Sunday Morning Smoke

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I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone. I have never seen a picture of Vince, nor would I know him from Adam, but from reading his post, I picture him as a big man (although smaller than he use to be) with these big "meaty" fingers trying to knit with a cigar. My wife knits (although never anything for me) so I have some idea what is involved.

Brenda, please accept my apology if I offended you.
Montana, of course, I don't take offense. :wink: I say things in jest just as much as you all do. And, I would like to think, I have an okay sense of humor. I certainly don't want you or anyone else to censor what is said. This forum is to exchange ideas and share experiences. We are all here because we love cigars. We are also here to talk to a diverse group of folks, from all over, to share what we love about cigars (and, maybe learn a thing or two from each other in return.)

p.s. My fingers are short and chubby and I can knit just fine.
Vince has hands the size of baseball gloves. I guess he'll need a wide stitch! :cryinlaugh: :flush:
Actually Montan has a point.

My mon was seriosly injured in a car accident - the guy hit her with his volkswagon doing about 40 miles an hour. He didn't stop untill she flew through the air and landed on the sidewalk - anyway, she crocheid (spelling) a rug for me with the Polish Double headed eagle. Great therapy for her, an heirloom for me!

Everybody wins!
I have tryed to post a photo of my self but havent figured out how to make it work yet, I am not computer literate ! so I sent a photo of myself in my chefs hat & coat with a cigar to Bloof, now it is up to him to post it hahahaha, I was a Large man 6'2" & up to 417 at my biggest, over my life I have lost over 100 pounds 10 times, I just keep putting it back on, now I am some place in the 220's/30's , & after this last stay innthe hospital, ( yes I was back in for 4 day this week ) , , I havent been able to get a good weight yet, need to be naked & after a fine cleansing BM , havent had one like I want for a few days so I havent got on the scale !!
I have tryed to knit , I dont have the fine motor control in the fingers to do it any more , between the arthritus & the nuroapthy in the hands I am lucky to be able to be able to take a leak with out getting the walls & floor wet hahahahaha ! I havent done any caligraphy in a few years & I did it all the time , made a lot of $$$$ doing it , but I gave it up when the hands went bad, & now the eyes are getting weaker & I just dont know how much longer I will be able to read the news paper with out a magnafing glass , dammmm its hell getting old, but I guess it beats the alternitive ! hahaha , hey if it gets any worse i can have the grandsons read the paper to me, it will help all of us , we will get to spend more time together & they will learn what is going on in the local area
Oh my hands are small for anyone my size, I whare a s/m glove, , I wish I did have hands like base ball gloves it would come in handy when I was baiting a hook at the masters level, think about it~~~~~ hahahahahaha
so when are we going to hear some of the tales about hauling some nut off to the quiet room?
well I guess thats about it today, we got about 6 inches of snow last night, I sat in the house while my wife cleaned the walkways & drive way , LIFE IS GOOD here in the Burgh !
Enjoy, Vince
Arrived home from a hectic, but "successful" week back and forth to the city, if one can refer to combined paychecks being at a halfway decent level for one week out of your life as being successful. :cryinlaugh:

What I arrived home to was what the taxi company boss referred to as around ten inches of snow, and it certainly looks like that here, perhaps a foot up here in the higher ground of Lower Dutchess County. And what I have to say about a measly foot of snow is bah, humbug!!! This is a real pain in the grass here, and you guys know I mean that literally. :cryinlaugh: :duh:

A foot of snow in Dutchess County, New York is the biggest ho, hum you can imagine.

BORRRRRRRRRRINNNNGGGGG!!!! It's like, why'd it bother? Shoveling out my driveway from a foot of snow isn't even a warmup, let alone a workout. So, here I am, and all I wanted to do was come home, flop down, have my pumpkin cheesecake and watch TV. Now, having finished the cheesecake, I have to have some soup, some bourbon, maybe a cigar, and later on around midnight, bundle the heck up, go outside and shovel a lousy foot of snow.

I mean, unless it's an event or something, like two feet of snow, I don't like flies buzzing around my ear and messing with my day. Especially when I wanted to come home and just chill. It's not the exercise, because a foot, if it is a foot, just isn't a workout. It's the getting up, getting dressed again, going outside in the cold. I want to be home, where it's warm, relaxing from a busy and stressful week at work.

