Good Morning, it is Sunday the 6th of July , a hot & humid day here in Da Burgh , Finallllly, after weeks of Rain , But nothing like the poor souls in the Mississippi river area , , with all the farm land that has been flooded & all the citys divistated , why dont we see any riots & name calling & finger pointing lootings & the same stuff we saw in New Orleans ? is it the nature of the farmers to take care of there own & not want any help from the federal Government ?????? , I guess its just the way things are , I grew up in a suburban area now I live in a rural area, that is slowing getting developed into an Urban area , ( it SUCKS) , & I can see the difference in attitude of the City folks comming out to the country & find out they need to do things for them selves, Like CUT the grass , hey Dummie you got a house with a Yard now Not an appartment with A Building maintenence staff to change your light bulbs , I have been here over 30years now & its funny to see how self reliant I have become , I have a tool box , & a power drill, & a SHOVEL & RAKE , God Help me I dont use them Much But I have !!! , give me a good Knife & a stove I am fine, but me & a 2 x4 with hammer & nails are not a good mix, , however I can if needbe use them, but some of the city slickers moving out here for the "fresh " air will learn just like I did , when the farmer spread the manure on the fields the Fresh air is RIPE hahahahahaha
there is a wild growning Blackberry bush in one corner of my yard, I have been getting my fingers stained as I stand there & watch in amazement of Gods Glory & how that little seed I spit out 10 years ago or so has beveloped into a fruit bearing bush , complete with thorns to get you to stop eating before you eat them all , yea a few scratches 7 when the blood starts to drip onn the shoes , you know its time to stop hahahaha
I have pandora .com playing right now , dave brubeck , man this is great , since i found Pandora I havent tirned on the TV at work , just crank up the Jazz on Pandora & relax with a fine OLD Cigar & a well aged single malt with a pot of Fresh ground coffee & tell the customers to wait till the song is over before I move hahahaha
I have a NICE set of Porterhouse steaks sitting in a light marinade & some Yams that will hit the grill some time this afternoon , I will Qtr. the spuds , give them a light coat of EVOO & drop them on the grill about the same time I put the piece of beef on for my wife , when hers is almost creamated then I will put mine on , threaten it with a little heat , get some nice grill marks on it to show me where to Cut hahaha, thats about all it will need !
Coffee this morning is a Mexican coffee of some sorts, my wife picked it up at the new coffee roaster in New Brighton Pa , the place is called hallowedgrounds , they are turning out some great stuff so far , we are working our way through the menu of several different styles & roasts of a lot of different blends & single coffees , you can call them at 724-581-JAVA ( a shameless plug ) , tell them I recomended them to you & dont worry they know who I am for Sure hahaha
#2 grandson had a tooth pulled this past week, his braces came off & he is just using a retainer at night now , , to many teeth on one side of his mouth & not enough on the other , so Now when he smiles you see teeth not braces , he said it feels funny ............... yea I guess so !! #1 gradson is finishing up his cooking class at the Sweetwater arts & has had a crash course on Caviar , salmon, & cream cheese , now he want to add caviar to everything , well slow down cowboy this stuff is 'SPENCIVE , I am going to show him the food bill & hope he understands you just dont have caviar 3 times a week let alone 3 times a day , 3 times a year can break the bank !
I am having a rabbit problem.... I have this round cement decotative "stone" beside the walkway, its been there a year , never had any problems with is till now, it is set in sand , & for a year the birds, chipmunks & rabbits just ran over & arround it, Now the Dumb Bunnys are digging up the sand & laying there , I gues its cooler , or maybe warmer, , it is all out in the open so I dont think they are trying to nest , but I added a bottle of RED PEPPER flakes to the sand, , same thing all over again, sand tossed every where , for a year it looked like a fine Japeneese sand garden , now it looks like a kids sand box !!! , anyone have any ideas how to get rid of the rabbits , with out cooking them hahahaha ????
I was out doing a cigar tasting yesterday in a mall shop , I have never seen so many people come in a cigar shop who were not smokers, I offer a cigar , they say No thanks I dont smoke I was just looking at the shop, , in the 4 hours I was there I must have had 20 people say NO to a FREE cigar , they had to smoke it there , as the mall was NON smoking but the shop had a smoking lounge , so inside the shop was OK but not OUTSIDE ........ , I dont understand that, you go to the mall to shop & if you dont smoke cigars why would you come in a cigar shop to "LOOK" & COMPLAIN about the AROMA , stupid jack@$$e$ , it says CIGAR SHOP on the door what do you think was being sold there & smoked there , a BIG cloud of smoke Billowing up from 8 or 10 Cigar smokers & you come in & Bitch about the AROMA , GIVE ME A GUN !!!!!
There will NOT be a POSTING next Sunday Morning , I am heading for vegas & the RTDA show , Next Sunday Morning , I knows they changed the name from RTDA to some othe BS , but RTDA is what I remember , I dont know if I will get one posted saturday Night or not, so you will need to put you collictive minds on Hold or get a life hahahaha
Hey i am looking out he window at the pasture & this DUMB cow has her back to the electric fence & swishing her tail back & forth Hitting he frece, getting a small shock as I can see the spark & the mussel contract on the hind Qtr,& she isnt moving away from the fence, , hummmm mabe she likes it ! , I sire am going to miss the pasture when the old guy dies & his kids sellit for home development , if I had the cash I would buy it my self & keep it cow pasture , rent it out to some one who wanted to raise beef & not Kids , I dont want to get into raising beef now way to old for all that hard work !!!
speaking of OLD this past Friday was the BIRTHDAY OF THE USA , I had the TV on a little & caught a little of the Musical 1776 , dammm I miss drinking with my Buddys Ben & Tom hahahaha , but back then it was mostly Rum , Beer & wine, the drink of the day was Tea, & dont get me wrong , I like a cup of tea here & there BUT I AM A COFFEE person , with a little Single malt on the side , they just pair up a lot better than Tea with anything , Rum & bourbon are to sweet for my taste buds & since i never use sugar in my coffee or tea ,,, scotch is My dram of choice
all most noon time for me to get my formerly fat @$$ in gear & get going , Enjoy the next 2 weeks I will try to post next saturday but I cant be sure , SEE YOU IN VEGAS
Enjoy, Vince