Sunday Morning Smoke

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I did look back to find it but was unable to figure out when I posted it , anyhow, Welcome back Capt !
You can probably make a Roethlis-Burger at home, blindfolded, with a cigar in one hand, and a single malt sitting close by.

A BOTTLE of single malt, hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
this weeks posting will be a little late, I just got up & need a few QUARTS of coffee to recover from the cigar crawl weekend, check it out at , look for the up date as soon as later today or maybe by thursday , who knows , check back often , this is known as a tease or a come back to the BS ! hahaha Enjoy, Vince
I looked many places for Vince's update. The cabinets, under the cacti, nada. I was scared of the cobwebs under the stairwell.
The Colonel said:
I looked many places for Vince's update. The cabinets, under the cacti, nada. I was scared of the cobwebs under the stairwell.

I am working on it .............. way to much scotvh, not enough coffee & wayyyyyyy to mannnnny cigars, I hit a new daily record, 16 , from 6 am to 2 am & then passed out with the last one in the ashtry, it wasnt long enough to relight so it was a Finished smoke !
Hello Sports fans & welcome to the Sunday morning smoke , just a weee bit late, its monday Night & I have sort of recovered from the weekend ! it was a Glorious weekend the 11th anniual western Pa cigar crawl & weekend scotch fest , so lets get started with the regulare BS , spelling not included, .... the week was a blur getting ready for the week end so lets just pass on the food, coffee, & family BS & I will poick it up with my Buddy big bob comming in for the weekend this thursday........... havent seen him since last cigar crawl, he is in mississippi , dammm I think I might have spelled it right well I did forget the capital , , , , , , well , we had a few drinks & a few cigars & he went back home to his parents place & we took his car up & dropped it off at the pittsburgh chop house, ( the reason will be clear later) , well we went back to the cigar shop in Monaca & picked up a few more guys for our trip North to sharon Pa , the starting place of the crawl... checked in the hotel, found the bar took our stuff to the room & returned to the bar, , OK off we go to the Penn Ohio Cigar shop , & Quaker Steak & Lub , a BBQ wing joint & BAR ........ the evening festivitys are in full swing we have reservations for 40 people, we show up, there are strangers in our seats, we had reservations for 8 Pm & the place had been wall to wall since 5 Pm, the interlopers were still there, , the manager thought they would be done by the time we got there, hahahaha, beer & wings in & out in 2.5 Hours, Never going to happen ! , so we were stuck for a place to get together as a group, they did open a small area up for us but it was a non smoking area, that lasted all of 13.2 seconds , pull out the 3 finger case, with a brandy snifter in hand, clip & light a monte #2 contraband cigar with out spilling a drop of the 16 YO Laugavulin ............. & this is after 4 laugavulins all ready, ahhh it pays to Practice ! , so there we are , & the waitstaff is over welmed, the kitchen is under staffed & the food is taking for ever, & we are getting louder all the time, soon the food shows up & it is a real CLUSTERF**K , , no one had any idea we were going to be there, execpt the catering manager, he told the approiate people we were going to be there but No one staffed the place like it should have been,m the Bar tender who was working was the same bar tender we hire for the bus on Saturday & she knew when she saw the schedual that it was going to be a BAD night , I have been at this place many times & the food is top notch, well a few trainees could have done a better job, it was BAD just to be nice, & my Buddies were so discusted with the service they all walked out & stuk me with the check, , I paid for the Bar tap & told the bouncer to KMA if he wanted any of the money for the food witch was still on my plate, , he looed at what we were served & agreed he wouldnt pay for it himself.... problem solved, now to get even with my "BUDDIES" for sticking me with a C Note plus bar tab ! hahahaha
well the night was winging along & we all went back to the hotel & thes hospitality room, More cigars & more Booze, , I went back to the room about midnight & fell asleep asap , the alarm is set for 6 AM .............. Bingo its morning & time for a shower & a weee dram, the resturaunt , ( a differnt one ) is in the hotel, now this is the place that forgot we were comming last year & didnt have a breakfast cook shedualled & I made breakfast for the crew & got charged for my own food ! , dammmthat wasa BS move on the part of the management ( who didnt show up either ) , so we get pancakes that have been sitting under a heat lamp & are the consistancy of Hockey pucks shaped like a Frisby ............. I should have cooked again ! , NEXT year I will ! if we go back there next year !
