Sunday Morning Smoke

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Their musk glands are so large, it permeats the meat, making it damn near inedible. You smell them long before you see them.

Eating them, a very not good idea.
Good morning , it is Sunday 29 Nov.2009, the nutcracker suite is on the cd player & the goof on the roof ( our local weather man ) has a forcast of 60 F today , dammm last night it went below 30 & I was freezing when I went out to fix the burnt out Christmas lights Burrrr it was cold, I did get them up when it was nice out but we didnt have our light up night till Thursday night , & speaking of Thursday, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving day , we had a very quiet day her , just Barb & myself, the kids were at there other grandmothers for the day, we get them all the time so they like to spend a little time with the other granparents, ( different set of rules & different bennifits ) so they give us a break every now & then, & every one is happy. , well I had 3 burnt out lights on the back & ZERO in the front, change the bulds & we were ready for the season. ...... have you noticed that there is very little continunity to my ramblings , jumping from one subject to an other & never spelling anythingthe same way twice hahaha
I made a small bird thursday, not much bigger than a chicken, it was just the 2 of us & its all we needed , still have a lot of leftovers , garlic & cheese mashed spuds, cranbery sauce, the stuffing was nothing special, didnt even make cornbread stuffing this year, yams with pecans , a few veggis & the bird, thats all , OH dammm I forgot the pies, 1 pumpkin , one dutch apple & one mincemeat...... & I BOUGHT them all from the local Grange hall, they baked & I payed, they were all great , the dutch apple was the best , the pumpkin was good but nothing spectacular , good solid hunk of pie & the mincemeat was about the same, Good but by my standards anything you dont toss out is good ! hahahaha , But the crust on the mincemeat was grand, the only 2 crust pie in the lot , the crust was superior to the others , different cooks make the same recipe different ! & this one was a 9.9 out of 10 ............ we had our holiday whisky tasting Friday night , went down smooth, 22 different single malts 3 tiquila 's . one bourbon, arminac , rums, port,grappa, & the list went on & on , dammmmmm my taste buds were dancing all evening.......... there is NOTHING in the oven today, it is a leftover sunday, we got Turkey, we got turkey & we got turkey, ................. turkey salid , turkey soup, & creamed turkey on bisquits is on the menu this week........... & maybe a turkey pot pie if it lasts that long hahahahaha
My car is back in the shop, comming home from work Friday night the battery light came on , & I didnt even open the hood, it just went back to the shop, dropped off the keys & pray it isnt a lot to get it fixed this time , 185K on the clock, I love the car but it is nickle & dimeing me to death , sure I want a new one but dammmm this one is broke in, the seat fis my
@$$ just right , the arm knows just were to reach for the ashtray with out looking , the coffee stains match the tan interior or vice versa, I just want to get a few more years out of it , & then a few more after that , when I do hit the lottery BIG ( & some day I will hahahaha ) I will just take this car to be re built , maybe by Chip Foose on the "overhaulin'" TV show , not that it will be on the show, I just love this old bucket of bolts , just wish it had heated leather seats & a set of fog lights ( Barbs car has both ) & some day she will get a new one & I will get this one , but thats a long way off UNLESS we hit the power ball soon ! hahaha , if we hit big enough I want to move next door to jay leno & his garage hahahahaha , I dont want much in the way of cars, a nice convertable, a pickup & a daily driver like a Rolls or Bently ( thats with some one else driving & me in the back with a cigar ) hahahaha , my driver will also be smoking a fine cigar or he/ she will not be my driver hahaha ........... Black friday has come & gone , sales were average , I didnt see a big jump like the local toy store did but we did have a good day ... hey every day is good on this side of the grass.........
well since my car is in the shop & we were in Barbs car most of the day , I didnt get to have a cigar all day, Now I did chew on one a bit , but wasnt allowed to light it up in her car ,,,, dammm I pay for this dammmm car well I pay for the house also but have been told to smoke outside or in the Qtrdeck......... so I smoke outside or in the qtr deck ............. as I slink off tail between my legs ................ well after her furneral I will smoke in the house .... maybe ..... maybe not.............she might haunt me !!!!!
its about time for me to head out to the qtrdeck & fire up a Don carlos #3 fix a pot of Kona & get ready for an afternoon of Jazz & cigars ! Enjoy, Vince
alright where the heck is vince? i look forward to this every sunday as i am sort of semiretired now. i hope you are alright vince am
nd look forward to hopephully meeting you someday. as i am from dublin, ohio and hope to get back up there sometime soon for a visit a lil sidetrip would definitely be in order. :thumbsup:
I just stopped in briefly to explain Vince's absence. He has had trouble with his log on. I got an e-mail from him and didn't reply for a few days, because I am extremely busy with a career change. I have had to offer myself as a manual laborer since last summer, since it is obvious my career in the computer field is over. I am in deep financial difficulty, and finally, about three weeks ago, after a number of here today, gone tomorrow kind of jobs, three establishments owned by good friends have come up with a ton of work for me. These jobs are cleaning, painting, heavy lifting/moving jobs. Some of the duties are permanent, some others are for the next month or two, until the projects are finished, although some of these projects may become permanent.

