Good morning , it is Sunday 25 Jan. 2009.............. it has been a COLD week here in da burgh but Friday it was about 40F , just enough to melt some of the snow & when it hit a low of 7F last night , yep it froze & we had an ice rink, EVERYPLACE I went , it was a lot of FUN let me tell you ! , still have all 4 fenders on the car, & no bruses on my Butt.............. How long will that last .... who knows ! Winter, it sucks, I remember when I was a kid, I loved going out in the snow, it was a money maker for me , shovel walks & driveways, , pile up snow & make a jump for the sleds, , , , snow forts , & dont forget the freezer full of snow balls for the 4th of July snowballl fight !!!!! , they were like rocks by then, but toss them in the pool at each other, it stung but it was Fun..................... Yep winter sucks when you get old, , I am reminded of a saying you dont stop playing when you get old, you just get old when you stop playing............. well I havent stopped playing YET, but I have changed the games a little ............ No more running after fly balls in the outfield , I have moved to first base, , No more deep pass routs, I moved in to tight end, , No more basketball , the knees just dont respond as well on that hard floor, soccer, well I never did understand it , all that running is for young kids , I have put the tennis racket away , & never did like Golf, , , hit the ball & chase it, not my idea of PLAYING, ....................Dominos, BRING it, , Black jack No problem, I can count to 21 if I pull down my zipper hahahahahaha , No more LOUD music, I just turn it up so I can hear it, hahahahaha , BUT I laugh my way to the back to cash that social security check every month ............. well it is direct deposit , but you get the idea, you know that Social security is a BIG Ponzy scheem, just like Madoff had going, but since the government runs it its OK, BS is all I have to say, I wish I had all that I put in to the social security system , Invested in stocks, Bonds & Mutiual funds , even with the 1.8 I lost with Michael Milken with the Junk Bonds & the 88K I had to pay Drexil, Burnam, & Lambert , when he put them out of business ..... dammmmm its only money , so now instead of being well off living in the Fla.Keys for the winter & back to the Burgh for the summer, I am stuck here all year ,nest egg gone still working , BUT the money i lost made some one happy for a short time , & since we are just here on this earth for a short time I hope they had FUN while it lasted, I have had my share of Fun, I am enjoying the grandsons , living my YOUTH all over again........ & again.................. & will till I am slid into the BIG BOX with 6 of my old friends hauling my formerly Fatt ass off to the Final rest at the creamatorium, put a bottle of scotch in the box with me, & a few fine cigars to carry me to the next life & I will be a happy man, ..... dammm I never know where this BS is going to take me or end up, one minute I am bitching about winter & them talking about the BIG Dirt nap, I just dont under stand to corelation .............. hey your the one sitting there reading this BS hahahaha, I just plink on the computer key board with my 2 index fingers & hope what ever comes out makes some sort of sence, or at lest some laughs here & there ..........
well lets get back to the BS at hand, Barb (wife & the Boss) is resting in the living room, she is feeling MUCH better , still has the 3 drains on her gut we empty them every few hours , the amounts have been all over the place , as much as 90CC & as small as 2CC , BP is fine but her heart rate is a little high , I get to PLAY with the rubber gloves & get to measure all the out put, Just like I did when I had this a few years ago, Now the roles are reversed , I am taking care of her, , some thing different arround her, I have always done the cooking & she has taken care of the grass & snow, it works for us, well Now I have to do the laundry, I was all set to tackle it Saturday , well when i got home from work Friday night , it was all done, she did it AGAINST the doctors orders, & mine to JUST TAKE IT EASY, well when I got home , it was all cleaned up & ready for a new week, she didnt trust me to fold & put anything away, I didnt get a chance to PLAY with the washer or the dryer, dammmmm I was looking fwd to that, hahahahahaha
things at the shop are a little slow as the weather is Cold & the econemy is down, BUT the STEELERS will be in the Super bowl AGAIN this year, 6 times to the Big dance, & 5 rings , , Now I wonder WHY I gave up my season tickets , well I look at the temp & remember, TO FRIGGING COLD , maybe if we were in a domed statium, BUT then it wouldnt BE PITTSBURGH ................. speaking of the way the ecomemy is headed, I think the bail out for the auto compayes 7 the backs was done all wrong, the Government gave money to the @$$holes who made the mess, My way would be Give it ( the money ) to the consumers & let the government MATCH us or give us a % of the selling price as a rebate , , lets just say the SUV market is in the toilet ( and it is ) well if you got a $15K rebate from Uncle Sam a Stimilus to the car company, they will sell more SUVS , the more they sell the more taxes they pay,. the more sales tax we pay, every one wins, the same with the bank, GIVE me matching funds or a Stimulis deposit in MY account, I spend the moey at the local level, & all the local business do better, they spend my money & the rest of the customers money at different places, in turn they buy other stuff, * it just GROWS, But if you give the MONEY to the corperations , they spend it on new carpets for the executive washrooms & there vacation homes out of the country, .............. Burgdoff Goodmans & Tiffanys will do OK but what about the little guys , the MOM & POP shops , the small family owned places , we keep the big corperations working, if we have the cash infushion at the local level it will work its way UP to the BIG guys sooner or later
Every one thinks Ronnie Reagen was the big mover behind trickle down economics, BUT it was JFK who first cut takes to the Big shots & inturn they SPENT a lot of money, things were in full swing, the treasury was a wash in money , when the tax rates are low people have more money to spend, & they Do, when taxes & intrust are High no one has any money to spend, you just cant tax your way to prosperity ! ............. dammmm I am on a roll today , Just cant type fast enough to keep up with the thoughts !
Saturday was the anniul NOG & GROG at Alleghney smoke works , in Blawnox Pa , we had a great time , sipped a little coffee, a little Hooch , smoked a few fine cigars, & bought a few for my self that I dont have in my shop., gotta try the stuff first, looks like I will be ordering some new stuff as soon as I can, LIKE MONDAY !
Since its Sunday & Cold outside, the oven will be on, POTROAST ........... again, dammmmm my wife is getting what she wants again, I wish she liked some thing else beside Beef, not that I( have anything against beef, I like mine char grilled rare, when she wants beef its well done in the oven, same critter, just a different cut............ , I was going to cook a little bit of chicken , BUT she wants the STANDARD so she gets it, easy to avoid a fight just give her what she wants ............. hen pecked, NO way not me, Pussy whipped, NO way not me , Smart, I cant stay awake all the time, I need to sleep some time, so I avoid any probles at all , & I can sleep safe .......
I havet had a chance to roast any coffee this week & was running low, so i had to BUY some all ready roasted, NOT BAD , But Not Great.. the brand will be nameless BUT I did get a little bit of roasted coffee from onne of the places I get my green coffee from & it was dammm good, ( thats for Home But the guys at the shop get the crap & Friday night , 5 pots of coffe at the shop & everone Bitched &, moaned about the NO Body, Flat taste , & other BS , & they were correct , well I hope I get some time to roast a little some time today .................. I hope I havent BORED you with my ramblings today, But some times you just got to VENT !
Enjoy, Vince