so the Bus shows up, the driver is one of my regular customers , so it looks like it just might be a good day, well , , , , , for the most part it was, BUT I digress, we all get on the bus & go to our first stop, Penn Ohio Cigar shop , & George is READY for us the coffee is made the dounuts are out the girls working have the Hooters Up front & accounted for & we have a great time, back on the bus to stop #2 , Klafters wharehouse in New castle Pa , lots of specials, 4 cigar reps are there with all the new stuff, , just like a kid in a candy shop ! , back on the bus to head for lunch, RESERVATIONS for 55 ...... , places are set, But no one behind the bar, No wait staff, NO food out, we are 20 miutes standing in the parking lot, the kitchen is ready , but no one but the souse chef 7 one line cook are there, No servers , no buss people , no bar tenders, every one is running late , , Now this is the third place we were eating in this weekend, with one more to go & it is again a CLUSTERF**K, well are 12:55 the bar tender shows up, & dammm it was worth the wait, Great hooters, short skirt & CAMANDO ............., the food came out on time & it was great, & I ate to much so what else is new ! hahaha, it started to rain & we headed to KING BEAVER CIGARS , just 5 minutes away, , for a change EVERYTHING WAS READY, I guess I traind my staff well , or maybe it was just time taht things went well for us ! , ( put your money on LUCK not Training hahaha ) , we made fun of the all the first time crawlers ( Nubies) , one had to keep a powdered sugar donut in a plactic bag hung arround his neck all day , others were pack mules for the vets & others were door stops & beer carriers , they all got stomped on hard when they fell asleep, WEDDGIE, Dammmmm thats had to hurt ! hahahaha , dont fall asleep leaning forward with thy tops of you jockys abouve the waist band of the dockers , DAMMMM that had to open up the sinus passages hahahaha , Ok so now were back on the bus heading for our next stop, ( check out ) for the exact itenerary
of course caddie shack was on the VCR , Hurry fast forward to the Tits ....
Ok we are heading back to the city & we get stuck in a traffic jam, 45 minutes & then the driver misses his turn & we have to go about 5 miles out of our way to get the bus turned arrond, , so we get there a little late , well it was a quick stop, I was able to pop in a bath & body shop, picked up some fancy soap & lotions for the wife ( I need all the brownie points I can get ) & we are off, Lat sop, , great pplace, lots of coffee scotch & cigars, a little bigger than king Beaver, But the humidor is a lot smaller , , great selection for the shop , & I got a candle for the wife, again More Brownie points & we were off to the Chop House for a HUNK of PRIME RIB , & it was worth the trip , dammm you could still see the wip marks on the meat where the jocky had been hitting it 20 minutes before , & it was SOOOO GOOOOD , well the dinner was Fantastic & the bar was well stocked & the cigars were being smoked by all, the cake was wonderful & service was great, Now we have been on the bus since 8 AM, it is now almost 12:30 AM the rain has stopped & we are abot 75 /90 Minuts from the starting poing hotel, & Thats WHY we left a Car there on Friday, just 20 Minuts from the cigar shop & Home base, for me, .... a lot of Tired drunks had an hour ride north , & then stay the night OR drive back home, well we saved the trip North, & went home , all in all it was a GRAND time, looking Forward ro WPCC # 12 next year !
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning it is Sunday 24th of May, a warm & humid Memorial day weekend , & to celebrate Memorial day I will be broadcasting on 1460 WMBA, Ambridge Pa & 1320 WBVP , Beaver falls Pa from 6 AM to 10 AM on Monday, we do not have internet broadcasting yet, both stations are owned by the same guy & studios are across the hall from each other so broadcasing on both is as simple as turning a switch , Bingo your on both stations at the same time , Garry west the stations Program manager wanted to take the day off so I said Sure I will be glad to fill in anytime, well this is anytime so I will be up at 5 am & on the air at 6 ................ I have a lot of Patrotic music , & poetry , all rolled in the smoke of a fine cigar , OHHHH DAMMM cant smoke in the studio , oh well I guess I can hold off a few hours hahahaha , if your up give me a call on air at 724 774-1888 , Please NO profanity , I dont want to hang up on anyone ............. BUT I will.
Breakfast this morning was buttermilk pancakes with bananas & black berrys , a pot of kona & a Don Carlos #3 , I have switched to a pot of moca Java , & a Bahia maduro Churchill, , & I have a masterpiece all set aside for the smoke After the London Broil I have sitting in a marinade in the fridge & it will be going on the grill when I get home from Star trek movie this afternoon, Beam me Up Scotty !
the shop has been a little busy this week, a good thing as i was getting a little worried about the down turn in daily sales , but now theweather has warmed up & the golfers are out the sales have gone up a little but near what we did last year, , (Note to self, write to congress & complain AGAIN about the cigar tax, the whisky tax & anything else I can find to bitch about ! )Oh yea & ask for bail out money hahahaha
the grandsons are getting on my nerves, the big one is ragging on the little one the little one get pissed & punches the big one he crys , He hit me, well let the kid alone & dont pick on him & he will not hit you , yes he will, no I will not , & it goes on & on , so one sits up front with me & one in the back with Barb, , then they argus who will sit up front, so one sitsd up front going & the other up front comming back, dammmmmm it is getting to me a bit , the nerves are shot !