I am not being paid day laborer wages. I am being paid a princely sum, as well as receiving a lot of free food. I also bust my ass, and do some extremely filthy jobs. That's okay with me. I love the people I work for, I love the work I do, I love what I'm paid, and I love the working conditions, best I ever had. I don't have to dress up, I can bring a radio and listen to Rush if I want, I don't have to be around any other people, and as far as the job, it's all on me to do a good one. It's easy to tell whether or not you're doing a good job at tasks like this. The down sides, if any, are that being severely asthmatic, I'm going to have to watch it. I forgot my mask (NOT the cloth ones, they do NOTHING!!!) on a recent shift when I needed it, and when looking for it subsequently, could not find it on two other days that I wound up needing it. Ever put something in such a great place, that when you need it, you can't find it? BWAAAAAHHAHAHAHHHHHHHH!!!

Yeah, all that money at Home Depot back in late '99, early 2000, for a real pro-type mask, and you'd think I'd do a better job of remembering where I put it when I most need it. Also, the other "down side" is by busting my ass, I come home bushed. But that's okay, I love it, getting physical. If I can work out 20-25 hours a week of this kind of work, at the obscene money I'm making, along with the 10 or so hours a week of computer work still left in my life, I may be able to put my life back together in a year or so. In the meantime, anyone who can help Vince with his log on, please get in touch with him if you know his e-mail or phone number. I may not be able to be around much for a while. I'm sort of overbooked on these projects right now, but you have to strike while the iron is hot, make hay while the sun shines, all that good stuff. God bless all the good folks at EOTAC.
Vince has e-mailed me the last two Sunday posts, and informed me that he has tried to e-mail Fernando, and a whole host of things to correct his problem. This is the only site he's having trouble with, and has come to the point where he's at a loss as to what to do next. Although I have been extremely busy the past three weeks, and am very sick right now, I have been able to catch up on e-mails. I will put up the last two Sunday Morning Smoke posts from Vince, which I received on e-mail, to follow this post. If anyone out there can help him, it would be greatly appreciated.
FROM VINCE - 12/6/2009

GOOD MORNING, its Sunday 6 December,2009 today is my daughters 37th birthday , & it seams just like yeasterday I was rocking her to sleep ...... so long ago , but I was a younger man then & had a life to live & today I have to say I did enjoy it so far !!
it is a Bright down right COLD day here in da 'Burgh , the water in the bird feeder is frozen solid , looks like Woodstock & his friends will be sliding not drinking today !! , Hummm maybe I should add a little brandy to the water to keep it from freezing, then I can sit on the back deck & watch the drunk birds try to fly .......... big waste of brandy giving it to the birds !!
Got my car back from the repair shop, & its running better than ever this last tank of gas I got close to 25 MPG , a few trips on the super slab helped bring up the mileage, , I get in the passing lane, put on my left turn signal & set the cruse at 55 , man can you piss off EVERYONE doing that hahahaha, naw i set the right foot to hold about 55 , the control is broken , , it must be in the switch as the fuse is good, or the unit has a vacume leak or just plain worn out ! what ever it is , it just dont work no more so I do it the old fashioned way, I step on the gas !!!!!
havent heard much from the grandsons this week, school is taking up a lot of there time as well as piano lessons , guitar lessons, & feeding the Mastive , leaving little time for me to go out with them..... the 11year old still thinks I'm cool, but the 14 year old is now embarrised by my cigars in public , people staring & caughing, thats when I puff harder , I love going through the drive in window for coffee at CharBuck$ with a big maduro Churchill , I close the sun roof so all the smoke goes out the drivers window , caugh sputter & recoil when the blast of smoke sneeks in the den of the anti smoking brigade ,,,, siss on you pister hahahahaha
***** News Flash ****** NO pot roast today , again I repeat , NO POT ROAST AGAIN today ! , some thing must be wrong with my wife , she asked for meatloaf ,, ,,,, ,,, , , .,what should I do ? do you think I should take her to the doc & have her checked out , or just relax & go with the flow, a big disruption in the ebb & flo of the univerce , like light , gravity & air to breathe , Sunday is pot roast, , but in the past few weeks she has relented 7 asked for some thing different, hummmmm I wonder might she be developing a taste bud or 2 ? hummmmmm only time will tell !

we are drinking a holiday blend from the local coffee roaster , , no added flavorings , but a nice bright cup of java for the morning , no kona this morning , I miss it , maybe later this evening , , right now I am going to mix up the meat loaf, & head into the shop, the police & fire departments along with the EMS are getting an open house at the shop today during the Steelers game , a little treat for the guys with the badge ..... Badages we dont need no stinking badges .........

