What Did You Smoke Today

I had a 5 Vegas Shorty today at work. Just the perfect smoke when you don't have that much time to devote. CAO Cameroon tonight after dinner.
Here in northern IL, winter can put a truck driver on the couch (or in his computer chair), so when I got the call last night of some work today, I really let me have it with a barrage of primo smokes...and boy did I...

Gurkha Legend Churchill
Don Pepin Garcia Blue Label
Pryme by Alec Bradley
Graycliff Professional
5 Vegas Miami

sorry kuzi...no RP today... :p
Still a tad warm here, but I'm gonna be brave and have the outside fire anyway. Jim Beam White just may be the libation of the day. As for the cigar, I may go with a Monte A, seeing as it's so nice out, I'm not going to rush things.
The weather here is making it harder and harder to get out and have a smoke, but tonight I managed to heat up the garage long enough to enjoy a Rocky Patel Fusion.
Earlier, a Fuente Canones, and later by the fire, a JR Ultimate belicoso.

Oh, and dejoro, you gotta move. I used to live in MA. Cold weather is miserable. Much better in the desert.
Started off the day with a Sancho Panza Belicoso, then, I got a couple visitors while I was getting the fire pit ready, as you can see. That's the firebox on the right.

Then, onto a Perdomo Belicoso, and now, onto a Monte Edmundo.

Brenda said:
The Colonel said:
I got a couple visitors while I was getting the fire pit ready, as you can see.

SHOOT 'EM! :soldier:

I take it you're a vegetarian because you're a lousy shot? I gotta do it for you?

OK, I'll save you a neck roast.

Tonight, I'm hoping to not have too many critters visit while I have my cigar. The deer are on the move, so the mountain lions are as well. Anybody got a recipe for mountain lion? If I see him again, and near the dogs, he's food. The sun is starting to set, and it's about 61°, great evening for a fire and a cigar.

I'm starting with Avo Domaine 30, then on to an Ashton VSG Corona Gorda. I think Jack Daniel's will come into play somewhere as well.
Yesterday i had a 5 vegas limited 2006.
Today i think i will have either the Gurkha centurion, shaggy foot, or Titan.
Well, I'm off to Tucson for the day. I'm going to try and track down Brenda.

I'm taking along a Monte Edmundo, a Sanco Panza Belicoso, a couple VSG, and whatever I pick up at the shop in Tucson.
I had a busy day today. So far, I've had an Ashton VSG Corona Gorda, a Don Carlos Belicoso, now an Opus X #5.
I had a camacho 1962 this morning and a rp vintage 1999 connneticut while listening to the cowboys game. The rp was kind of disapointing.
I had a Cusano Corojo '97 and Cusano 18 Maduro, thanks Nick, they were delicious.
Smoked a big fat bowl of Frog Morton out of one of my Nording Freehands this morning. Wonderful tobacco. Didnt get a chance to sit down and have a nice cigar though.
Had a Monte Platinum yesterday. Right now a bowl of tobacco from the local cigar/pipe store (Stag Tobacco) called, fittingly enough, Black Stag. Been eyeing either a Gurkha G3 or an Oliva V Torpedo for this afternoon.

My daughters are coming over for dinner tonite, it will be our Christmas dinner since I work tomorrow and they will be w/their mother's family Christmas Day. Prime rib complete w/au jus and horseradish, twice baked potatoes, corn on the cob, crescent rolls, and who knows what else I'll throw in the mix. Afterwards it will be another pipe, a nice aromatic that has sweet molasses in it and is black as pitch, the local store's Private Reserve blend.