the Western Pa. Cigar crawl is in the record book, , the debochery has been recorded & all arrests , & fines, jail time is all over with, Cant WAIT till next year ! , check it out at maybe YOU can join us next year ! , a week later & I am still in Detox ! BUT it was FUN !!!!
, The boss got a new vacume sweeper last night so i will be putting it together for her soon, , the instruction book said I needed a screwdriver to put it together, , Dammmm I hope I can find one hahahahaha
Enjoy, Vince
Heyyyyyyyyyy Vince, back to your old radio days, huh? Too bad I wasn't up early enough. It's possible that since you're at the end of the dial, I might've been able to pick you up on one of my battery powered units. And he says he's going to keep the language clean, but then he mentions pancakes with bananas and blackberries. Ahhhhhh, what a card!!! Yes, it's warm and humid in the Northeast folks, as much here as where Vince is. Same climate, just moved over about 400 miles, is all. Listen to me, "is all," like I'm from the country or something. Yeah, I'm from the country, I'm from the Republika Socialistika Newyorkova. Don't forget buddy, when the kids start getting to those nerves, a couple shots of the good stuff will help like nothing else.

Yup, a couple shots apiece, and those kids will be out for at least a day, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Have a great Memorial Day, everyone, and remember, give as much as you can to worthwhile charities, like VFW, etc. God bless them all. We wouldn't be able to sit around and complain about our nation so much if it wasn't for guys like Vince and so many others on this web site. Hopefully, the second half of '09 will be better than the first. If it's not, what Bob Grant refers to as "this once great republic" will be nothing but "the republic that once existed on this terrain."