Black Friday has come & gone, Cyber monday was here & gone with out a trace, I hope the rest of the holiday season is better than the start was, but we will survive , I didnt get a lot of stuff this year for the holiday season, , I am making my own gift bags up out of stock items , hey you cant smoke the fancy box anyhow, yea they look nice but I have had it with all that BS that looks good , sit back & enjoy the cigar , I leave my "DRESSY" lighters at home, I carry a zippo with a navy logo & a gas insert & a plastic V cutter , I have my xicar cutter& lighter in the other pocket also , but I use the zippo with the gas insert a lot more that the xicar , yea the toys are nice but they just dont make a big difference in the over all quality of the smoke a good cut & light are fine if they come from a 100 buck cutter or a 5 buck cutter & lighter , its all in the smoke ! & speaking of smoke I think its time for a Don Carlos #3 , OH , I almost forgot , on last nights cigar ride I had a Kristoff maduro torp , that I had lit early in the day & got called away for a few minites that turned into a few hours, well that half of a cigar that I had almost one hour on was innthe ashtray when we went for our saturday cigar ride , well I relit it & man what a fantastic smoke , I got an other hour & a half out of that SOB !!! & it was flavorfull all the way down, no acidic taste on the relight , no flaking of the ash, just a great smoke, I wish I had a lot more of them , but the box is almost gone, looks like I need to reorder hahahaha , well its about time for me to turn on the heat in the Qtr.Deck & get ready for theopen house at the shop, looks like it will be a busy day , Enjoy, Vince
FROM VINCE - 12/13/2009

Good morning , it is Sunday 13 december,2009, a crazy weather morning here in da Burgh, we have a thin layer of ice everything, the roads are like hockey rinks , the trees dont have as much ice as the roads as the air temp is just at freezing , but the ground is colder, the rain falls & spreads out & bingo , ICE , I had plans to do a little shopping this morning but that aint going to happen, the heat is on in the Qtr.deck & the coffee has been ground & brewed, a day of sitting in the Qtr.deck with a pot of coffee ,a stack of Jazz Cd's,& a bottle of Single malt , looks like it might be a Tuff day ! hahaha ,
& to top it all off I have a few Pork chops defrosting , & some brown rice ready to get started, NO BEEF AGAIN THIS SUNDAY ! AMEN !!!!!!
Last night I took Barb to the local mall & got her a few new bra's , first time in years we went shopping for underware together , most of the time she will go with her sister or our daughter, but last night I was Stuck with the task of Holding the Purse ......... ahhh what fun !!!
This past week was the S L O W E S T in sales we have had in the past 3 years , for the first time since we opened we didnt cover the operations cost , sure some weeks were just covering the nut but even a few bucks in the black is better than a few cents in the red ...... Payday was a tad short, & I have no idea why the sales are so low, all of the regulars were in & all bought what they get week in & week out , it was the walk ins & the some time smokers that didnt show up at all , there is this one old guy who comes in every day gets one cheep cigar , a free cup of coffee & leaves me a buck tip , so every few days I never charge him for the cigar, I just put the tip in the regester evey day & still come out a few bucks ahead each week, even giving him one on Thursday ....... well he has cut back his afternoon walks & now was in just one time this week, spent his 3 bucks & got a cup of coffee left me a buck tip as per his regular operation, . But thats just the tip of the ice'burgh , Friday night about half of the guys showed up, for the BYOB , I had a little egg nog spiked with rum , brandy & a wee bit of Bourbon , a bottle of Irish whisky & a bottle of home made white wine & some GREAT PATRON OF THE SINGLE MALT GODS brought in a 15 YO Glennfiddich & a few cans of Bottingtons were seen in the fridge , lets just say I was feeling NO PAIN untill I counted the days recipts , dammmmm it was LIGHT
Oh well there is next week to do it again !

I have a delemia here this morning , should i start out with the Don Carlos #3 like I do most mornings or hit this contraband Partagas series D # 4, what a wat to start the day.... will it just bring the whole day to a great start or will the next cigar be a let down.............. dammmm so many ways to look at it , so little time to think about it .... well the thinking is OVER , DC# 3 first with the Kona , Then switch coffees to a Coasta Rico Estate grown Peaberry & with a snifter of 18YO Macallen & the partagas then, but if i get any visitors the partagas will wait , dont have an other one to share , dont know how that happened , , must have smoked a few singles at different times or my brother has been in my humidors AGAIN .. dammmm he must have a key to the back door or something ........ , hahahaha
, Not that i am a hard line conserative or a tree hugging liberal , BUT this Globial warming BS has my pantys all in a knot ! cap & trade, carbon footprints , carbon credits, , dammmmmm look back at the history of the world, it gets Hot & it gets cold, , the great lakes were formed when the ice cap covered most of north americia , it was called the ice age, well we have had more than one of them , hey I am no climatoligest, BUT I have a little common sence, when the Los Angles basin was first seen by Spanish explorers they were commenting about the "Smog" in the area , the car was a few hundred years in the future , Nature will take care of it self, tell algore to fill his piehole with a slice of lemon custard ......... NO Al just a slice not the entire pie, dammmm to late hahahahaha
well i have a date with a pot of coffee a stack of jazz Cd's & a snifter of single malt & a few SEEGARZ, Enjoy, Vince
FROM VINCE - 12/20/2009

