Good morning it is Sunday JUNE 1st 2008, dammmmm time is flying by, seams just like a few days ago we were cleaning ice & snow from the cars & now the A/C is up & running, MAY was a good month at the shop , lots of cigars came in & went out, a lot of coffee was drank & a few bottles of scotch were consumed , all in all it was a GOOD time 7 lets face it guys & gals, we are here to have a good time , the 11th commandment should be Dont WAIST TIME , or is that waste? hahaha , should have paid attention to the teacher in English class not stare at her Clevege hahaha, yes I was a pervert back in High school, & that my friends was a LONG TIME ago, JFK was still a senator !!!!! Ike was in the White house & we were loading up "advisors" for Vietnam , that was a LONG time ago.... but now here were in a different war not fighting a country but an Idea this war has been going on ever since Abraham had 2 sons , one became a Jew , one a Muslum ....... end of the history lesson, ( I did pay attention in History class, the teacher was a Marine Captain , & I didnt want to do push ups in class for not being on the right page )
ONLY 2 more Saturday scoccor games & both are next Saturday a Double header, so that means 2 hours of watching a sport I have no idea what is going on , but the grandson is playing so I will be there , I never now the score , they should post it but that would make the team that had the lower point count feel bad 7 we cant have that, can we? BS you have winners & loosers, the kids know the score, 7 know when the win & when they loose, today I dont know who won or who lost , I dont care BUT then kids sure do , after the game its off to the ice cream stand for a cone for the kids & a cup of coffee for me , next week I bring my own coffee, that stuff they have calling it coffee, well lets just say my Piss has more cafine in it than the coffee did !!!!!
the weather has FINALLLLLLY warmed up , I got to have a pair of shorts on today, DAMMMM are my legs white , out in the sun it hurt to look at them hahahah even in the shade !an errrie glow emenating from under the tree behind the goal ! yep thats me & my un taned legs !
the BOSS drug me to the movie today , YES I was forced to go see SEX in the CITY , as a chick flic I guess it was OK , there were a few Boobs to look at from time to time so it wasnt a total loss other than I spent 2.5 hours in the dark with NO CIGAR OR COFFEE ! DAMMMMM that was TUFFFFF !
the Price of Gasoline is up to 4 bucks a gallon here in da Burgh, I know a few of you have all ready been over that point , but Dammmm 46 Bucks for a few gallons of Gas , but I wasnt as bad as the SUV beside me an even $100.00 , 25 Gallons of gas & she didnt fill it up ! , time to park the car & get out the 10 speed ..... Dammmmm I gave it away about 5 years ago , not that i ever road it much hahaha, ( like it was 12 years old & didnt have 500 miles of the clock ! ) I gave it to my Buddys Son to ride when he went to college , No cars on campus for freshmen ( I have no idea where he went, but he still has the bike now in Grad school some place in the south, , hey I bet he had to replce the tires by now hahahaha ! I cant even ride the Lawn mower to work, I got rid of it this past week, it was out of the shed twice last year, thats it, My wife didnt like it , she said she felt like it was going to tip over on the bank, well I showed her it was safe & I tryed to tip it , but no go , she wanted to push the entire yard, so I got rid of it , it took a gallon of gas to fill it up & I could get 2 or 3 cuts out of a tank of gas, , I can just see itnow, heading down the high way with my straw hat, cup of coffee & a cigar stuck in traffic ..... hahaha BUT now ROB will paint lazy man express on it, , dammmm his yard is smaller than mine , well at lest he cuts his grass i let the BOSS do it we made a deal 38 years ago she will take care of the snow & grass & I will cook. works for both of us BUT she wants me to clean up after I cook, I tell her it want part of the orginal; agreement , & we have been in negaotions for the past 37 years, Looks like this one will be a stalemate, , we will have the grandons cutting the yard in a few years so she can stay inside the house 7 clean up as I cook ! hahahaha that way she knows it was done RIGHT & I didnt clean up the floors with the dish rag ! hahaha
I know its going to be warm out today but she wants that SUNDAY ROAST , with BROWN GRAVY , its been on the Sunday menu for so mannnnnny years now I could just CRY, But thats what she wants & to keep her happy well thats what she will get , nothing special just a pot roast & she is happy, , if thats all it takes i will make a pot rosat every day of the week if thats what she wants, , what about a hunk of chicken or pork , maybe a little salmon , NOOOOOOO its got to be BEEF! Lamb? out of the question... shrimp, forget it , Fish is for Fridays , & SUNDAY is BEEF ROAST SO it will be a Hunk of Cow on the table later today
I was back on 1460 WMBA & 1320 WBVP this past tuesday Morning at 7 AM, the station turned 60 years old & they had a few of the OLD announcers back for a little Nostalgia , I had a great time & almost remembed how everything worked , took a few phone calls from OLD listeners on the air & didnt have to bleep anyone out , so it was a good morning , drank up all the coffee & didnt mind a bit , dammmm I miss it thouse 4 years went by Fast , BUT I need one guy to retire before I even thing about going back, ,,,, BUT you cant smoke in the studio, cant sip scotch on the air, cant Play the music I want to play, need to get up at 4:30 AM to be ready & on the air at 6 AM, & who would run the cigar shop ??? Looks like I am "stuck" on the job I have hahahaha yea stuck smoking cigars drinking coffee , sipping a fine old single malt Scotch during work & actuly getting paid to be rude to the customers, cant be rude on the air , the boss( at the station ) frowns apon it , BUT at the shop I can be as rude & obnoxious as i want to be , dammmm customers keep comming in & interupting my relaxation time hahahaha !
Thats about all I have this week from Da Burgh , didnt go out for the paper yet, anyone know if the PENNs won or lost??? hahahahaha WHO CARES its JUST A GAME !!!!
Enjoy, Vince
KUZI 16 , is this early enough for you sorry about being late a few weeks ago !!!!! Enjoy, Vince