God bless America.
no good stuff for the kids, I save it for ME !, I do have a bottle of makers mark for the kids hahahaha , I will be on at 6 am MONDAY, give me a call ! Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday , MAY 31 ,2009 , the last day of Mayhere in 2009 , a cool & rainfilled week here in da burgh , BUT Hocky istill alive , Pens lost last night in the Motor city 3-1 , in the fisrt game of the stanly cop Finals , Hockey in JUNE??? , baseball , football ,hockey basketball, rugby, Skeet, & Trap, Boxing,soccor,auto racing, golf & bowling , Hunting & fishing, all Competive sports of such, now there is a Pro circut for Competive eating, dammmm where was I before the Gastric by pass???? I have put away my share of Nathans hotdogs when we were in NYC on Vacation a few years back, BUT I have no thoughts of eating upwards of 50 dogs in the short time allowed for the compitition, , dammmmm I could have been a contender hahahaha
well we started out the day a little later than planed , the PORK roast is defrosting , YES PORK , I talked her into a hunk of Pulled pork today not her standard POTROAST , so it will get the "treatment " soon, & be in the oven , "Pulling the pork"will happen some time this afternoon, If I can get her away from the sunday paper hahahaha , if not I have a Masterpiece in the humi with my name on it , looks like I will be smoking it rather than "pulling the pork " with the wife hahahaha , her comment was , your to old
well it was just a thought anyhow !
I pulled out the sunday paper & there is a story about the school district merger in Monaca ( the shop is on Penna. Ave in Down town Monaca ) & Center Twp, the residential /Farm area arround the town , well Center Twp has a 1% mercantile tax , Monaca has NONE , well the people of center want to add all the business's in Monaca to the tax , & the mercantile tax has been rulled illeagle by the state coart , BUT Center twp was grandfathered in to let it stand, well now thay want to include us in the tax after the state court said no more mercantile tax in the state but we will let stand what is in place right now, , & since the school board in Center is the BIG money behind the merger into the new district they want to control the shots, taxes 7 run the new board, well a few who are from the orginal Monaca school board are up in arms about it & there is a LOVE /hate , relationship between them, this merger should have happened years ago but the people in power didnt want to give it up, , its still the same , , the boards just cant get along , , kind of like the congress ! BUT I am getting away from the story on the paper & the tax, , , , it seams as the local news paper sent a potographer into town for some photos, Low & behold , there we are on the front page , , taken from a distance mind you, but the Stars & Strips , POW & USN Flags are standing proud in front of the shop as I am sitting in a lawn chir talking to a few customers outside , puffing a Don Gonzalezes Maduro Churchill, sipping coffee & passing away the time with TONS of B.S. hahahaha just like any other day .......
Last night we went to listen to a bunch of Student mucic performances , the Number 2 grandson has been playing the electric 6 string "GEETAR"
so last night he had his " debute" in a bar with his teacher & a few other students, now the kid is only 11 & has been 'playing for a few months , but he was a dancer before this 7 his older brother has been playing Piano for about 7 years now & he has been paying close attention to the music & picking up bits & pieces over the time & , last night Page & Plant would have been Proud of the "Lead" this Kid pumped out , the songs were popular about the time his Mother was born hahahaha , so now we have a Piano & Guitar , anyone play base or drums? hahaha , Glad I got rid of the banjo or they might have forced me to learn to play that thing, Hummmm maybe I should take up the bagpipes, No chance of that getting into a rock band hahahahaha ...................... One of my Favorite "cheep "single malts a 10 YO called Spayburn is being discontinued by the Pa. state run , monopoly no nothing , not caring over priced under educated, "STATE " employees , well for years it has bennin the 25 dollar range & the price jumped a little while back , but it was still a bargain at the new price , IMHO anyhow, well the sales declined & now all stock is being sold out at 15 BUCKS a bottle, , I gave my brother in law 45 bucks & had him pick me up 3 from the shop he works near, & I went on a tour of the county & bought up all I could afford , Now I have a small storage space problem , BUT I will be sipping single malt for a long time to come hahaha ..............
Coffee this morning was a fine pot of fresh ground Kona made in the press pot, with a little distraction it brewed a few minutes longer than the normal 3/3.5 minutes , more like 20/25 today, BUT it was still GOOD, a little cooler than I like it , BUT I did get the newspaper way from the wife for a few minutes hahahahaha ............. I was back on the radio last Monday , did ther Memorial day fill in spot from 6 am till 10 am , had a lot of Fun, talked to a few nice old friends & a few new friends & of couse the OLD CRABS that will always be there !!
The Cigar crawl is a blur in my mind, check out the photos at , maybe you can join in next time ! ..... if you dare, remember its a weekend of smoking drinking & eating , if you cant run with the big dogs , you better stay on the porch ............ Enjoy, Vince
Hmmmmmm, so now Vince is a "public figure" around Monaca way. I'm SO glad you got that deal on the whiskey, Vince. I remember back when PFSGoldenEagle helped me get in to bourbon after a friend had introduced me to it nearly ten years ago. It seems I got in to it at just the right time. Amazing bourbons were being offered at ridiculously low prices, and the cream of the crop of certain bourbons, too. When I see what the Hirsch 16 is going for these days, it makes me cringe, considering the highest price I ever paid was $44.04, inclusive of shipping. You have to stock up on those bargains, Vince, because we are in Jimmeh Cahtuh II here, and it's going to be way worse. Hal Lindsey said a few months ago that some big shot financial dude had predicted certain things in the past, and is predicting job marches for 2011, and food riots for 2012. Stock up on that Speyburn buddy, you'll need it to keep your sanity as you watch the nation you fought/cooked for intentionally self-destruct.

