaceful. Would that every square inch of the universe were as my block is today. God bless you all, especially Vince and all yinze out dere in Da Burgh.

Oh, before I go, I found a Macanudo Vintage 1988 No. 1 (Churchill) in Desk Top II last night. Wonder if that was one that Vince sent me? At any rate, they were the most consistent, best bang for the buck, and overall best buy of the Macanudo Vintage series, up through the 1993's. I don't know anything about the '97s or anything since. I may smoke that Mac today.
Good morning it is Sunday 30 March 2008, a Bright sunny but chilly morning here in da Burgh , the Birds are hitting the feeder very hard this past week, a Red Tail hawk has been hitting the birds hard all week , I just wish he went after the doves & left the robins alone , dammmm doves just make to dammmmmm much noice . a large flock gather every morning just outside my bedroom window , COOOO COOOO , all morning long , cant sleep in if I wanted to !!! I think I should start feeing the Viarga , & they will be so busy Humping they will starve to death ! hahahaha
with Easter behind us & a LOT of left over ham in the freezer, I am breaking out a little of it for Escalloped Potatos today, I was thinking of spicing them up with a little bit of hot peppers diced in the mix , gotta run that buy the Boss & see if its OK with her . magesty. No hunk of beef today so I have no idea what kind of mood she will be in !Better ask nicely .
I have been getting into the training for the Cigar crawl comming up in May, I am getting my 10 cigars a day in , 3 pots of coffee ( 1 Reg & 2 Decafe) & a weee dram of single malt a few times a week hahahaha
The Grandsons have been busy doing what ever they do & I havent seen much of them this week, I guess we all needed a break hahaha, I know the guy at the local arcade needs a long rest from us being there & my wallet needs the same rest, I think I bought that guy a new car last year hahahaha BUT we had fun, now if I could only get them interested in Fishing , just sit on the bank of the lake , watch the bobber & then we can eat what we catch, or head to Mickey D's when we dont get anything !, gotta be cheeper than the arcade & I could have a cigar outside , hey I just got a brain fart, why not just stock the pool with fish , & if we could find fish that live in Beer instead of water .................. what an Idea hahahaha

My Humidors are looking a little worse for ware over this past COLD time of the year & the traing for the crawl hasnt helped & I get a letter from one of my supplyers a price jump of 5 BUCKS a box on my Yard Gars , looks like I will be changing my President size for a robusto , I never get to finish one anyway, buy the time I get to the nub it is so chewd up & wet , it just gets tossed. , & speaking of Humidors , I picked up number 15 this past week , a new / used box I sold a guy new about 5 years ago, he never put anything thing in it , still had the box it was shipped in , he had a small humidor & told me he needed more room , so I got him this nice 150 Count box, & he never used it , he never filled his 40 count box to allow him the need of getting the 150 Count, so I got it back at a good price
he was happy & I felt like I paid to much for it , but the guy is a steady customer good for 150 to 175 bucks a month, he said his wife lets him have 50 bucks a week for "spending" money & since he drinks coffee for free at the shop, he spends his hard earned retirement money at the shop, , so it cost me a few cups of coffee & a weee dram of single malt on Friday night if he is there , a few time he has brought in a bottle & left it there so it all works out in the end , BUT now I have a new 150 count Humidor , NO place left to put it with out stacking it , BUT it like most humidors opens at the top, so when I want to open it I need to remove the stack of Humidors on top of it , cant put this one on top as it is way to big, I might just use it for long term ageing & stash it under the bed with the coolador, But it is way to nice to hide , Nice inlay , heavy gloss a verry pretty hunk of wood , of well my daugher wants it for a silver ware storage chest , I told her plastic eating tools dont need to be stored , they get tossed !

