They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I don't think it works with cigars because we smoke them. If you want a picture of any cigar, you can get a professional one at websites like C.I.. I've seen pictures of cigars that I could not identify and I have yet to be able to describe the taste by looking at a picture. If Dustin sent me a picture of a certain LFD I asked him about, I would have never tried that one.
Another potential problem might be bandwidth. I had a website crash because of the size and number of pictures coupled with the number of views once. I still don't understand the concept fully, but I still look at bandwidth usage when we have an event on that site that creates a large number of hits..
I spend almost an hour this morning taking a picture and trying to post it here. Too much trouble for nothing.
Another potential problem might be bandwidth. I had a website crash because of the size and number of pictures coupled with the number of views once. I still don't understand the concept fully, but I still look at bandwidth usage when we have an event on that site that creates a large number of hits..
I spend almost an hour this morning taking a picture and trying to post it here. Too much trouble for nothing.
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