Here are the rules for Round 2.
1. Each box is stocked with an initial inventory of cigars left from Round 1 plus additional cigars from my humidor to give each box an inventory of 20 cigars.
2. Each player may take from the box up to 5 cigars of his/her choice and is expected to replace the "takes" with an equal number of "puts" as a minimum.
3. The minimum value of each cigar to be put is to be equal to the value of each cigar taken. No maximum value is set. Use prices on as a guide and ask if in doubt.
4. Post your “takes” and “puts” for review in the pass thread on the forum when you make them.
5. DO NOT under any circumstances add flavored or artificially aromatic cigars to the box (NO LARS, NO ACIDS, NO HAVANA HONEYS, ETC.)
6. If your puts are not in cellophane, please wrap them in plastic wrap or place them in an individual small zippy bag (snack size) to protect them before placing in large zippy bags.
7. Each cigar put is to be put into one of the large zippy bags containing a water pillow, sealed, and packed in box for shipment. Make sure the cigars are protected as well as possible with bubble wrap or other packing.
8. If necessary, replace the outer shipping box before sending the box to the next player. If humidification seems to be a problem, please address it before sending the box on. Post on the forum and let everyone know what is done.
9. Use your best judgment when shipping the package. Since they are cigars, USPS Priority, UPS, or FedEx, 2 to 3 day delivery, insure it for a minimum of $300, and be sure to get a tracking number. Post the tracking number in the pass thread.
10. I will include a list of the players and addresses in the order they are to receive the box. I'll post the order of pass when the box is ready to start its first leg.
11. We're relying on every player to be fair and to avoid unnecessary delays in completing the circuit. Do your best to get the box out again the day after you receive it (or Monday if you receive it on Saturday).
I'm doing this in good faith. We all are. Everyone here seems to be stand up characters so hopefully we'll keep the streak of successful box passes going. Let's have some fun with it!