Good morning it is Sunday 20 December 2009 a WHITE snow covered morin da Burgh, we got about 5 inches of the white stuff last night & it looks great all but for the removal of the snow from the cars , roads & walk ways , the pine trees are a sight to behold, tuffs of snow mixed in the tuffs of green , with red cardinals flying in & out the birds flocking to the feeder & back to the pine trees , this day is just a wonderful way to start the week,, the coffee this morning is a winter blend from Sheetz Brothers , a chain of convenance stores /gas stations /sandwich shops /gourmet coffee bar, in each shop , they never brew up the winter blend in the shop but sell the 12 ounce bag of preground coffee for 4 bucks a bag, a slight flavor of hazel nuts & pastasico nuts , with just a hint of nutmeg , I am not a flavored coffee lover , I like my coffee dark & bold but for some reason this just hits my taste buds & I do enjoy it a few pots a year at this time, now & just now, I dont want it in the summer at all, not that I would keep it till it was hot out BUT this might make a great iced coffee in the summer add a shot of Tia Maria & /or Frangelicia , a drop or 2 of Bailys Irish cream, hummmm I wonder if I will be able to hide a bag of this stuff till then ???? only time will tell, it might be gone before Easter & it might make it to the 4th of july , who knows only time will tell!!
Well the earth is back in its natural rotation , there is a Hunk o' Beef ready for the cast iron oven & Barb is Happy to get her Beef again. , I am just glad that she is QUIET ~hahahaha
sales at the shop have been B A D , so dammmmm slow , good thing I didnt over buy for Christmas like I did last year, , I still have a few boxes of stuff i got for last Christmas , all the small gift packs went fast but a lot of the full boxes are still there , Vega Fina & Black Pearl , are there , I have one guy buying the black pearls , he stops every few weeks & gets a few, i dont know it it will be worth re ordering them or not, he gets a mixed box of 20 & about half are black pearls , I have them marked 20% off retail, , when they were full priced he never touched them , But he likes the "bargains" , if I re order do I keep the price low or just lower the price on an other slow mover & see if he switches when I put the price back up , hummmm , thats a great idea, I should think out loud more often ! hahahaha

The boys have been laying low , getting ready for the annual visit from Santa hahahaha , yea like they dont have any idea its been me all this time hahahahaha at 11 & 14 they can tell but go along with it anyway , looks like this might be the last year for a while, till the GREAT GRANDCHILDREN start to show up hahahaha

da burgh lost a great voice on the radio last week Fred Honzberger a KDKA fixture of over 30 years past away while on vacation, I heard his last show on my way to work last week one day he was telling everyone he was going on his Christmas vacation, to play his tuba in the salvation army band at the red kettles arround town , Fred was 58 , there were no indications of what caused his passing , but he had been under the weather for a few years , he did have a gastric by pass , after I had mine but I guess it just didnt help him as much as it did me .... he will be missed , so Smoke one for Fred even if he wasnt a cigar smoker he was a fun guy to listen to on the radio........

Barb is out side cleaning the snow from the cars & turning on the heat in the Qtr.Deck for me Bless her heart, I will be heading out there soon , I have a Casa Fuente , & a few other PRIME sticks to fire up this afternoon, the beef will be hitting the oven soon & I will be brewing up a pot of kona to enhance the Don Carlos #3 , then the snifter of 18Yo macallen, a little Tanzanian Peaberry & the Casa Fuente , a black lable Don Peppin should carry me to the time when the hunk 'O beef is ready , & who know what I might have after that ! , Enjoy, Vince
Christmas Eve update ~, first i want to thank a few people who helped me get back on the board, Bloofington posted my last 2 sunday morning smokes , & special Ed got my log in problems solved , so you gentilemen THANKS for your help, I hate the computers, & when I need to use them I shudder when things go wrong, I dont like electronic gadgets, I still havent got a cell phone , if you cant get me at home or at the cigar shop, well MAYBE I just dont want to be found hahahahaha
well its the eve of Christmas, the u.s. senate has signed the death warrent of the country with the health care bill, , right now I spend about 600 a month to cover my wife & my self, about 500 is sent to Univ. of Pittsburgh Medical center insurance & the last C note is for medicare, , my wife isnt old enough for medicare yet, & keeping us both covered is getting Tuff, , I have no idea what the cost will go up when we start paying for the health care of 30Million uncovered people that this health care bill will cover, & what a joke, we start paying now for coverage that will not start for a few years, , , look at Fanny mae, Freddie may, the post office,veterans admin.,FEMA & the rest of the federal agencys, do you realy want them to be in charge of your health care?
well its Christmas eve & I should get off the soap box, the day at work was Busy , I wore my TUX to work today , yep the old penquin suit , dammm i looked shar if I do say so my self, hahahahaha , , got a few hugs from the ladys , sipped a great deal of single malt & did drink a LOT of coffee, , got home in time to cook up a little fish & pull the cork on a little wine , in the morning , we will open the stuff santa left for us & them go see the grandsons , great the latest weather for cast is for freezing rain starting at 7 am , just what i need, OH well no need to think about it tonight , just take our chances in the morning !
I hope that you all have a save & sane holiday & dont eat or drink to much ! hahaha yea like thats going to happen hahaha , time for bed , Merry Christmas , Enjoy, Vince
Annnnnndddddd, after catching up on the last four posts, thank God we have Vince, and God help us if we get any more of this "big government" slavery we have going now. I don't want the government controlling anyone's thermostat, or telling me what to eat and drink, but it sure looks as though the fight is over. "Give me liberty or give me death." I think we're dead, to tell you the truth. I think the casket of "this once great republic" has finally been shoved off the plank and in to the murky waters of its final hours.