Have fun pulling the Sunday pork with the wife. Should be very exciting. It's the first time since the Magna Carta was signed that she hasn't had beef on Sunday, haaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Good Morning it is Sunday 7 June 2009 ,a GRAND day here in da Burgh, , the weather is PERRRRFICT , I dont want any mental pictures forming to gross anyone out But I am sitting her at the computer with a cup of kona & in my BVD'S & a big smile , ahhhh its comfy ......., I dont have much planed for today other than getting out the hammoc & Enjoying a few cigars & sipping a lot of coffee & single malt whisky , & speaking of whisky , I have been all over the place visiting a lot of the state run , poor service no nothingstock boys who are STATE retirement employees, & could care less about the customers BUT want to be coddled by the state retirement board, yea Vince tell us what you think about the Pa. wine & spirits shops , well these BOZO's have decided to stop stocking my go to LOW PRICE single malt , No more Spayburn, 10 Y.O. , a nice highland malt with a touch of heather in it , Not the Flavor profile of the Laugavulin I love , but at the DIFFERENCE of 50 Bucks a Bottle ( 25 VS 75 ) , I will take 3 Spayburns to work for the Moochers & leave the Good stuff at home for the moochers who just happen to stop buy with a cigar or 2 for me ! so Now i need to start to check out all the scotches all over again to find a cost effective alternative to the Spayburn, Dammmm this research is tuff on the liver & the wallet hahahaha
Locally the little town of Rochester Pa , ( just accross the river from Monaca ) & between Freedom & Bridgewater , if you have the energy to look it up on a map, well the center of town has a Strange intersection with a BUNCH of different roads comming in at different angles & none hitting the intersection at the same crossing points so it is a mess with traffic lights & some times it will take 2 entire minutes to get a green light on the main street , well the county transit athority has a great idea to put in a traffic circle , allowing only right turns , you just drive into the loop & get off when your at the street you want , with out ever stopping, $1.8 MILLION , for the project, ( now this is before Cost over runs & all the graft & payoffs are made to the land owners, politicl bosses & unions , so who knows what the final cost will be just because some one's wife was late for her hair appointment ( geee its great to be married to some one with pull that can spend the taxpayers hard earned money to save 2 DAMMMMM minutes at a red light , feeding at the public trough is getting costly to us who fill it ............. , I had a letter to the editor published in this morning's Beaver County Times I dont know what is worse, the payoffs to the polititions or the money we spend on wellfair ...... Get a Frigging Job you lazy Bums ( this is directed at the political establishment ) as for the wellfair people , dammm its tuff out there the polititions have screwd up almost everything , but you second & third generation of living on wellfair & public assistance,with bling arround you neck, driving a benz & & having a cell phone along with your food stamps, well people the time has come for your LAZY @$$ to get a JOB also , dammm I was in a great mood when I got up this morning, must have been that dammmm Patragas Series D #4 I had first thing this morning instead of my regular Don Carols #3 ....... hahahahahaha
Breakfast this morning was wonderfull, , , , grilled english muffin , covered in melted swiss chees topped with tomato, bacon & a fryed egg, & all that covered with a Red bell pepper relish , Heaven on a plate , next time Just a touch more hot peppers in the mix ........ the woodchucks AKA ( groundhogs ), chipmunks, rabbits, squerrels ( rats with furry tails ) are all over the back yard this morning, the bird feeder is drawing a ton of visitors & DAMMMM the wild bird seed is killing the cash flow, looks like the birds & wild life are going to get off the public assistance & have to Find JOBS to get there OWN food ..................
I switched to a pot of moca java , the kona was grand but over powered by the partagas, as wll as the Moca jave being over powered by the same cigar , but I have a white lable monte ready for after lunch & the moca java will be fine with it , I just wonder if I will be able to taste it after the Partagas ....................
we had a great week at the shop, got in a few new sticks , the Rocky Patel spring line with Pa. Tobacco in the blend is selling well, I did ENJOY ye ole Winter blend, that DARK wrapper with the bright band, it was a real smoke ! , the nice green band on the spring line is Ok, but not as Stunning on the Eye as the winer blend.

I have a pair of rib steaks in a light minarade that will be hitting the grill some time this after noon, , No pot roast this sunday * (DAMMM thats 2 weeks in a row) , but we are back to beef, I will also roast a few ears of corn on the grill & have a little of the red pepper relish mixed in the butter for the corn, YUMMMMMMMY
School out for the summer, the grandson s are happy & sad, all at the same time, dammmm how could that be , happy that school is out I understand, but sad , Dammmmm i guess its a communication thing, they cant talk face to face , dammm they dont do it now , with twittering & Texting , My grandsons are in the same room & dont speak directly to each other, unless its on the cell phone text. , well our parents didnt understand us, so why do we think we would be any different !

