

WOW, Chris! That is great! Congratulation, Brother!

Great job man. I have not weighed in, I have not exactly been following a good diet plan :oops:. Lots of beer, red meat potatoes and pasta. Along with sweets. I think I should try the new cookie dough diet :lol:
I still have not weighed myself; so I guess I offically haven't started. Maybe next month.
Two more pounds!!!

Weight: 229

I know this isn't a big deal, but hey, I havent been below 230 in a few years. Doing mostly low carb right now and no sugar. It seems to have regulated my blood sugar. I feel great, just get a little wore out feeling in the afternoons.

230 lb this morning. My regimen of walking the dog first thing in the morning with a morning cigar 2 times a week and going to the gym the other mornings(no cigar-boo!) seems to be going ok, as I'm not really doing much dieting. If I get serious about the diet, I can get to 215- my goal.( Willpower- where are you? )
Thats great Flagman! :thumbsup:

It is so nice to see the scale reading lower rather than higher!

I am exercising and eating better and I friggin gained 3 pounds!
I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I have not gained any muscle either!
My weight loss has slowed down a bit but still going along.

I am at 248 for a total of 108 pounds.
Barcochris said:
My weight loss has slowed down a bit but still going along.

I am at 248 for a total of 108 pounds.

That is awsome! Its like losing an Olson Twin!
226 this morning. This is slower than I thought.

Ok guys...what are yall doing to lose the weight. Chris I know you had surgery, but you must be doing something else to keep loosing the way you are.
DL what about you?
Connor, I am basically doing the low carb/ no sugar deal. It sucks because I get cravings but my blood sugar is also messed up. This regulates it and I haven't had blood sugar issues since I've started doing this. Its slow coming off but I am lazy and won't exercise.

That is my problem too. I am hypoglycemic (have been since really little and it is very bad)
so I don't want to do any diets that cut out a specific item. I am working on portion control, I think I should work on self control first!
B128thopen said:
Ok guys...what are yall doing to lose the weight. Chris I know you had surgery, but you must be doing something else to keep loosing the way you are.
DL what about you?

I exercise three to four times a week, and I am also walking close to five miles a day. I eat next to nothing but drink about a gallon of water and day and get in at least 100 grams of protein. I cant eat that much so I am stuck taking in threeish protein drinks a day. One thing that they preach to you is the surgery is a tool that if used properly will help you loose weight, but it in itself will not loose weight for you.

Dustin, if you really have to cravings for sweets Atkins makes some great sugar free candies. I also know that there are a lot of other sugar free stuff that is good. I have had a few craving for them but I did not want the extra calories so I just drank more watter.
Thanks for the info Chris. I do drink lots of sugar-free crystal lite and use Splenda in my coffee. It helps. Its just those times that pizza cravings hit that are hard. Oh yeah, I love pretty much all breads but it so hard avoiding the bakery when going to the grocery store.