BUT, we have good things happening all around us, as Vince's wife not only has gotten over her Sundays and No Beef disease, but she has new underwear, too. If I'm not mistaken, Vince is the one that really needs the new underwear, haaaaaaaaa!!!

Terribly sorry about things going so poorly at the cigar shop. I hope that changes. I'm watching a whole city's worth of business die here every week. New York is beginning to look a little like a ghost town in some areas, including some rather expensive zip codes. Vince, the grandsons will have great grandsons soon, so don't worry, there'll soon be yet another generation of little barnacles for you to get hooked on cigars and mischief!!!

Very sorry to hear about your friend. 58 is frighteningly young, and I've had a number of bad news reports from my own circle of close friends and others this year. That's what happens when you get old. I've probably told this one before, like in my last post, but when I and a number of my contemporaries turned 40, I said we'd be going to a lot more funerals than weddings from now on. It's true, and people you know not being able to do things they once did easily, and having all sorts of "conditions" that accompany old age. Not fun, but we can still have fun while we're alive, whatever state we're in, right Vince? Gotta keep that joie de vivre thingy going.

God bless everyone here at EOTAC, have a happy and safe holiday season, and hug all the people you love, including the ones you can't be with.
Good afternoon , its Sunday 27 December 2009, sorry for the late start of the day but the wife was feeling a little frisky this morning so ........ well its a bright sunny cold morning here in da burgh , the snow is all gone from all the rain we had, & that made for a lot of ice for a few days , what a mess! , well Christmas is over & the toys are all over the floor, , I better clean up my cars & dump trucks before the grandsons get here & want to play a game on the TV hahahahaha, Santa was verrrry good to me , a few bottles of single malt & a few boxes of cigars , a big tim of nuts & dry fruit , coffee & a whole lot of love & good wishes from family & friends , a veeeeeerrrry merry Christmas ................. we were a lot slower at the shop than I had hoped for , I havent run all the numbers yet but it looks like we were down about 30% from last year , & last year wasnt as good as the year before , , well so much for closing in Feb for a week in Cabo hahahahaha looks like I will be sloshing though the snow slush & cold all winter AGAIN ! hahahaha
I have the day off , I dont need to cook a big slab of beef, we are having left overs, yea baby , there is Ham , & there is Ham , & there is H A M. , Champagne cooked with all the stuff that should be served with it , it is melt in your mouth tender loaded with flavor, we did have a bit of bubbly with it ,a little better stuff to drink than it was cooked in , you now i just dont get all that excited with any sparkling wine as I did 40 years ago , I guess my taste buds have turned a blind eye to the stuff, however i do enjoy a weee drammm of single malt ........, the boys had a great time opening gifts & fighting with each other as brothers are prone to do , I still argue with my brother, , BUT for the first time in our lives he out weighs me, I am a lot older than him so I was naturaly larger , as i was almost an adult when he was just getting out of diapers, , but as the years went on & I got bigger he was able to stay on course & keep the weight off, I guess all the booze & drugs help keep you thinner than you should be , well he is clean & sober now & I have had the gastric by pass, so now he is bigger than I am , what a fat ass hahahahaha ..........................
I hope you all had a save & sane Christmas & that the new year brings you joy & happyness .................. see you all next year .....
Enjoy, Vince
Good morning , it is Sunday 3 Jan,2010........... 2010 yep a new year to run into the ground ..... its C O L D here in da Burgh all of 9 Degrees F , with a wind chill of MINUS 10 F , looks like the qtr.deck will be cold today , I missed the swim in the river this year on new years day , the old bones just cant take it anymore , the old saying goes , you dont stop playing when you get old, you get old when you stop playing......... well I guess I am starting to show my age , just dont play as hard or as often as I did 55 years ago , hahahaha before a lot of you guys & gals were born hahahaha ..... the winter has taken its tole on the shop, no one is comming in & sales are showing it , the Christmas rush never happened , we had a few better days , than average but no BIG block buster holiday season, so the sale signs didnt help, the regulars just scooped up the stuff at a discount & not enough new customers came in to try to UPSELL them to a more expencive line or cutter or lighter last year we were down about 20% from the year before but this time we are almost 40% below last years figures, I guess I will not be going to Hawaii for the Easter vacation hahahaha
today I will be in the kitchen creating some thing from all the left overs that are falling out of the fridge & freezer, , looks like ham will be the center of the attraction, & what ever else I can find will be in the pot, , BUT no sour kraut, in the dish today , the air in the house needs to clear before I start eating it again hahahaha , the boys are off with there father this weekend so dont look for the 3 of us on the news tonight at 11PM hahaha , maybe next week hahahaha new years eve was a quiet one here , we watched Dick Clark count it down, , I kissed the wife & we went to bed , her in her room & me in my room, , at our age we go to bed to sleep..........