I have been getting in a few HEAVY WEIGHTS this past week, Camacho trip maduro , Mambacho trip Leghero , & a few Cohiba, Robustos , they cleared out the old sinus passages , this week I am going to TRY & stay with the lighter smokes , Don Diego , Casa Blanca , & the Diamond Crowns( maybe one anyhow) , I still LOVE the Don Carlos #3 in the morning, , I thought I might try a Rocky patel edge missel in maduro, but it just didnt hit the taste buds right for the first cigar of the day, i guess after 15 or more years of #3's every morning its just hard to break the TRADITION, it is way past habbit or Obsession , it had to move on to Tradition !! , * I think TRADITION is a much better word than Habbit dont you ? , reminds me of" Fidder on the roof," Tradition ! , for you Young guys it was a Broadway play years ago about a poor Eastern European Jewish Village & the life there , A GREAT story & wonderful music ,
I have a feeling I just might start out the week taking a little break for all the cigars & cut back to 8 a day hahahaha , but make them all Dbl.Coronas hahahah , BUT the #3 will still be the first one of the day .
it is getting to start staying warm, & the new car bug has taken a big BITE out of me, I want a new one, BUT the Sable is Paid off, sure it has 165K on it but it is running fine & getting 20 MPG , & with gas hitting 3.35 a gallon for the cheep stuff I was thinking of down sizing to some thing getting 35/40 MPG , untill I took a ride in one of the little kidney busters , May sable with all the milage on it Rode better than the new little $hitbox Scion I took for a ride , DIDNT LIKE IT AT ALL. , I dont give a
rats @$$ , what motor trend or car & driver have to say about the gas misers, I am an OLD MAN with arthritus & need a BIG door to get my formerly fat @$$ in & out of the car, a ride that is somewhat smooth & a long wheel base to allow for smooth transitions over the bumps & pothols in the roads here in western Pa , No short chopy JEEP ride for this old fart , my 4 wheeling days are long behind me , My old Bronco is just a hunk of scrap iron by now, might have been recycled into a washing machine by now . So it looks like I will squeeze a few more years out of the Sable, I had a Tempo for 13 years, still had the orginal clutch in it , with 213K I sold it for 275 bucks & the guy got an entire winter out of it , he blew out the clutch trying to pull his wifes Olds out of a ditch at the end of there drive way one snowy day , I am supprised he didnt pull the bumper of the tempo ahahaha

thats about all I have for this week, maybe more later, maybe not ! haha Enjoy, Vince
vince said:
but the guy is a steady customer good for 150 to 175 bucks a month, he said his wife lets him have 50 bucks a week for "spending" money & since he drinks coffee for free at the shop, he spends his hard earned retirement money at the shop, , so it cost me a few cups of coffee & a weee dram of single malt on Friday night if he is there ,

Vince - I love this quote from your Sunday morning smoke. I can't tell you how many times I have gone in to my local shop and picked up some smokes (usually the higher priced ones since I plan to sit and relax in his place) and had a coffee and ALWAYS had to pay for it. I really don't go that often anymore - just one freakin' cup of coffee on the house would have made me buy another cigar or come more often. I know it's a little thing, but it bugs the heck out of me. I'm always amazed at how many places don't follow what you do.

Rant over. Have a great Sunday, Vince - I am getting some work done and heading home to spend the afternoon watching my Lady Knights against GW and making a HUGE pot of sauce (or gravy for my fellow paisans.)
Since I roast my own coffee , the cost of the stuff isnt all that much, but the Quality cant be beat by any supermarket coffee in area, we do have a local coffee roaster who has wonderful stuff but when I get the green coffee beans vs the fresh roasted beans well the cost is almost half as much, I dont want to pay for his time & roaster when I have my own time & an omlet pan & a side burner on my gas grill, I can see the beans as they roast, I dont need to Pull a sample , I can see them all. , the cups are brought from home, BUT if the customer wants cream & sugar in the coffee, they better bring there own !, I dont use it, my coffee dosent need any help, wellll maybe a weee dram here & there , so some one stops at the local gas station that has a coffee bar , grabs a handfull of creamers & some sugar, , we are good for a week ! the coffee is just part of doing business like keeping the paper towels in the rest room & toilet paper , I recycle the plastic bags from the grocery store as liners in the trash cans, the empty beer cans get put in a bag & get recycled when we have a load of them , that money buys coffee, so the coffee is free some of the time & cheep all of the time , I roast for home use so whats a few more minutes to roast for the shop , I drink the stuff all day & I dont want to drink BAD coffee, no one should drink bad coffee so I keep up morale with free coffee 7 every once in a while I tell one of the moochers , its your turn to buy a bottle of single malt , some times it works & we end up with a Johnny Walker Green , or a glem livette, some times they see the price 7 get a bottle of Cutty, & I make them drink it when they come in , dammmm this stuff is harsh, , well next time SPEND a few bucks more & get the Good stuff.( you cheep b@$t@rd)hahaha,
Kelvin said:
Rant over. Have a great Sunday, Vince - I am getting some work done and heading home to spend the afternoon watching my Lady Knights against GW and making a HUGE pot of sauce (or gravy for my fellow paisans.)