So now, I've had the pumpkin cheesecake and soup, on to the bourbon. See youse guyz later, or tomorrow. At least, while I'm out shoveling, I'll finish up by getting my mail out of the box. Might as well do SOMETHING worthwhile for having to be out there.
What kind of Soup????? hummmm dont want to share the info hummmm what are we going to do with you ?? didnt tell us what whiskey , just burboun, not Markers Mark or Wild Turkey , playing it close to the vest ?? but you did say PUMPKIN CHEESECAKE, now i can sink my teeth into that ! hahahaha , Enjoy, Vince
Yea Vince, maybe he doesn't like us anymore. There was very little information for someone stuck in the house due to 12 in of snow. You would think he would have lots of time to put out a typical Bloofy post. We Have Been Shunned. The tears are running down my cheeks as I type.
BIG TOM< unless he fills in the missing info lets just kick his Butt the next time we see him, or better yet, when he stops to see Doc Barry, tell the good Doc to give him his flu shot with an old dull needle hahahahaha ! , Enjoy, Vince
Speaking of Flu shots, the navy is using a very fine spray up your nose. What will they think of next.
:cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :rotflmao: :cryinlaugh:

It was Progresso soup, although I forget the flavor,and I think the bourbon was William Larue Weller.
Nah, the shoveling got done in an hour, then I came back in for some more Haagen Dazs Vanilla Chocolate Chip, and some Sazerac Rye. I never did get to that cigar, though. Hmmmmmmm, I'll have to find time for one soon.
Sunday Dec.11,'05, Here we are back to the Sunday morning no cigar post !, Glad you were able to fill in the missing info Bloofy, I would hate to tell Doc.Barry to use the dull needle on you ! hahahah
we got an other inch last night , Barb went out early this morning to clean the walks & get the Sunday Paper from the end of the drive way, what ever happened to getting the paper tossed in the storm door, dammmm lazy kids ! they dont even collect any more, you mail it in to the paper , not the paper boy, lazy kids bahhh humbug ! No service , NO TIP. I even told the kid, put the paper in my door I will pay 5 bucks a week extra , he said he would for 10 , I told him this isnt open to negotiation, I will pay 5 , he will think about it, but so far it is still in the tube at the end of the drive way, if he gets an extra 20 a month from half of the people on his route ( he told me he has 88 papers during the week & 102 on Sunday , so if just 40 gave him the extra 20 a month that would be 800 a month , that is a great raise in anyones book. dammmm lazy kids , If I was in better shape I would take over the papaer route myself, , a great early morning walk, or bike ride , but I would need to go out & get a bike hahahaha , I havent had one since I went riding with my daughter when she was 12, her Birthday was last week & she was 33, dammmmm I am getting OLD hahaha .
I made French toast for the boss this morning , boy do I miss getting in the kitchen & making a big mess ! , I havent cooked a Sunday supper for so long, I cant remember what I made last time, I think it was a pork roast with cabbage , but I dont know for sure , just going to open up a can of campbells select soup today & make a boca burger , I just dont have anything defrosted, & dont feel like getting off my butt today, hey & I talk about the lazy paper boy hahahahahaha , I do miss it but just not up to cooking today ! an other sign of old age creeping up on me hahahaha

The cow pasture next to me has been covered with snow & I havent seen any action out there all week, now that Ole Angus McStudd is gone no more little ones romping in the field, there are a few wild turkeys ( the birds not the whiskey) bouncing about hitting the raspberry bushes along the fence line . & the bird feeder out side my bedroom window has been getting a lot of action, Blue jays , wrens ,chicadees , cardinals ,doves, crows & a few geese , what they are looking for I have no idea, but they were here, I have seen a few red tailed hawks watching from the tree tops across the road , , Nature at its best just 25 minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh, What a country !!
a former Co worker had a gastric by pass like I had, this past monday, , he was 57, 380 pounds, 5'7" tall, bad heart, hi BP, hi, lipids , low self esteam, never woke up , went into a coma , passed away thursday, I got an email from him sent about 4 am Monday morning saying it would be his last email , he was worried about the operation, I didnt get up till 9 am , & when I did open the mail I answered him , telling him it was a peice of cake, nothing to worry about, , dammmm , he never got to see that one !. RIP Tom Vano.
I did go back to the hospital my self, Tuesday morning, my BP dropped like a stone , I was in till Thursday afternoon, still feeling a little shakey but in good spirits other that that , sipping a cup of herb tea this morning, its OK, but I want my Sunday Kona & Don Carlos III Dammmmmmm it !!
the wind has shifted a good bit, most of our weather hits from the SW , but now the wind is hard from the NW , I sit about one mile south from BIG KNOB, the highest point in the county,when the wind hits the knob it is defused & spreads out & blows the snow off the top of the hill, thats what we are getting now, horiziontal snow ~ looks like it will get a good drift in the front yard & the back yard will be down to the grass if the wind keeps up like it is , it happens ever time we get this wind direction, I have lived here 30 years & it never fails to amaze me .
Thats about all I have right now, maybe I might remember some thing else to tell you all about before the day is over , now I can sit back & wait to read the reast of your Sunday morning posts ! Enjoy, Vince
Now I know why it's called Knobvue Drive. And now I know why Vince didn't make fun of me eating store bought soup. He's eating it, too! :sm_angel:

Terribly sorry about your friend. Along with your own never ending visits to the hospital, you are going through some rough stuff in life. My prayers are with you. Those good old friends, what a shame when they're gone, fewer and fewer people to hang with as we get old.