I have been sipping some great single malt scotches this winter a fine after market independent bottler McMurry David, took a 10 Y.O . Laphoraig & finished it for 2 years in a Margue wine cast, , Now I have never been a big fan of wine finished malts but for some reason this one just hit my taste buds on the money bell ! , I also was in the Irish whisky a wee bit , some fool at the spirits shop miss marked a few bottles of Bushmills , it was supposed to be on sale for 19.95 , down from the regular price of 24.95 , well it was marked only 9.95 , I got them ALL hahahahaha so I will be finishing up the last one some time in May hahahahaha , thank God for the Plastic money to take advantage of the FIND of the year , the credit card will be paid off long before all the wiskey has turned into urine , I do process it well thank you, I can turn just about any distilled spirit, wine, or beer as well as coffee & other drinks into urine in the blink of the eye , seams like the more I drink the more I pee ! hahahaha , so far so good , the prostate is doing just fine ! hahaha speaking of coffee , this mornings pot is a Costra Rican , Tarazu , or estate grown some thing or other , all I know is its NOT my Sunday Kona , the price skyrocketed just before Christmas, & I passed on it for this week, if the price drops a little I MIGHT get it for next sunday but when its this cold outside I buy it roasted as I dont want to stand outside at the grill to roast the coffee since I am not allowed to do it in the kitchen anymore , to much smoke & to much clean up for the boss , so I do it outside where there is no smoke to worry about & the wind takes care of everything , BUT its WAY TO COLD OUT ! , I might even go to the shop today just to be warm for my Sunday Morning , well afternoon Cigar , as its almost noon & I still need to get todays supper in the oven ........ Steelers at 1 PM & possable last game of the season , after loosing 5 games in a row we can kiss the SEVENTH Lombardi trophy good buy till next year ............. Big Ben wants more rings than Terry Bradshaw ..... well wanting them isnt getting them , you need to work for them & forget about the rest of the STUFF , if you want to be the best you give it your all, thats why I am here & not on the Iron Chef, I had to give more than I did to get there & I was happy were I was & am so I never sent in my tape or thought about it much since then, I like the time & place I am in my life, & why let any distraction change your or my happyness ???????
Enjoy, Vince
Well, the holidays are over, but the last two posts from Vince, the holiday weekend posts to finish off one decade and start another, are up to his usual scintillating quality, maybe even better than usual. We learned that Vince's wife got frisky, but they still have separate rooms. We learned that Vince's little brother has finally overtaken him after over half a century of trying, and that Vince got some great presents this year!!! He deserves them, especially after nearly a month of not being able to post. We also learned that once again, Pittsburgh has beaten NYC in the daily coldness readings. Man, Western PA beats NYC in the Cold Bowl again!!! Not entirely unexpected. That's a tough bunch out there, helped immensely in building "this once great republic," so I know they can handle it. But it doesn't look as though the Steelers will be handling The Vince Lombardi Trophy this year. They are still finding ways to win, but injuries, particularly the one to the man who is perhaps the NFL's all around best player, Troy Polamalu, have caught up with them, at least for this season. Westminster Abbey, The Tower O' Big Ben is still young, plenty of time to get those additional rings, Vince.

Really sorry to hear that things did not go well at the shop this year, but if they had, it certainly would have bucked a trend. The smug, arrogant, two-bit, fake, phony, fraud, empty suit front man currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not only making good on his promise to radically transform "this once great republic," but he's disgracing the name "Pennsylvania" as well. Next stop, slavery. Are ya ready, everyone? Well, if you don't like it that way, you know what to do. Take your country back.

Speaking of taking things back, I like the idea of doing your own experiments and putting a bit of a fine 10 year old single malt back in to a wine barrel to see what'll happen. Sometimes very good things can indeed happen, as I learned when I bought my bottle of Distiller's Masterpiece I (cognac finish) bourbon many years ago. And man, at this point in time, 2002 was indeed many years ago, or at least several, and that's many enough, haaaaaaa!!!

Hey Vince, you can't go wrong with La Minita Tarrazu from Costa Rica. Back when I could afford Jamaican Blue Mountain and Hawaiian Kona, during the 90's, when both products were at their perhaps all time best, the La Minita was in third place as my favorite behind those two. As for those bottles of Bushmills, YEAH, BABEEE, GREAT SCORE AND CONGRATULATIONS!!! Don't you just love mismarked products, haww, hawwwwwwww!!!