Just wondering.. exactly how many jars of Emeril's sauce did you have to open to make a "huge" pot???
That was cold Bro. I will make sure you get a jar of Emeril's sauce when we are in OBX. Your family will get the good stuff.

You made me shop at Walmart for the ingredients - how do you expect to be able to make sauce that way?

By the way - it came out great and so did the Manicotti. My son's friend raved about it.
Jarred sauce, dammmmm that make me shiver & shake just thinking about it, My grandmother will be spinning in her grave if I ever used that stuff, I have HER recipe, her Pot & Spoon, but my red gravy isnt as good as hers ever was, , the only difference is she hot packed her own tomatos , I am just way to lazy to do that, & I might not have the same tomatos she had , so it still would be different , why go through all the work !!
Home-made sauce - can't beat it! And it's not all that much work to make a good pot or three!
The only time my kids have had jarred sauce was when we were out in Yuma this summer. I had promised Chris my homemade sauce and couldn't find a lot of the ingredients when I was there (you really need to start catering to us Italians.) We ended up using a jar of Emeril's - it was brutal. I'll be bringing my own ingredients to OBX this summer.
Kelvin said:
HUGE pot of sauce (or gravy for my fellow paisans.)

Phew; I thought you went soft on us with the sauce comment. I got worried for a second there.
Good Morning it is Sunday the of April 2008, a BEAUTIFUL day here in da Burgh the sky is Blue with a few clouds the grass is starting to turn green & the air is crisp & cool, the Qtr.Deck is about 65F indide & 58 outside, I will be heading there soon, My wife & her sister are heading out today with Credit card & check book in hand , God Help me next month when the statements come in ! hahahaha
I have a BIG pot of Beans on the stove , the ham bone will go in shortly & it will be soup tonight ......
that brings me to a little RANT , the econemy ..... things go in cycles, right now it is down, but soon it will be back up, the Dow Industrial average when I was a kid was 2 or 3 thousand, a big swing was 12 points , now we see tripple diget swings daily but the average is over 12K , so the % of the market that changes isnt much different than it was 50 years ago, the big difference is the VOLUME of the trades, there are more people out there with money & more action in the market, the Buck isnt worth as much today as it was when I was a kid Because there are more of them in circulation , the more money in circulation the lower the value of the cash money , all the BS about the housing market is all driven my GREED & mismanagement of the lenders trying to get rich quick, ENRON was a perfect example of money going to there head. MONEY is not the root of all eveil the LOVE of money is the root , the money is good it is the averice & LOVE that makes it evil, I do not have a masters in Economics but all it takes is a little common sence to see that all we need is to work hard, save a few bucks here & there & SPEND a little less than we make, Now if the GD GOVERNMENT could get SPENDING under control by the congress , Spend what you have not what you will get from our grandchildren & the ecomemy will right it self in a year, but the @$$H@T$ in DC , Harrisburg, & your state capitals just got to learn NOT to spend MY tax dollars so often, we need a MUCH smaller government & less people spending OUR money , we elect the @$$H@T$ to serve us , but they end up serving them selves with out worrying about the outcome & we the voters keep sending them back to DC to represent us, & they LAUGH all the way to the bank , so WHO is the @$$H@T , them or US?
end of rant
the NUB had its release party friday night here in da Burgh, I was NOT able to get there I had to work, so I missed it, but I wish Sam & the NUB best wishes & hope to sell a million NUBS from King Beaver Cigars this year , if he can make that many !

Last Night my wfe & I with our daughter went to the LINCOLN HIGHSCHOOL FOR PREFORMING ARTS , in Midland Pa , the World Premier of Dancing with Mancini , a set of dances to the Music of West Aliquippa native Henry Mancini , ( he wrote the Pink Panter theme, Moon River,Peter Gunn, & tons of GREAT musci ) well the show was a tribute to a Beaver County native , & growning up in Quip myself in the Black snow from the open hearth furnaces my self I understood what was going on . ..... when my Daughter was a lot younger & a dancer ( before the arthritus) I would sleep till I heard her music , watch it & then Nod off till it was over, welll last night I watched it all, GREAT dancers & wonderfull Videos of the OLD stomping grounds & the parades honering Henry . it was a great night, the croud was full of celebs, the wife of Henry Mancini was there , still looking Good & the guy who was the promotions director of Apple records 7 the push behind the Beatles was there , there is going to be a tribute show to the Fab 4 this fall at the Lincoln HS , so he was there to see the place & check out the 35Million Dollar HS , dammmm what way to spend our TAX money !!!!