My best friend has a daughter who just turned 33 on the 9th and lives in Pennsylvania. Interesting.

Hang in there, Vince. The cigars will come soon enough. First, you need to stop going back to the hospital, especially with BP falling like a stone episodes. Not good. We will pray for you, and just make sure you keep doing your walking, and eating good, nutritious food. As for that paper boy, of course, American kids are spoiled, coddled, insolent, lazy brats. Not all, but a huge number. Is it any wonder people are swarming the borders to get in?

You tell some Mexican or Ecuadoran kid that you'll give him an extra fin a week, and he'll be cutting your cigars and pouring your scotch for you in no time flat. Then he'll be back out the door racking up those extra fins from all those other customers you mentioned, and learning how to say please and thank you in English with a huge smile on his face, instead of giving you the snide hustler routine like the white American kids.
Well, I guess its my turn.

Vince, I am sorry about your friend. What can we say, except that his memory will still be in your heart, and maybe that will give you some comfort. I too suffered a loss this week. A group of men that I know play different instruments, and we formed a gospel band about 7 years ago. People being what they are, we finally decided to stop playing early this year, but in that time we managed to make a lot of friends in different places in and around my city.

One of those friends passed away on Friday, and I found out about it today. He was a real fan, would come just about any where we played, and really enjoyed hearing our music. He was also an older gentlemen, and his health deteriorated quite quickly this last couple of months. The good part is that I am on holidays this week and will get to go and say goodbye to him at his funeral. I do not know if any of us are going to play or not, but I would sure like to do that if I can.

The weather has really straightened up here, and the snow is almost all gone. I got to get out to my smoking shed and burn up a CAO Brazilia Pirhanna. I managed to make it last two days by just smoking part of it, and leaving it out there and coming back to it the next day. Wonderfull smoke, lots of flavour (burnt coffee and oak), good grey ash, and all in all a recoommended smoke for a short period of time.

That is all from my end, have a great weekend what is left of it, and my your team win!!
Coffee this weekend was Panama’s Don Pachi Estate from the Boquete growing district in western Panama. The beans are Arabica produced from Geisha trees (originally from Ethiopia, producing a blend like the wet-processed coffees of Ethiopia. IMO, the brew has exceptional aroma: floral notes, vanilla, and a little lemon. Out of the cup it has a sweet acidy flavor that finishes with a rich, chocolate flavor. A ‘start your engine’ kind of coffee.

The cigar: Cohiba Robusto (Vitola is Robusto). There are a lot of folks that believe this is the best Robusto on the market. For construction, consistency and taste a great argument can be made, for just that. These sticks are expertly constructed, burn smoothly, the smoke is great and the taste is that twangy, spiced Cohiba flavor which starts at the first draw (spice, cinnamon); second half comes alive with cedar, cocoa and honey. IMO, every cigar in the box is crafted like jewelry – they are that perfectly constructed. The flavors and aromas are complex (evolving in the box) and during each smoke. Every time I torch one, I find something new and different to taste: cinnamon here, chestnut honey or espresso there. A great cigar to greet an altogether lazy morning with. As Garfield the Cat (a personal hero) observed: “Would you be willing to lead a parade in celebration of the lazy life? If the answer is yes, you’re all wrong for lazy week.”

My t-shirt quotation: “You're never too old to learn something stupid."

Today in the Islands was anything but lazy, as Le Madame had everyone in the family running around, finishing off the Xmas lights for the great Xmas lights competition (or how I wound up paying the highest utilities bill in the Caribbean for 2005!). There was a Célébrez Noël on the roof, twinkle lights over all windows facing out onto the Caribbean, a large 3D rendering of the European Father Christmas on the Front Door, lit up by 2 spotlights; and finally a classic sleigh (1/2 of full size) with ceramic reindeer in the front, to the right of the driveway.