Enjoy, Vince
Good Morning , it is Sunday 14 June 2009, a Fantastic morning here in da Burgh, the temp is cool the wind is light the sky is blue & the grass is green, , what more could you ask for ? , Breakfast is over, we had a 3 cheese omlet with a side of bacon, a pot of kona which has been replaced with a pot of Moca java, I have found that the moica java tastes better when you have the kona first, sort of opens up the taste buds & wakes you up, ...... the first cigar as per usual was the don carlos #3 , soon to be Fallowed by (just to compair) a GOD OF FIRE , , I have a great day of cigars planned for today, after the GOF I have a 92 vintage Rocky Patel "A" size that a buddy sent me a box of for Christmas , it is the LAST one in the box , hey I made it 6 months , with out smoking them ALL , I am using the box as a lap dask to do my caligraphy practice on, , got to get the hand & eye along with the brain to start working together, , hahahah yea like the brain ever did work hahahah after that I have no idea what is in store for the taste buds , what ever it is I am grilling a few rib steaks today , ***3 weeks in a row, NO POT ROAST ***** but now I think she might be hooked on a Sunday rib steak, well what ever makes her happy, 39 years this August, no reason to through in the towl now hahahahaha
I spend last evening working at the radio station in Beaver Falls , Pa 15010, 1230 WBVP & 1460 WMBA out of Ambridge Pa , same programing on both stations at the same time , there was a car cruise & over 1800 cars trucks, quads, choppers ,dirt bikes & one motorized bar stoll were prowling the streets of the city, it was a GREAT time
Last friday night we had a Bagpiper playing at the shop, , in full kilt & all, dammm I know why they walk when they play, its hard to hit a moving target ! , so we "ENJOYED" if thats what you want to call it the music ( if thats what you want to call it ) hahaha , But we did enjoy a bottle of Scotlands finest LOW PRICE 10 Y.O . Single malt , Spayburn, & about a QTR. bottle of 16 Y.O. Laugavulin ( I drank it myself, didnt share it , cheep bastard that I am ) , I think there was a hocky game that night some thing about the Stanley Cup & the team from Pittsburgh beating the redwings on there home ice , just like they did here in da burgh last hockey season, But I am not much of a sports fan when I can have a fine cigar a pot of coffee & a snifter of goooooooood Whisky & a little music I am one happy camper ..... I have a few errands to take care of, I hit the lottery for 3 Bucks , so I need to go cash in my winning ticket & spend my additional 12 bucks on this weeks loosers ( 15 bucks a week is what I play,) & its different numers each day, I should play the same numbers every day , but there are so many numers to play hahahaha thats why its called gambling, If I hit , well GREAT , if not, no big deal ....... the grandsons are out of school for the summer, all ready getting on there mothers last nerve , ahhhh yes payback time for her, as she did the same thing to me that I did to my parents it all comes full circle !
well I have a lot of cigars to smoke, coffee to drink, scotch to swill & music to listen to & I cant do any of it when i am on this Dammmmmm computer ! Enjoy, Vince
Well, having read this now at least two, maybe three times, I finally have the time to reply. What's all this about steam locomotives, bikers, bar stools and stool pigeons in the streets of Da Burgh? Did it have anything to do with that hockey stuff? Don't worry folks, pretty soon we'll all be tooling down the street in motorized bar stools. After all, they get more miles to the gallon, ha, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

The weather in the Northeast has been pretty fine by my standards, at least temperature wise. NYC has gotten at least four times the normal amount of rain fall for June, and the temperature has been at least five degrees below normal. There's talk among the folks who supposedly know, that the Northeast will not get a true summer this year. That's fine by me, as long as we get a true fall and winter. Of course, we should all be careful not to fall in winter, because the ground is so cold, it will feel harder than usual. So, Vince is smoking a God Of Fire, or is he just a god of fire? One never knows.

What we do know is that Vince is definitely a god with fire, because of what he can do in the kitchen, and there are tens of thousands of ex-Navy guys that can attest. And Vince will be giving the rib eye a little test from now on. Certainly can't go wrong with Mocha Java, perhaps not as fine a cup of coffee as Jen You Whine Hawaiian Kona, but it sure will wake you up, and a nice, exotic taste always accompanies good mocha java.