Is Dick Clark still counting down on New Year's Eve? Man, I think I watched the first or second New Year's Rockin' Eve show in 1975, and Dick Clark was old THEN!!! HA, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Shows you how old I am, BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Vince, you'll always be The Platinum Chef of The EOTAC Cigar Forums, so no worries that you never sent that tape in. You're cooking for friends here at EOTAC, and I love to hit the computer and read the Sunday Morning Smoke thread before football, because you're cookin' just fine as usual.

Well folks, I'm listening to Bob Grant, getting ready for football, and hoping for a good day today. I sustained a rather serious injury involving my ribs yesterday, bruised for sure, perhaps cracked a couple, and I'm certainly not feeling good. But The Lord Jesus Christ woke me up today, I'm seeing the sun start to poke through, and I'm otherwise fine, so although I'm in severe pain with restricted movement, I'm going to do my best to have a good one.

God bless everyone here at EOTAC in the second decade of the new millennium. Have a great day, be safe, and let's see if we can't restore some things in "this once great republic," because if we don't the next thing to go could very well be the fun we have here at EOTAC.
Good morning , it is Sunday 10 Jan,'10 , its C O L D outside here in da Burgh , we hit zero last night on my back deck, the weather service said we hit 5 above for the offical reading , hey 5 degrees here or there , its still dammm cold, we havent been above freezing since the first of the year , even with all the insolation in the Qtr.Deck its still about 55 F with the heater running at max, so I will be passing on a day in the Qtr.deck again this Sunday, looks like I will be heading for the shop later for the Sunday afternoon smoke , & I will take a big mug of kona with me , & make some thing a lot cheeper for the mooches at the shop, we have been open for 3 year & I have never charged for a cup of coffee yet, a few guys have brougt in a pound here & a pound there witch I do appricate, but most of them just drink it like its there own home, , I provide the coffee, the cups & the seat, the heat & the lights, a little enternaiment , you want cream or sugar BRING YOUR OWN, I dont use it , I just am not going to pay for it my self, , dammmmm I am in a bad mood all ready just thinking about it, well thats what I get for thinking ! hahahaha
the Sunday hunk of beef is in , the stove top has a pot of ham & green bean soup simmering away , I wanted ham & pinto beans , but the boss dosent like any dry beans in any fashion, so its green beans & she is happy, & a happy wife is worth its weight in GOLD........ all you BOTL know what I am talking about ! , like the old saying goes if its got tires or mammary glans it will give you fits at some time , & speaking of tires , I had to get 2 rear tires this week, picked up a big old hunk of steel in one & hit a big iceburgh / pothole & broke the belt in the other , got 2 flats in less than 50 feet from each other , right in front of a tire shop, , Imagine that , , land mines to improve business maybe ? , like my buddy who owns a glass replacement service for autos & homes , he also sells BB guns & sling shots hahahahahaha
Last night we went for a short cigar ride , & I had a San Cristobal robusto , I thought it might get me close to an hour if I took it SLOW , well joy of joys it lasted almost an hour & 45 minutes , enough time to sip 2 mugs of coffee, , I had to stop for a refill at charbuck$ as they were the only coffee shop open , micky deees had a line arround the buildingat the drive up & burgherking didnt have any coffee ready , but the lady said they would make a pot as soon as they were done cleaning it , , so I passes & ended up bitting the bulit & getting a quad expresso ............. can you say BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ? , maybe thats why the cigar lasted so long , I was BUZZED from the coffee & didnt hit the cigar as hard or as fast , but I slept like a baby, up every 2 hours to pee hahahahaha
the boys have been spending time with there friends showing off the new Christmas stuff, so there isnt much to tell you about them this week, , but the weather is killing my hands & feet, the skin is breaking down at an alarming rate & I have been loading up on the hand cream, & changing sox's a few times a day, , using a lot of powder but the air is so dry ..... How dry is it, ?? why its so dry , I have been drinking my martinis in the shower & they are still dry !
I have a great cigar ready to cut , my Sunday morning smoke , a Don Carlos #3 , I will get the car started, & warm, fill my travel mug with Kona & head to the shop for a few hours, , come home in time to take the hunk of beef out of the oven & make the gravy, , , , yep its SUNDAY here in da Burgh & all is well in the land of 3 rivers , Hinze field is silent, we drove past the Mustard bowl last night on our cigar ride , no one tail gating , NO steelers in the playoffs this year , bad for the business , beer sales are off , chip sales are down , all the stuff arround the statium is at a standstill , but soon Spring traing will start & the Pirates will be filling PNC pank with a few hundred people hey if they win a few games this year ( 17 loosing seasons in a row) they might get a thousand at a game , gone are the glory years ,a world series champ a stanly cup champ & super bowl champ all in the same town all in the same year , & we did have a team in pro basket ball, the Pittsburgh ...... Pipers, I think, an aba team , won the championship one year with about 40 people in the stands, & there was the world team tennis , the Triagles , but the league folded after a few years , , Pittsburgh is a Blue collar, hard working beer drinking sports town, to bad I dont drink beer (verry little anyway ) dont watch sports & havent worked a day in my life hahahahaha , I guess thats why I love the BURGH hahahaha Enjoy, Vince :mrgreen:
Good Morning , it is Sunday 17 Jan. 2010a some what cool morning here in da Burgh for the first time this year we didnt go below freezing or get any snow ........ Barb was getting realy "bitchy" about all the shoveling she was doing ( more than her usual ) but then how can you tell??? hahaha
breakfast this morning was a quick plate of bacon cheese & eggs , a fresh hard pressed cheese from some place warm as there were palm trees on the wrapper, caso fresco , a hard white cheese that grills well , just slice it & drop it right next to the bacon , turn & plate it, right along with the bacon, drop the toast & the eggs & every thing should finish at the same time .... the coffee this morning is Kona but I have some Community Coffee with chicory that will be the next pot & a Camacho 11/18 ( I think ) to go with it , I will be heading out to the Qtr.Deck to turn on the heat soon, , But I have a hunk of Veal that needs some TLC before I get to have cigar #2 for the day .......the red bell peppers will add some sweetness along with the onions , garlic, celery , & carrots , a 'splash' of wine a bit of stock & with a little brown rice , its time to eat , should be ready about 4 if the spirit moves you to show up ........ we still have about 4 inches of snow in the yard, but some areas are down to the grass , just depends on what side of the hill your on , the sun gets the stuff across the road but the way the hills are we are in the shade in the winter, but in the summer we get the sun, & need a bigger A/C unit, ahhh yes the worst of both hahahaha
Last nights "Cigar ride" was a Los Blancos #9 , a toro size smoke with a maduro wrap, the first puff was toasted marshmellows , that great taste of smoke & burning sugar, a great way to start the drive ,,,,, we got home in time for Saturday night live , its been a mainstay for 35 years now launching to stardome a bunch comics & I also remember laying on the living room floor watching SNL & getting a little frisky with the wife & missing the killer bees sketch or the news update , now we just WATCH the show & save the frisky stuff after the arthritus pain meds kick in , dammmm its H3LL getting old ........ , with all the sub freezing weather & all the snow (14 days in a row) I havent been able to hang out with the grandsons all that much, talked to them on the phone & got about as much info as talking to the wall, ( they cant talk in front of there mother with out getting into trouble , so we just have a lite conversation about the weather & school, hard to tell me storys about there mother with her right there hahahaha , yea i know what a pain she can be, after all she is her mothers child hahahaha Not much else going on here , I hear the pots & pans in the kitchen calling me , time for the veal to get a workout , sharpen a few knifes , chop some veggies & pull the cork on a bottle of some thing .. Enjoy, Vince :mrgreen:
Vince getting started early today, and so am I!!! Good morning to yinze in Da Burgh, and all of EOTAC. Yes, Saturday Night Live, which has brought us so many gifted comedians, and great musical performers through the years, still going strong, despite all the ups and downs. This October, they will celebrate 35 years, as they begin their 36th season. The Killer Bees sketches, yes, and who can forget Chico Escuela telling us about Pete Rose's monumental new contract, back when Pete became the first guy to go in to the millions, salary wise. Escuela's comment was "Charley Hustle," with a gleam in his eye, and the audience howling along, since that was Pete's nickname on the diamond. Where has the time gone? Where has it gone? Vince no longer fools around with the wife on the floor during Saturday Night Live, rather, they just wake up around 3 a.m., snoring next to each other going, ahhhhhh, mannnnnnn, we missed another one, have to catch it on reruns, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Nothing special going on here, just resting my badly sprained right rib cage, injured on the 2nd, don't ask, don't tell, nothing glamorous, hee, hee, heee!!! Just slipped while washing down a bathroom, which belongs to a couple I know. I'm helping them get their house back together, after a lot of work they had done on it, and years of letting certain things go. Next time I'll just sit in the tub, instead of leaning over from the outside of the tub, yeah, have to be extra special careful in bathrooms.

It's already mid-January. Where did 1979 go? Huh?!??!!?!!! Well, the Jets are in the playoffs, and the second round, yet!!! Not that I expect anything out of that, but you know it's not 1980 if the Jets are in the playoffs, haw, hawwwwwwwww!!!

Vince, you're confusing me with the cigars here. If I don't see Don Carlos #3 in the post, I get all mixed up. Oh wait, I already AM all mixed up, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

And for a world that can't wait to see the USA go out in the first round of WWIII, I ask you all, where would Haitian relief be if it wasn't for good old Uncle Sam? Love him or hate him, I wouldn't give a plugged nickel for a world that didn't have us in it, as we can plainly see what chaos most of the rest of the world is in WITH us on the scene. But the attempts to fundamentally transform us march on. I hope they like what they get when that transformation is complete, and I hope I'm out of here by then.

But one thing we DON'T want fundamentally transformed is Our Man In Da Burgh. Keep the smoke and recipes coming, Vince, you've already gotten me hungry, and I haven't even had my first pot of coffee yet. Have a good one, everybody, I'll probably be back later with a short report on the NFL's Final Four later.
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