Hello Sports fans & welcome to the Sunday morning smoke , just a weee bit late, its monday Night & I have sort of recovered from the weekend ! it was a Glorious weekend the 11th anniual western Pa cigar crawl & weekend scotch fest , so lets get started with the regulare BS , spelling not included, .... the week was a blur getting ready for the week end so lets just pass on the food, coffee, & family BS & I will poick it up with my Buddy big bob comming in for the weekend this thursday........... havent seen him since last cigar crawl, he is in mississippi , dammm I think I might have spelled it right well I did forget the capital , , , , , , well , we had a few drinks & a few cigars & he went back home to his parents place & we took his car up & dropped it off at the pittsburgh chop house, ( the reason will be clear later) , well we went back to the cigar shop in Monaca & picked up a few more guys for our trip North to sharon Pa , the starting place of the crawl... checked in the hotel, found the bar took our stuff to the room & returned to the bar, , OK off we go to the Penn Ohio Cigar shop , & Quaker Steak & Lub , a BBQ wing joint & BAR ........ the evening festivitys are in full swing we have reservations for 40 people, we show up, there are strangers in our seats, we had reservations for 8 Pm & the place had been wall to wall since 5 Pm, the interlopers were still there, , the manager thought they would be done by the time we got there, hahahaha, beer & wings in & out in 2.5 Hours, Never going to happen ! , so we were stuck for a place to get together as a group, they did open a small area up for us but it was a non smoking area, that lasted all of 13.2 seconds , pull out the 3 finger case, with a brandy snifter in hand, clip & light a monte #2 contraband cigar with out spilling a drop of the 16 YO Laugavulin ............. & this is after 4 laugavulins all ready, ahhh it pays to Practice ! , so there we are , & the waitstaff is over welmed, the kitchen is under staffed & the food is taking for ever, & we are getting louder all the time, soon the food shows up & it is a real CLUSTERF**K , , no one had any idea we were going to be there, execpt the catering manager, he told the approiate people we were going to be there but No one staffed the place like it should have been,m the Bar tender who was working was the same bar tender we hire for the bus on Saturday & she knew when she saw the schedual that it was going to be a BAD night , I have been at this place many times & the food is top notch, well a few trainees could have done a better job, it was BAD just to be nice, & my Buddies were so discusted with the service they all walked out & stuk me with the check, , I paid for the Bar tap & told the bouncer to KMA if he wanted any of the money for the food witch was still on my plate, , he looed at what we were served & agreed he wouldnt pay for it himself.... problem solved, now to get even with my "BUDDIES" for sticking me with a C Note plus bar tab ! hahahaha
well the night was winging along & we all went back to the hotel & thes hospitality room, More cigars & more Booze, , I went back to the room about midnight & fell asleep asap , the alarm is set for 6 AM .............. Bingo its morning & time for a shower & a weee dram, the resturaunt , ( a differnt one ) is in the hotel, now this is the place that forgot we were comming last year & didnt have a breakfast cook shedualled & I made breakfast for the crew & got charged for my own food ! , dammmthat wasa BS move on the part of the management ( who didnt show up either ) , so we get pancakes that have been sitting under a heat lamp & are the consistancy of Hockey pucks shaped like a Frisby ............. I should have cooked again ! , NEXT year I will ! if we go back there next year !
so the Bus shows up, the driver is one of my regular customers , so it looks like it just might be a good day, well , , , , , for the most part it was, BUT I digress, we all get on the bus & go to our first stop, Penn Ohio Cigar shop , & George is READY for us the coffee is made the dounuts are out the girls working have the Hooters Up front & accounted for & we have a great time, back on the bus to stop #2 , Klafters wharehouse in New castle Pa , lots of specials, 4 cigar reps are there with all the new stuff, , just like a kid in a candy shop ! , back on the bus to head for lunch, RESERVATIONS for 55 ...... , places are set, But no one behind the bar, No wait staff, NO food out, we are 20 miutes standing in the parking lot, the kitchen is ready , but no one but the souse chef 7 one line cook are there, No servers , no buss people , no bar tenders, every one is running late , , Now this is the third place we were eating in this weekend, with one more to go & it is again a CLUSTERF**K, well are 12:55 the bar tender shows up, & dammm it was worth the wait, Great hooters, short skirt & CAMANDO ............., the food came out on time & it was great, & I ate to much so what else is new ! hahaha, it started to rain & we headed to KING BEAVER CIGARS , just 5 minutes away, , for a change EVERYTHING WAS READY, I guess I traind my staff well , or maybe it was just time taht things went well for us ! , ( put your money on LUCK not Training hahaha ) , we made fun of the all the first time crawlers ( Nubies) , one had to keep a powdered sugar donut in a plactic bag hung arround his neck all day , others were pack mules for the vets & others were door stops & beer carriers , they all got stomped on hard when they fell asleep, WEDDGIE, Dammmmm thats had to hurt ! hahahaha , dont fall asleep leaning forward with thy tops of you jockys abouve the waist band of the dockers , DAMMMM that had to open up the sinus passages hahahaha , Ok so now were back on the bus heading for our next stop, ( check out
www.cigarcrawl.com ) for the exact itenerary
of course caddie shack was on the VCR , Hurry fast forward to the Tits ....
Ok we are heading back to the city & we get stuck in a traffic jam, 45 minutes & then the driver misses his turn & we have to go about 5 miles out of our way to get the bus turned arrond, , so we get there a little late , well it was a quick stop, I was able to pop in a bath & body shop, picked up some fancy soap & lotions for the wife ( I need all the brownie points I can get ) & we are off, Lat sop, , great pplace, lots of coffee scotch & cigars, a little bigger than king Beaver, But the humidor is a lot smaller , , great selection for the shop , & I got a candle for the wife, again More Brownie points & we were off to the Chop House for a HUNK of PRIME RIB , & it was worth the trip , dammm you could still see the wip marks on the meat where the jocky had been hitting it 20 minutes before , & it was SOOOO GOOOOD , well the dinner was Fantastic & the bar was well stocked & the cigars were being smoked by all, the cake was wonderful & service was great, Now we have been on the bus since 8 AM, it is now almost 12:30 AM the rain has stopped & we are abot 75 /90 Minuts from the starting poing hotel, & Thats WHY we left a Car there on Friday, just 20 Minuts from the cigar shop & Home base, for me, .... a lot of Tired drunks had an hour ride north , & then stay the night OR drive back home, well we saved the trip North, & went home , all in all it was a GRAND time, looking Forward ro WPCC # 12 next year !
Enjoy, Vince