Not much going on here except trying to avoid homelessness, but it appears that I may finally be starting the job that will save me next Wednesday. We'll see. In the meantime, don't smoke up all those cigars, Wilburrrr, football is less than three months away.

Speaking of which, anchors aweigh!!!
Good morning , it is Sunday 21 June,2009 , Fathers day & the First day of summer for 2009 , Fathers day you say when is fathers day , well its 9 months BEFORE mothers day hahahaha & I was suprised this morning with a 15 cigar sampler pack from my wife , No word or call from our daughter as yet, BUT I did spend the day with the #2 Grandsonyesterday, since they are 11 & 13 they need one on one time , cant do with the fighting & bickering between them on my own, so we drew cards & the little one won this week & now they will alternate , Much easyer on my nerves & wallet to take them out one at a time, No Competition one on one time with the grandsons. Breakfast this morning was a grilled in butter sweet roll, with cheese, bacon & egg with a sliced tomato , a little peanut butter filled chocolate cake to be washed down with the Sunday morning kona ,,,,,,,,,, cant get much better than this, BUT one of my @$$HOLE neibhors is cutting his grass this morning , I havent ventured out to see what dim wit it is but dammmmm its fathers day , let the grass grow an entire day on its own, get the kids to cut it , hire a lawn service , get the wife to cut it , BUT DONT cut it yourself on Fathers day , Dammmmmm !
I have Stuffed Poerk chops on the menu for today, No I am not cooking , I called the local Catering company to see what the guys were making for anything going on today , there are 2 graduation partys & a few wedding showers that they are setting up for , on the menu for one of the jobs was stuffed Pork chops , So I got them to set 2 aside for me & I will pick them up at 4 PM ,,, Professional Curticy, dammmm it dont get much better than this, , we trade a few cigars & Bingo EVERYONE is happy, his orginal customer pays for my chops & the manufacture pays for his cigars , a win win for both of US , hahaha ,
The weather is wonderful today , I am sitting here in my shorts with the fan running , no a/c today it is a bit breasy but the sky is Blue & there are a few puffy clouds , looks like it is going to be a great day for sitting on the back deck , watching the birds & other WILD Life while smoking cigars , sipping scotch & drinking coffee, & speaking of Scotch the state of Pa. who is the wholesaler & RETAILER of distilled spirits & wine in the state has Discontuned a few of MY Favorite single malts Dammm B@$T@RD$, well they did bring in a new one a 12 YO highland, lightly peated called Tomatin, well I picked up a bottle last night & it had a slight green cast to the whisky , well I pulled the cork & got a fair aroma of the highlands , poured a weeee dram in my nosing glass, 7 proceeded to look , smell 7 tate this new brand to me , , nice light aroma, you can ALLMOST smell the heather but it just isnt there , the whisky itself has a sharp sweet taste with a good deal of BURN not at all what I had hped for , so if you see any Speyburn 10 YO Single malt , grab your self a bottle , under 30 bucks its a STEAL ,how ever the Tomatin, , its going to go to work for the Moochers to finish ...... the sop was a mix of good days & bad, we Finally got our order of San Cristobals , dammm I enjoy that one a lot, , now I need to get a few things I have run out of , not paying attention to the understock, & I am out of some thing , dammm gotta pay attention to the small stuff like that, BUT its been so nice out & I have been sitting in the lawn chair OUTSIDE the shop right on the sidewalk , enjoying a cigar & a cup of coffee corrected with a little scotch of course & to the people walking up & down the street, , blowing smoke at the cars as they drive by inviting everyone one in for coffee & selling them a cigar to go with the "free" coffee hahahahaha , so if I have to loosen up the purse string with a little coffee with a few shots of scotch in it , by the time they leave, they feel good & I made a little income, charge the whisky off to the advertising budget & consume the rest my self, dammmm what a country ,,,,, but for how long I have no idea, I just found out the BIG reason the big banks & insurance companys got the BIG bail outs, it was told to me that IGA was the manager of the fed retirement account, see if some thing happens to There money they FIX it right away, lets get them into OUR retirment program, & FIX it before its to late, No retirement for ELECTED jobs , you choose to do it , you spend money to get elected, you get your tired old
@$$ in social security , just like the rest of us who have NO Choice , those b@$t@rd$ get to double dip, , Government retirement & theyt have a "JOB" on some outside board of directors that pays them when they out of session & they get the social security, on top, well its time to stop this BS of the Congress telling us what & how to do things, , I think it was Jefferson or maybe Madison who said when the government is afraid of the people they will do a better job , but when they have enough power to make the people afraid of the government we have a BIG problem , I know thats not the exact wods but you have to understand I am getting old & forgetfull & cant spell with a tinkers dammmmm , so if you get the meaning , thats what counts , now that the taxpayers have bailed out detroit & wall street I see larry flint wants a bail out for the porn industry , BALLLLLLLS, BIG BRASS BALLS ....... Enjoy, Vince
Sun again, that's 20 for 21 days of June. We had a pesky cloud with a few drops of water here on Thursday. Soring to about 100° today.