Yesterday was the Strippers day at a Club I beling to here in da Burgh, , you know strippers are not what they used to be in the heyday of burlisque ( or how ever you spell it ) the Girls had a routene & danced as they too it off, today , they come out pull off the T shirt & bammmm in your face, so little seduction, no moves just POP they out ! , the ART is gone , I miss the show, , the Porn industry is to blame, get right to the money shot, no plot no story just wam bam its in its out , its all over her face ... NO Class at all.

the Soccor season starts next saturday for my Grandson, I will be there with the wife cheering & wondering what is going on , , at lest i will be out in the morning sun, & have a nice morning cigar & coffee ,Next Saturday is the wife birthday so I plan on being as nice to her as she was to me on my birthday.... No I dont think I could ever be that mean hahahahaha

Last Night I was watching Saturday Night Live, , , , , , , , , back when it started many years ago with DAN,JOHN<GILDA<Jane, Garrte,Chevy,Lorain & the gang it was funny, it was new & different, today , well its still live....., about the only thing I enjoyed last night was weekend up date , kind of the idea for my Sunday morning post , an update of the past week, well I am Not Chevy Chase but I do have 2 fingers to type this every sunday when I remember to post it anyhow ! maybe I am getting old but it just isnt as funny as it was , the players are wonders , but the material is lacking for some thing, maybe the writers need to get KICKED up a notch or bring back some of the old farts, bring back the coke & boose to the cast , make it Funny again , what ever it takes, Find the next Eddie Murphy, Find the next Jane Curtain, Find the next JOHN BALUSHI ,Jiim is Ok , but John was OUT THERE , Cone heads, where are they, Blues brothers , Hans & Franz , THE CHURCH LADY & & Waynes world, , , , just no strong characters to build on ....... & the musical Guests , come on , I never here of them again, , , , , the first time I heard Willie Nelson was on SNL, & I am not a Counrty music fan, BUT I have a few Willie Nelson CD's In my collection, "Stardust" is my favorite , , SNL went down hill when Loren Michaels stopped being the producer, & it got better when he came back, but I think he is looking at retirement & letting it slide a little bit, Just MYOPINION, & like @$$hole$ every one has one !

Gotta go stirrrrr the soup ! , Enjoy, Vince
$35,000,000 for a High School huh, Vince? Don't get me started. And what do they learn there these days? Why, sex, drugs and crime, that's what. Forget history, math and biology.

But I digress. Thank The Lord Jesus Christ for Vince and his two fingers, giving us Da Burgh's Nooz every Sunday. I would like to correct something that Vince said though, because it's important from a historical purpose. Otherwise, I would not break faith with the protocol of not correcting people on the internet. America started WWII when we nuked Japan? Never mind, don't correct the person, it's not nice.

But Vince and I have known each other for eight years, so I know he won't mind. When I signed on at cA, Vince was going at it with Ramone2, telling him he had stains in his underwear that were twice as old as he was, haw, haw, hawwww!!!

As for the Dow Jones Industrials division of the New York Stock Exchange, that was a big deal for me, the day the index first closed above 1,000. I'm a big numbers guy, just interested in the numbers about anything and everything, that's all. It was a watershed mark in American economic history, and to tell you the truth, the downward spiral of our culture can be traced back to about the time the Dow first hit 1,000. There was something economically euphoric among financiers about seeing those numbers climb, which they've been doing ever since. Of course, as Vince correctly stated in his post, our culture has been declining at about the same rate that the Dow has been climbing.

But my point is that Vince was far from a kid when the Dow first hit 1,000, so I know that he wasn't a kid when it was fluctuating between 2,000 and 3,000. Not unless being somewhere between 400 and 500 years old classifies you as a "kid." Hmmmmmmm, in Vince's case, that might have been "kid" age for an old dinosaur like him, hee, hee, heee!!!

Here's a couple links to some Dow Jones history, for all who are interested. I had just turned 16 a couple weeks earlier, when it closed at or above 1,000 for the first time. ... A96F958260
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