What Movie Did You Watch Last Night?

Humoresque- 1946- Another one that I found to be overrated, despite Garfield and Crawford.
Blackfish- 2013 - Documentary on Orcas and the "accidents" at Sea World parks. Comes on MSNBC from time to time usually late evenings.
Arch of Triumph- 1948 - Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman- but not a great movie---left me wondering about what happened before and after the time portrayed.
Remember - 1993 miniseries long, but enough action to be just OK.
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The Little Shop of Horrors - 1960 - Strange film with a largely unknown cast, including the 4th movie appearance in the life of Jack Nicholson.
Seems Like Old Times -1980---decent flick with Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase and a good cast.
The White Tower- 1950- Decent movie with Glen Ford and an earlier appearance of Lloyd Bridges.