I'm starting off with a CAO Cameroon Belicoso, then off to the Shriners Onion Festival, maybe a Harley ride, and another cigar later.
How do from Seattle East, where we've had 20 out of 21 days WITHOUT sun, or something like that. The sun comes out occasionally to tell us to eat some Jimmy Dean's breakfast sausage and then goes right back behind the clouds.

Vince, if you think those grandsons are hard to handle now, just wait. Pretty soon those grandsons are going to be playing in the NFL, or dancing in the Joffrey Ballet, something like that, and you wait until they come home and want to sit on Grandpa's lap at Thanksgiving and tell him what they want for Christmas, haw, hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the first day of summer. Here in Seattle East, the first day of Mud season was as humid as a steam bath. Thank God it only hit the 60's. If it had been in the 80's today, the city morgue would have been working overtime. I think humidity in New York is really double whatever they say the percentage is. Some day scientists will discover that the air in NYC turned in to a completely different compound during the summer months. If you've never felt the incredible energy drain that comes from excessive heat, humidity and pollution, come to NYC. Heck, everyone's coming here for everything else, you may as well come to find out what World Class Discomfort feels like. Come to New York, and feel the drain on your wallet, and your life forces at the same time. Leave feeling as though you've just ridden a thousand roller coasters, and got dumped out like a sack of potatoes at the end of the ride.

How'd I do on potatoes, Uncle Vince? They're still talking about Dan Quayle and that one in this town. People can't get over it, 21 years later. Anything to demean a Republican, but it doesn't matter any more, because they're all Demmicans and Republicrats now. Speaking of politicians, we've got to get Vince to run for Mayor of Monaca. Come to the cigar shop, get drunk, caffeinated and fleeced, a three for the price of one deal. No longer will politicians make back room decisions in the hallowed halls of monolithic buildings constructed for self-important ideologues, rather those decisions will be made in the back room of a cigar shop. Hey, at least there's a better chance of hearing the voice of the "little people," right, Vince?

Hark!!! Speaking of little people, I hear the sound of trampling hooves, or is that Vince's two grandsons beating a path to his door?

Bloofington said:
Vince, if you think those grandsons are hard to handle now, just wait. Pretty soon those grandsons are going to be playing in the NFL, or dancing in the Joffrey Ballet, something like that, and you wait until they come home and want to sit on Grandpa's lap at Thanksgiving and tell him what they want for Christmas, haw, hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

! Good night, David. Good night, Chet.

I dont think they will be in the NFL , the younger of the 2 is as thin as my dad was ( 6-10'190 pounds) the older one might be big enough but he is the paino player , & has no desire to even play catch with a football or base ball, , he sits in front of his computer & writes music, then plays it, , erases it & starts agin, who knows maybe a Duke Ellington or Benney Goodman, he has given up on Bach & Mozart for the most part, but I do here a little classical here & there in some of his riffs ... as far as sitting on my lap, well since I made a lap for them to sit on now they tell me there to big to sit on my lap, dammmmmm I made you a lap to sit on , you better get over here or you might regret it later...... it hasent worked yet ! , 11 & 13 where did the time go I feel just like I was in high school myself & now the oldest is getting ready to go to JR High , I look in the mirror & wonder who that OLD GRAY haired guy is ...... he looks like I should know him but he is looking a lot older than he should !

hey capt., hows things in my old stopping grounds of Clio, Mich?

glad to hear from the old wild west , dont be down wind of the Col. AFTER the onion feat !!
so we have a capt. & col., dammm I had a lot to say about that but the wife called me & now I lost my train of thought, , , , that has been happening a lot , now what the H3ll are we talking about ??? hahaha Enjoy, Vince
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