Sunday Dec.11,'05, Here we are back to the Sunday morning no cigar post !, Glad you were able to fill in the missing info Bloofy, I would hate to tell Doc.Barry to use the dull needle on you ! hahahah
we got an other inch last night , Barb went out early this morning to clean the walks & get the Sunday Paper from the end of the drive way, what ever happened to getting the paper tossed in the storm door, dammmm lazy kids ! they dont even collect any more, you mail it in to the paper , not the paper boy, lazy kids bahhh humbug ! No service , NO TIP. I even told the kid, put the paper in my door I will pay 5 bucks a week extra , he said he would for 10 , I told him this isnt open to negotiation, I will pay 5 , he will think about it, but so far it is still in the tube at the end of the drive way, if he gets an extra 20 a month from half of the people on his route ( he told me he has 88 papers during the week & 102 on Sunday , so if just 40 gave him the extra 20 a month that would be 800 a month , that is a great raise in anyones book. dammmm lazy kids , If I was in better shape I would take over the papaer route myself, , a great early morning walk, or bike ride , but I would need to go out & get a bike hahahaha , I havent had one since I went riding with my daughter when she was 12, her Birthday was last week & she was 33, dammmmm I am getting OLD hahaha .
I made French toast for the boss this morning , boy do I miss getting in the kitchen & making a big mess ! , I havent cooked a Sunday supper for so long, I cant remember what I made last time, I think it was a pork roast with cabbage , but I dont know for sure , just going to open up a can of campbells select soup today & make a boca burger , I just dont have anything defrosted, & dont feel like getting off my butt today, hey & I talk about the lazy paper boy hahahahahaha , I do miss it but just not up to cooking today ! an other sign of old age creeping up on me hahahaha
The cow pasture next to me has been covered with snow & I havent seen any action out there all week, now that Ole Angus McStudd is gone no more little ones romping in the field, there are a few wild turkeys ( the birds not the whiskey) bouncing about hitting the raspberry bushes along the fence line . & the bird feeder out side my bedroom window has been getting a lot of action, Blue jays , wrens ,chicadees , cardinals ,doves, crows & a few geese , what they are looking for I have no idea, but they were here, I have seen a few red tailed hawks watching from the tree tops across the road , , Nature at its best just 25 minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh, What a country !!
a former Co worker had a gastric by pass like I had, this past monday, , he was 57, 380 pounds, 5'7" tall, bad heart, hi BP, hi, lipids , low self esteam, never woke up , went into a coma , passed away thursday, I got an email from him sent about 4 am Monday morning saying it would be his last email , he was worried about the operation, I didnt get up till 9 am , & when I did open the mail I answered him , telling him it was a peice of cake, nothing to worry about, , dammmm , he never got to see that one !. RIP Tom Vano.
I did go back to the hospital my self, Tuesday morning, my BP dropped like a stone , I was in till Thursday afternoon, still feeling a little shakey but in good spirits other that that , sipping a cup of herb tea this morning, its OK, but I want my Sunday Kona & Don Carlos III Dammmmmmm it !!
the wind has shifted a good bit, most of our weather hits from the SW , but now the wind is hard from the NW , I sit about one mile south from BIG KNOB, the highest point in the county,when the wind hits the knob it is defused & spreads out & blows the snow off the top of the hill, thats what we are getting now, horiziontal snow ~ looks like it will get a good drift in the front yard & the back yard will be down to the grass if the wind keeps up like it is , it happens ever time we get this wind direction, I have lived here 30 years & it never fails to amaze me .
Thats about all I have right now, maybe I might remember some thing else to tell you all about before the day is over , now I can sit back & wait to read the reast of your Sunday morning posts ! Enjoy, Vince