The entry to the driveway was guarded by two auto-inflatable snowmen on either side of the gate, and behind them two wooden soldiers (both looking like refugees from the original movie set Toyland) peered out at a host of illuminated munchkins, grumpkins, snarks and elvish characters that were supposed to be part of a “village” scene (IMO gone awry – in the words of Dave Barry: “Owning a cape does not enable the user to fly"). I point this out to my wife. She makes that snorting sound and accuses me of being Scrooge.

At last we are done and everything is lit up, chirping, and singing. The harbor Xmas inspection team is on the way. Some of my neighbors have dropped by to take a look at the greatest assemblage of unemployed holiday and fantasy characters since the Wizard of Oz went out of production. The neighbor that lives just down from us stopped by with his cockatoo (Sammie) who cannot speak words but has an absolutely chilling laugh (probably from watching too many Hitchcock Thrillers).

As the bard would say, it was at this moment, FuManChu, my golden retriever came flying out from the side of the house and headed straight towards the neighbor with the cockatoo perched on his shoulder. Before any of us could say or do anything, the cockatoo (apparently thinking Fu was after him) flew off into the Xmas maze that was now our front yard. Fu saw this and at once was in hot pursuit. I yelled for Fu. Le Madame shrieked and the errant cockatoo landed on top of Santa’s head (in the sleigh), followed by Fu.

Hesitating only a moment, Sammie flapped his wings and flew to the top of Rudolph’s head (where he stayed). The “St. Thomas Xmas Beautification” team were climbing out of their cars as this was going on. After Fu landed in the sleigh he tried to get out. It was obvious to everyone that he was stuck. And there he was, a golden retriever (again, wearing his alternately glowing red and green, plastic reindeer horns that my daughters dressed him in) stuck, sitting next to Santa Claus. The inspection team’s first stop (of course) was the area where Fu was. They took everything in. Fu looked at Le Madame. My wife glared at Fu. That’s when everyone took note of the cockatoo: He laughed; and Fu howled. The inspectors (and everyone else in the yard) laughed. Le Madame won 1st place in the competition this year. I have no idea whether the use of “live animals and birds” had any effect or not.

My wife likes to point out that women are much more creative than men (i.e., the prize winning Xmas jungle). As rebuttal to that I cite Emo Philips who observed: "Of course, men are superior to women. For one thing, men can urinate from a speeding car."


(Vince and Bloofington -- I appreciate your kind words regarding my scirbbling. But anyone reading back through 40 pages of thread knows who the real stars are. e.g., the two of you! I am glad that I can add a little something to the tapestry you two began.)
"For one thing, men can urinate from a speeding car."

:cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh: :cryinlaugh:

By the way, ever notice how Cian's wife always has multitudes of people running around doing things?
Well I can sleep in peace tonight, I got GREAT NEWS this afternoon, My Buddy Mike is comming home from the hospital after 5 long months , he will be home on the 21st if the remodle to his home is finished, ramps, doors & a refit on the bathroom, the kitchen will wait till spring, he will be in a wheel chair, but he will be home, his wife is taking a few weeks off work to get him settled, I havent been able to visit him since before the 17th of last month, thats when I went in for a Quick tune up, hahaha, still flat on my back. well good news should be celebrated, I hope you all light one up for MIKE !

I have never urinated in a moving car, however I have done it in a bus & an airplane hahahaha ! Both standing & sitting when it was needed hahaha !

Bloofy, when we go to visit Cian, we better make sure we stay on his wifes good side, she might put us on KP if we dont ! , or in the yard with a scoop fallowing Fu , NOW I remember why I dont have a dog anymore ! hahahaah ,

Cian , how do you keep your snow men from melting ? hahahaha

We got a good snow fall today, the guy on TV said it was 1 inch, well my wife cleared the drive & walkways & she said it was closer to 4, she was out almost 3 hours

well thats about it , I think its time for me to go to bed, just hit 11 PM here, by the time I empty the drains on my gut, get the resporator ready for the night it should be time for me to go to sleep , yes I have been on a resporator ( a C-Pap) machine, it keeps me breathing at night when I sleep, I have sleep apena, I relax so much I forget to take a breath , it has nothing to do with the lungs or heart, it is a neurological block , I just shut down everything, , BUT I havent messed the bed since I was a kid , I am able to hold that I just forget to take a breath, no big deal, my wife is getting used to it now hahahaha, after 35 years it has been harder on her than it was on me, , , , , one day I fell asleep at work, & I was thinking to my self, who the hell is snoring in here??? , I opened my eyes & everyone was looking at ME hahaha, I woke my self up, dammm it was Loud ! well all that said it is time to Go, thank you all for the kind words & the encouragement Lord knows I need all the help I can get !

Enjoy, Vince
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